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Do you amass clothes or not?

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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Hi everyone, todays poll is about you and your clothes habits. Now we all know that we need our Femme clothes! but do you hoard or do you manage the ever growing pile of clothes successfully? lets see!!

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My situation is in a state of flux; but the only items I have ever purged are those I bought and which turned out to be unusable. My femme wardrobe is all fairly new, and fairly small (but growing). The closet is getting crowded, but that's because I'm a packrat; I have loads of guy clothes which I haven't worn for ten years or longer (some new), so as I need space,
my guy wardrobe is going into boxes for storage in the attic, under the bed...anywhere. I expect to be replacing worn-out clothing before I actually ever run out of space, but we shall see.

The single problem is with shoes; they require lots of storage space, and the old-style hanging shoe caddies my wife and I both use are no longer being sold.

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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Hi Girls, i must admit, every so often i have a purge, not because i'm getting despondent but because of the ever increasing sheer volume of clothes. New styles, colours play a part too. They dont go to waste though, they go to a charity shop so at least someone is benefiting plus it helps the charity too. I dont purge much however, usually clothes i have had a long time or clothes i have bought where they were too big or small etc 🙂

Fiona-Ann xxx

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
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Well I wouldn't call it purging. I do remove items from time to time that we no longer wear for whatever reason, and I do seasonally re-organize the main wardrobe area for ease of use. Any items being retired go to local charity, alot of male items are thread bare, so tossed, few to be replaced.

There are certainly a few items from my beginnings that have sentimental value that I've kept.

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I admit I have amassed clothing.  I've had to send some to the charity shop recently : anything that either didn't fit well, or didn't suit me.  My problem is resisting buying something that looks nice.  I hated clothes shopping en homme but now I keep seeing things that whisper to me "I'm so pretty, take me home".   As I need clothing for everyday I do have a lot of fairly straightforward tops, skirts, jeans but there is something about some dresses that makes me happy.  I got a new rainbow coloured frock today that will be ideal for next Summer, but I'm giving it a trial run tonight because it put a smile on my face.

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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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I've only purged my collection of swimsuits 3 times....but never all of them. The first 2 times, I was in relationships during those times and was hoping they would be what breaks me out of the will to crossdress. Fortunately, I kept some because 1. I was unsure if I was actually going to stop and 2. I was unsure if those relationships were going to last forever. The 3rd time, it was because I had a few that I didn't really like and I knew for sure I was never going to wear them again.

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Noble Member     Long Island,, New York, United States of America
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Thank you for clarifying purging in your reply.
To me purging is negative and as you mentioned "getting despondent". I have gone through despondency and "guilt" and purged at the time, my small wardrobe With counseling, I have accepted my feminine alter ego and express outwardly as a woman
when the opportunity presents itself.... Now I buy a dress, skirt, or tops and donate to charity the item being replaced...Leonara

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During my 66 years of crossdressing I have gone through many pair of pantys and bras and worn out or outgrown A ton of clothes, but have never purged due to guilt feelings or to hide them from anyone.            When I no longer can use anything it goes to salvation army, but like several of us I keep some things that have A special place in my heart like the first bra my wife bought me back in 1963 or the blue baby doll my sister gave me in 1956 they no longer fit me but I can't part with them, I still have A poodle skirt and petticoat from the 50's. My dresser is packed and have A huge closet filled with lovely things, the few male things I have are in A stack on the closet shelf. I have A lot clothes that still fit but I don't wear often that are stored in rubbermaid containers. some things  like heavy sweaters and wool skirts are also put into containers until needed. Shoes and boots go on the shelves in the closet along with wigs gloves ect. My wife has her own closet for her things so there is no conflict between us as to storage space.



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I haven’t purged (intentionally) in some 20 years.

From time to time I may either sell on eBay or just give away clothes I may know I wont wear anymore or just that are out of style/not my size anymore.

Gaby 💜

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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
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I love bargains and love to shop.  Haven’t purged in several years.  Great question Michelle.  Occasionally, an item needs to go so off to the resale shop.

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Prominent Member     Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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Like most of you, my female clothes greatly outnumber my male clothes.  Being retired, I gave most of my male work clothes (slacks, shirts, ties, dress shoes) to charity.  That made more room to allow my en femme attire to grow even larger.  But that extra space was quickly used up.  So now I occasionally purge my femme clothes (for reasons of style, size, or quality) and they go to charity so possibly some other CD can use them.  My SO knows I am a CD so my clothes are not hidden.  I've even offered that she can use any of my clothes if she'd like but she's never taken me up on my offer (that I'm aware).  Along with my three closets where clothes are hanging, I have three very large chests of drawers mostly occupied by female wear and accessories. Luckily I have a very large bedroom but it would be nice to get rid of one chest of drawers - so more purging of both male and female clothes will be necessary. I guess it is a nice problem to have.  Hugs, Krista

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Trusted Member     Ho Chi Minh City, Saigon, Vietnam
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Honestly, it makes me want to cry thinking about how many times I've purged in my lifetime.  I wish I could go back in time, talk to my younger self and tell him to fully accept Stacey.  I think life would have been a lot easier/happier...and I may still have some of the bloody gorgeous clothes I've had over the years...and all those lovely shoes...and don't get me started on the knee length boots I used to have (brown suede which really hugged my calves and 3 inch square heels...divine!!!).  Ok, I may not currently be able to fit into lots of what I used to have but in a few more months I will (I will be a size 10; I will be a size 10; I will be a size 10(UK).

Oh well, no point in crying over spilt milk!!! 🙂  I'm just thankful that I'm in Vietnam, am happy and healthy.

Things could be a lot worse! 🙂

Stacey xxx

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My wife and I cane to an agreement about 10 years ago to dedicate one closet for my femme attire. I put a lock on the door to keep  anyone out who shouldn’t be looking. My wife is happy because everything is in one place, not hidden all over the house. When I first started using the closet it was only about a quarter full. Now it is totally full and I have to purge a little, to make space,  when I find new items. The closet is about 8 foot long with double doors. I put a shoe rack on the back of one door and a jewelry holder on the other. I built in some drawers in the middle for my delicates and have space up top for my wigs. If you look at my profile page part of the closet is shown as my backdrop for my picture.

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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I never get rid of shoes unless they are falling apart and really can't be worn anymore. The same goes for bras, panties and pantyhose. Recently I've been going through my Patty clothes and found there is many dresses and tops I rarely if ever wear. They looked so cute on the rack or in a picture. But on me I don't like how they look fit or feel. I like my dresses to be comfortable. Some I had just were of stiff or coarse fabrics. I had a few skater dresses that looked great in a photo. I had to have them and bought the dress in several different colors. Once I got them, I found them to be cheap looking and the fabric was coarse.

I also have some dresses that do not flatter me at all but I love wearing them. I enjoy wearing them in the house but I won't wear them out. They are keepers.

So I put aside the clothes I was not wearing. I will donate them to someone. Maybe someone else can benefit.

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Estimable Member     Seattle, United States of America
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Purge? That's a petty strong word. That says getting rid of all or most of my girl things, I have "let go of a few items, but I've work long and hard to build my wardrode. Much of it is going into storage soon as I am moving and promised my SO I'd pack it away for now. But I refuse to just get rid of it.

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