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Crossdressing frequency Poll is created on Jan 25, 2024


[Closed] Crossdressing frequency

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Prominent Member     Belvidere, Illinois, United States of America
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I like to dress fully including makeup about once a week.  The rest of the time I’m content in guy mode. Maybe I’m just lazy.  I know some of you are more serious and some are full time.  Where are you along this spectrum?

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Trusted Member     North Carolina, United States of America
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@kerrismith I voted once a week. I do underdress most every day but truly “fully” dress on the weekend when I have the time to fully go all out. Taking the time for lotion, do my nails, makeup and the rest.

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@kerrismith Well if we are talking fully dressed with wig makeup nails I went with 2 or more a week.  But like you Kerri I underdress with panties , bralette and pantyhose ( in the cooler months) daily.  Basically with staying in our agreement I dress every chance I can and would dress daily if possible.

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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@kerrismith A great question - and one that my answer thereto alters remarkably frequently.  First admission; I keep trying, but I'm awful at makeup, so that gets done on fewer occasions.  Dressing fully (without makeup) seems to be a much more frequent happening nowadays than it ever was, however.  On my CDH profile I put down that I truly become Holly maybe once a week - that is probably now well out of date... unless you are including being properly (or, in my case, horrendously) made up.  All in all,  I can probably only say that (not being interested in being trans) I'm likely to stick at "one, two or three times a week".  Mind - for the other ladies out there - why not go for it?  LOVE YOU!!!  Holly XXX

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Estimable Member     Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States of America
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@kerrismith I am dressed 24/7.  at my age less makeup is better, so I do very little, I am the little old lady when at the stores or like today at the bank.  my profile picture was taken by my grandson just the other day.  He did far better then any I have taken of myself.

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
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@kerrismith I dress 'full monty' once a week or so.  Occasionally I dress more often but once p/w is the norm. Plus always under dress. I could dress more if I wanted to but for the sake of the wife I try not to overdo it.  She accepts but doesn't support. So when I dress I get the cold shoulder for awhile.

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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
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I dress daily. I've been out fully dressed going to my former therapist. Being outside and fully dressed was beyond incredible. The feelings of being a woman and empowerment were, well...

I feel so complete and fulfilled when I'm dressed.

Where is all this going? 

I'm open to possibilities.

Love to all,


(@Anonymous 94214)
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@kerrismith I voted once a week but reality its on average once a month.  For me its "all or nothing". If I cant fully transform to the best of my ability, then dont bother.  Dont get me wrong I love the fem moments but it has to be all encompasing.  Its what I've always wanted so no diluted version will do.

As I said "All or Nothing".

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Estimable Member     El Segundo, California, United States of America
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@kerrismith I voted once a week because I typically only get one day a week to fully dress.  I do underdress every day, but it has become a normal part of my daily routine.

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@kerrismith I'm up to 4-5 times a week but I do wish I was full time and doing it every day.  I'm more trans than a crossdresser now and working my femineity into my daily routine more and more.   I love it when I'm lying in bed in the morning before I get up putting my outfit for the day together in my head.

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Noble Member     Minnesota, United States of America
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@kerrismith Good question. To answer your question, I wear women's clothing daily to relax, but at this time of year, I usually fully transform once a week. When it's warmer during the summer, I usually transform more than once a week. 😊 


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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@kerrismith I dress pretty much everyday. It's usually pantyhose, heels, short dress, bra with breast forms and wig. Makeup would be nice to do also, but it takes time, has to be taken off and for the dressing experience at home, I don't require it.

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Estimable Member     Greenville, South Carolina, United States of America
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@pattyphose I agree.  It seems I kind of adopted the methods of my past wife.  Can't help it after 50 years I guess.  I only wear women's clothes any more, but it doesn't always have to be full frilly feminine.  if I'm just going to be at home, do the chores, tend the chickens, whatever, women's jeans and blouse, a little powder, but no full make up.  Now, like her also, there's no leaving the house to go anywhere without the full deal.  \



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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@jenniferr If I don't do makeup, I can get dressed pretty fast, as fast as I can dress to get into guy mode. Since it's so easy and fast, I see no reason why I shouldn't.

For me, it's always pantyhose, heels, short dress, bra with breastforms and wig. I always felt if I could have sexy legs, nice breasts and pretty hair, the rest would take care of it self. Dressing like that makes me feel so femme and sexy. I love it.

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Eminent Member     Maryland, United States of America
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@kerrismith I voted twice a week...  but probably 5 or 6.  I work at home and my wife has to go to work.  I mainly just dress in lingerie...  garter belt, panties, nylons, and a bra and/or robe/slip.  For me dressing is more enjoying girly clothes and undergarments, I like being masculine otherwise.  Heart

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Estimable Member     Edinburgh, East Lothian, United Kingdom
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@kerrismith I dress once a week at least once per week. I go to a support meeting where I dress once per month. I wear panties daily and either a cami or nightdress every night.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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I chose the middle option.

I underdress every day, but I only counted what I do outside of our home.

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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I voted once a week as that was the most infrequent option but I think there should be more options. I dress about once a year when my wife and daughters go abroad. Next opportunity is 10 days in May. It's not ideal but what a thrill it'll be. New outfits each time (I mean what self-respecting girl would wear an outfit more than once?). Unfortunately they'll be purged before the family return home. Just the way I've decided to allow myself to express my feminine side xx. 

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Duchess Annual
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Estimable Member     Connecticut, United States of America
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Estimable Member     Connecticut, United States of America
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With you 100 percent (although I only premise purge - everything stored offsite).  3 - 4 times per year Chrissy gets to really play - and like you, Chrissie - I can live with that way of expressing the femme side in me. (Shopping in between sessions is a nice side indulgence though…). 

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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I didn't vote because the options were too limited.  I fully dress only occasionally, monthly, or less. I dress to varying degrees daily. I wear only panties daily, bras often and anything else when I feel like it. Sometimes that is several days in a week.

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Prominent Member     Belvidere, Illinois, United States of America
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Chrissie, you are so beautiful it’s a shame you only get to dress once a year.  You deserve more.


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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Kerri, you're very sweet. I just can't deal with a quick rushed dressing session when the missus pops out for lunch or whatever. Too much stress, and I'll guarantee she would find my stash at some point. I've reconciled myself to the approach I've chosen xx.

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Honorable Member     Livermore, California, United States of America
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I chose 2 or more times a week but that's a little skewed depending on your strict definition. 

I don't do a "full face" of makeup that often. I frequently wear a t-shirt and a skirt with no makeup. Or I'll be out in jeans, cowboy boots, and I've got my nails done with eye shadow and lipstick. 

I have made it more about just wearing what I want in whatever combination that I choose every day...

So, I'm a mixed bag....

Just have fun out there!

XOXO Rayna

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Reputable Member     New York, United States of America
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Honestly, right now it is maybe once a month.



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Reputable Member     Saginaw, Michigan, United States of America
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I'm daily. I dress 24 hours a day now.

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Reputable Member     WNY, New York, United States of America
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Not enough!😁😍

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Famed Member     San Bernardino, California, United States of America
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I’ve found that if I dress up too frequently, I get tired of it. And I’ve determined that a big dress-up session about once a week is the right pace for me. It satisfies my desire to crossdress without overindulging in it.

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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You've made me think, Kerri.

It happened to me like a few days ago when I updated my profile and I didn't know what to answer, so I ended up posting it once a week. It seemed reasonable to me because my frequency is not very predictable. It depends on the opportunity and the desire. Sometimes I get dressed once a month. Others, none. On other occasions I dress for an entire weekend, or three to four times a week and from time to time I have a streak of several days, which can be short or long. Like right now I'm on a multi-day streak while shopping online and if I had to count the days that I have put on full makeup, there have been none. Because I only dress womanly at home. In stealth. And this meets my needs for now. A few times I have dressed even twice or three times a day.
Sometimes I put on women's perfume. Sometimes, some shorts and a blouse to spend the afternoon. Or I settle for dreaming that I am a woman and interact virtually with other people online.
I think I could choose any of the three answers. Or none of them.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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I wear womens clothes every day and I'm not crossdressing. 

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(@Anonymous 94214)
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@emilyalt This is my favorite response❤️

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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@chanel It took a few decades to realize I was crossdressing nearly every the wrong clothes!

Duchess Annual
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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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@emilyalt Absolutely. I think the same, although I am not constant.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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@firefly I'm trans so things are different now.  Way better.  5+ years ago I was in a DADT, gender fluid, dressing 1-2 times a month, and wondering why I always felt better when I did.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Kerri -

Thank you for this survey. It is interesting reading some of the responses.

I answered daily but as I was reading the responses I wondered if that was true. I am up earlier than my wife so I have a couple hours to dress in some manner and spend time here. Some days it is just panties under my drab, others bra, panties, dress or skirt/blouse combination or leggings and a top/blouse and yet others a nightie of some sort. As for make up I don't do it very often as the time isn't always there to do that, with the exception of lipstick. That I wear daily, but usually something subtle and remove it before going out of the house.  I only dress in the house per an agreement with my wife but there are some days I have gone put underdressed in panties. I don't always wear a wig for the same reason as make up. When I dress in the morning I have to be able to change into drab to take the dog for a walk. 

I feel feminine almost all the time as I feel it is a mind set more so than what we wear. I do wish I had more opportunity to dress and to do so more fully, but alas that isn't going to happen. I got my ears pierced a few months ago and wear earrings all the time, it's funny I have more earrings than my wife. I wear studs most of the time when I'm out of the house but have worn danglers a few times with the wife's knowledge. 

I guess the bottom line is do what makes you feel good and lets you express your femininity in a way you are comfortable with.


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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I dress every day.


This poll has uncovered how wide dressing is in frequency and definition with interesting answers. The list seems to be quite long.

I wonder how the respondents so far would reply if asked 'How often do you think about dressing'......

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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A great follow-up question for sure Angela! Umm... all the time? 😊 



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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Angela, as stated in my response I dress about once a year. However I think about dressing all day every day! xx

Duchess Annual
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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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@ab123 Since I wake up several times a day.

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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I am only able to dress when I travel for work which is about 6 - 8 times a year. But on those trips I do dress every day at some point. It always amazes me how different I feel when I get the opportunity.



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