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Hi Girls, now we all like compliments dont we? Some say ohhhh! you look lovely!! but do you like the compliment or do you prefer not to be complimented on how you look? let's see!!
Fiona-Ann xxx
Fiona; (Another great survey.. Thanks)
I love the compliments! Who wouldn't?, I have been getting the most interesting compliments all the time now. I did have my ears pierced in March, and the number of women who have complimented me on them and wanted to talk has been amazing even when I'm otherwise presenting as male.
I've had many more pleasant conversations than I've ever been able to have previously with complete strangers.. Absolutely love it. Maybe it's the earrings, maybe I'm just happier these days.. Don't know the cause, but I'm loving it, and the compliments.
I don't like compliments. Most of my life I was always given backhanded or snarky compliments. I know it may be wrong to think this but most compliments feel like they benefit the complimentor (patting themselves on the back for good deed) than it really benefits the complimentee. I keep getting told think positive intent, but I have seen the negative intent a lot of people really have. I know, Nat quit being a Debbie Downer, but its hard to see positive when you lived in a sea of negative.
Hi Natasha, i had to reply because i know exactly where you are coming from here. It is so easy for people to think we are just being negative, but as you say, when you have had so many people putting you down in your life, and not just crossdressing, this takes a long time to heal. If i was to be honest, i like compliments, but i dont know how to handle them, i think to myself, are people just saying this to make me feel better? are they being honest with me? etc etc. So i do understand what you mean Natasha, its not easy by any means, i think we have to learn to trust, easier said than done, i know. Take care hun and thanks for your reply.
Fiona-Ann xxx
Fiona. I guess it’s a very simple question, but the caveat is compliments sincere and compliments just to be had. Similar theme to the “who says thank you” thread. It’s not however binary - “I like I don’t like?”.
So honesty first and always.
No comment is allowed to mean anything.
Negative comments encouraged if constructive and of course, not demeaning.
Some circumstances, such as someone seeking a photo I may have posted, if complimented I am truly flattered (hint, hint...just kidding). Again, honesty ALWAYS works.
so...thus my comment. Sorry you asked?
Hi Kate, i think you summed it all up in a professional way!! couldnt have put it better myself!! Honesty is the way forward, constructive critisicm is good as long as its not abusive. At the end of the day, we are all learning, moving forward as it were, and what better than to take advice from our more experienced members!! i'm all ears girls!!
Fiona-Ann xxx
These is very obvious type question. Every girl like complement. It's a different thing if she is suffering from mood swings otherwise which girl will say she doesn't like to get complemented.
Fiona. You are a born ideas person! Invite me when you hold a salon (see 19th century definition) of diverse (or perverse, even) minded individuals. Red wine for me!
Perhaps I amvain but I love compliments. It makes all the getting ready worthwhile. It is especially nice from a man. Emma
Hi Fee!
Interesting poll for sure. Months ago I got an article published very much related to this subject.
I do love compliments. Specially when coming from females and in person. But it may take a while before you can get your mind adjusted to be able to accept it when somebody tells you that you look nice/pretty as a woman. Some people never can actually. To some others it may trigger an overly narcissistic reaction.
Most of us, in our male lives are very seldom complimented in our looks. And also, for a straight CD, getting compliments from men can be mind-boggling.
My suggestion in the article is the same here. Take compliments with a grain of salt. Don’t lose ground. Many times people is just being nice. Or they are your friends who are being nice. Context is important. This is a CD site, compliments here are nice, but compliments in real life by non-cd (and non-sales people) may be more special.
Thank you Fee!
Gaby 💜
The only feedback I have ever gotten was a negative one from the ex-wife when she found out....which is one of a couple of reasons she became "ex".
Honestly, I don't wish for compliments or any kind of feedback at all. I just prefer to enjoy my time doing it and not be bothered by anyone nor get unwanted attention.
Yes, as any girl would like compliments I also love them. If they are related to my clothes I feel happy, if they are related to my figure, I feel happier 😉
It gives me a mental satisfaction of being a girl and appearing as a girl. I try to look and behave like a girl as much as possible. Sometimes, I forget that I am not a biological girl. I wear everything a girl normally wears and in the same way right from bra, panties, camisoles, dresses, earrings, necklaces, bangles, makeup and even sanitary pads too. It makes me feel like a genuine girl. And then I appreciate if someone recognizes me as a beautiful girl 😍
I recognize that I could never pass, or really come close, so I’ve never tried. For the most part, my cross dressing is limited to panties and, occasionally pantyhose or tights. My cross dressing is strictly a sexual fetish and I’m not like so many on CDH, gender fluid. (I sincerely hope no one is offended by my use of that term; I wasn’t sure what term to use.)
Another fetish of mine is spanking. For a few years, I had a woman who would undress me and put me over he lap for a spanking. I always tried to wear my prettiest panties when I was to see her. I cherished each time she complimented me on my choice of panties.
I don’t look for compliments so it’s always a surprise. All of the compliments I’ve had come from young women. They all are for my clothes. They are said in such an understated way that sometimes I don’t realize they are compliments. I always try to accept them in a sincere way and thank them. But my goal in dressing is not to seek compliments but they are a lovely byproduct. Men have never complimented me. However now that I can appreciate how much work it takes, I always compliment a made up woman.
It's really surprised me to learn that I love those compliments!
I guess it shouldn't, but, as a man, I don't like them at all. It makes me feel like I'm being paid a compliment, ergo I owe something for it.
As Laura, compliments validate me, make me feel beautiful, make me glad of my choices, and make me love the person who's given the compliment.
Yep, I'm a total sucker for them, but a happy one!
Love Laura