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CDH Gatherings

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Reputable Member     Riverside, California, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I really enjoy this site and talking with all you girls.  I have been out a number of times but that has gotten not as exciting as it once was.  I was wondering if there was an interest in members here getting together.  I am just a member of CDH so this is not a poll from CDH.

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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

I belong to a couple local CD groups on I have had the opportunity to get together with them a few times, and always had great fun! We generally go out for dinner and drinks at a trans friendly bar/restaurant in Arlington Virginia. They also hold larger events throughout the year at various locations. Sometimes it’s a “soirée” type of event, sometimes it’s just a public outing. It’s always fun and feels safer to be part of a group when going out. I can’t always attend, but I still get updates and invitations about upcoming events.

I recommend checking on for similar groups in your area. You may be pleasantly surprised to find opportunities to go out in safe, friendly, environments.

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Active Member     New London, Connecticut, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Thanks for making this poll! As a novice crossdresser, one of my goals is to go out to events dressed up, and I don’t think I’d be willing to do that without other women like myself around me at first. Having meetups and getting to personally know people in the community would be awesome!

Posts: 327
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Reputable Member     Riverside, California, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Emily, I’ve actually started 2 meetup groups in Southern California and I haven’t really been able to get the girls together.  I particularly enjoy the conversations here so I thought I would see if there was an interest.  Hugs. Jennifer

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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I enjoy the outdoors during the summer, so a country retreat would be my idea.

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I think that a lot of us girls on CDH would absolutely love to meet and chat in person all using a beautiful dress and our favorite heels with our legs crossed chatting away and of course shopping I definitely would attend if cdh threw a great and meet kisses 💋 jasminejeffries

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You echoed  my feelings, spot-on.

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Joined: 9 years ago

Something Australia-based would be awesome. Sydney-based would be even better 😀

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Prominent Member     Louisiana, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I had hoped someone would take up this topic one day, and I’m grateful you made this poll.

It wasn’t long after I joined CDH that I began to think that it might be nice to meet in person with the CDH members I had gotten to know (and even those I don’t know).

But, as a crossdresser, I am a closeted, solitary loner, whose crossdressing skills have not improved to any extent over the past few years. I’m afraid I may be an embarrassment to the others who come to any such meetup, especially you younger gurls.

Given my present status, I think a day-long event would be what I would be most willing to do. It would have to be within a hundred-mile driving distance of my home.

I envision a “Keystone Conference” type of event, in that it would really be great if we could stage the meet at a CD-friendly hotel in the designated city. Since I would never travel en femme, I would need to drive up at night, check in, then up early the next morning to dress and do makeup. After that, meet, and spend the rest of the day with my CDH gurlfriends, then de-femme and drive back that night.

Given these time and distance constraints, and my abhorrence of flying, I probably will never get to meet those CDH friends who live in the UK and AU, whom I long to meet.

Oh, well, it’s all just a pipe dream, really. But at least I can still dream.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member     Franklin, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I would love to meet other cd’s in the Milwaukee area.

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Jennifer!! what a fantastic poll!! I think, everyones ideas of meeting up depends a lot on their situation and to some extent courage!! it certainly applies to me anyway. I long to meet up but it would have to be the correct environment. A country retreat sounds great, busy areas for me are a definate no no. Maybe all this could change as i steadily build up confidence, but for now, i would like to keep it simple. 🙂

Fiona xxx

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Hi Rachel , somewhere east coast of Australia would be great , Tiff

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Reputable Member     Minnesota, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

I would love a get together. I think it would be super, but I'd want to bring my SO/Wife because she is so supportive and loving.

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You aren't alone; I'm old in years but essentially new to CD - and in dire need of some expert makeup tutoring.

Still, if I had the chance to meet others, I would give it my best try.



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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Getting together with other CD's is a great and wonderful experience.

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