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Hi Girls, yes its poll time again! now this might sound a bit deep, but do you have more than one persona? by this, i mean are you completely different Femme than your male counterpart?
I know that i certainly am. Everyday, its a battle to try to stay Male whilst i am at work. Can you imagine what its like to try to be one of the 'boys' at work when you really dont want to be? can you imagine not concentrating and quickly slipping back into being Femme because thats what you are by default? are you like me? or are you the same persona Male as well as Female? lets see girls!!
Love and kisses, Fiona-Ann xxx
Hi Fiona-Ann...
Great poll! TY! I am a straight male (possibly bi with the right CD but never tried it) working in public safety. Kenzie is always with me but shes usually pretty quiet. In my mind, I become Kenzie when I truly need to be "me"! Hugs, girl! x
I am myself regardless of what I’m wearing and how I am presenting myself to the world.
I know that everybody is different, and for some there is indeed such a duality. But for many others it may bring them to a better place if they were to stop separating their “femme side” from their “guy side” and instead were able to integrate all of who they are into one single persona who doesn’t need to wear a dress to be loving and caring and nurturing.
Off soap box.
Gaby 💜
i think i am three versions of me - guy, gay guy, jenny.
each has a distinct place and honestly, sometimes the secrecy involved with the latter two just turns me on! 🙂
what could be a drawback is often a thrill 🙂
<p style="text-align: right;">I battle my gender daily. I have to be one of the "boys" at work and cant slip into myself as fem when i want. Life is a struggle for me. Im just me as a male Joe and me as a female Zoie.</p>
Hi Kenzie
Your reply is close to what mine would be. Because Olivia is always somewhat present it has has a continuous positive influence on the being male portions of my life.
I stopped trying to be all male at work...……...and have accepted my femme side, but do not outwardly show it...……...instead I see myself as a girl dressed in guy clothes at work. I see the guys as a girl's big brother and not push my femme side or try to be the all man type. It's a peaceful resolution for me. I still participate in the jokes men tell, cuss like them, "act" like an a-hole, but wearing a ponytail and shorts (altered to show a little more leg), keeps them guessing.
With 20/20 hindsight, I think I have always been about 50/50; but didn't know it until Bettylou showed herself, recently. But since she did, I have noted distinct differences. My femme side is a friendly, sociable chatterbox. The other "me" is more like Oscar the Grouch...a close-mouthed hermit with no patience to speak of. It may be the reason my wife has accepted Bettylou as much as she has. Can't say I blame her.
Dr T.J.
Your opinion, please. Is it that strong feminine side which draws us into the healthcare profession? I was drawn as with a magnet into military healthcare, and when I retired, into a Paramedic career. And without even knowing that I had a feminine side. We have a reputation for attracting gays; but crossdressers? Never considered it before.
T.J., Hi! Oh yes, for sure, we all have traits that society has put in buckets of what they call masculine and feminine. But that is only what society says... you don't have to have a split personality in order to have different types of traits. It is not about being 100% masculine or 100% feminine. It is about being ourselves, and hopefully one fully integrated entity which can express those feminine traits without having to be wearing silk and lace, and can still be strong and assertive and caring and nurturing every day, no matter what.
Gaby ♥
A bit of both. As Rachel I tend to emphasise femme traits more, but these days regardless of how you look you generally get the same persona regardless. It's too much hard work having more than one.
(I have a stage persona too, but that's a different matter 😀 )
Good point, Gaby, and I can't refute it.But I also remember the old saying: Clothes make the man". And the girl, or so it seems. I can recall acting more aggressively when wearing my BDUs than I did in civvies. Or going way, way back, I had to fulfill the image when in my black leather jacket and motorcycle boots. (Yes, I had the Hog, too).
There is a flow of feminine energy running through me always. I'm totally at home as my physically male person and am "studied" about how men see and react to the world. And yet, my understanding and acceptance of a women's perspective is higher level than men who do not share the desire to dress like women and/or appear feminine. The fashion thing is paramount. Even for some women, feminine clothing choices are following trends or societal expectations. For me and many CDs, we totally embrace the cut of a silky blouse, the snugness of a perfectly fit pair of skinny jeans, the genuine life-like feel of quality breast forms bouncing in a nicely fitted underwire bra, or the precarious balancing act of doing tasks in four-inch stilettos.
More later,
Hey ladies
I have two very different personas. David, who is very conservative in the way nothing tight or revealing. He is nervous that he isn't better equipped. Danielle, who loves to show off her body. The tighter the better. She wants the world to know that she is a woman and proud of it.
David and Danielle
Fiona, You my Dear never cease to amaze me with these polls, you have struck it out of the park Sugar. I said other, I have decided to go ahead and transition and have my first appointment with the Dr. in a week. I do not think that I would like to change how I process thought it has served me well and kept me alive through some bad things and gave me the ability to raise and provide for six children. Everyone has a different way of looking at this I'm sure. I feel better as a female than I have ever did as a male, I am softer,sweeter and more understanding towards others and their situations than my male side but I have to give that side of me credit for being strong when that need presented itself. Although I am losing the physical male I am sure he will be with me until the end, protecting me and my daughter as I/He has always done. I can't help but laugh at myself sometimes when I talk about him and me as if there are two of us when I know it is just a another part of me that someone else ( my parents) thought that I had to be a man and programmed me to take on that persona to live instead of how I felt I needed to be and live. I hope I have not confused anyone as much as I have just confused myself . This is a great topic Fiona which I am enjoying the different aspects of. Love Coral