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Do You Use Fem Voice While Dressed?

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Trusted Member     Las Vegas Area, Nevada, United States of America
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I personally do not, as I just don't think I'm anywhere remotely close to passable visually, yet. I figure, I'll work on a passable appearance first, then mannerisms, etc., then voice. That makes logical sense, right?

How about you? Just curious, really.

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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I used to make an effort because I thought it was important. Now I generally don't. I make a little bit of effort with strangers or people who don't really know me as a guy, but not much. But most of my interactions are with people who know me as a bloke, so it's simply not worth the effort.

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Famed Member     South Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada
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I do try, but I don't think that I'm very good, but on those times I am out, I pitch my voice just a bit higher than usual, however, I'm apt to forget a times!


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Actually I wanted a response that said yes Aubrey and I am getting close.

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I answered yes/self trained.

While my priorities have shifted from trying to pass to wanting to be accepted, I still try my best to present as a woman, and that includes behavior, mannerisms and voice. A while ago I shared a link to a video about my voice, and I have another couple, one for walking which is one 5 seconds long but I like it. 🙂

Gaby 💜

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Prominent Member     Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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Definitely one of the hardest things to do when trying to pass. At this point, I've given up being intentional about trying to use a fem voice while dressed (sounds too phony to me). Totally agree with your order Valerie (appearance, mannerisms, voice).

Now I'm a bit lucky as in appearance I pass most often (no Adam's Apple, little body hair, lots of hair on the top of my head, not too tall, small-boned and not bulky). My voice can give me away at times.  But again I'm sort of lucky.  My voice is considered an "alto" which is higher than tenor and lower than soprano.  Ladies can have an alto voice.  So I don't have to try too hard.  I just soften my speech a bit, have a bit more lilt to it.  There are some really good videos on YouTube that offer voice training tricks.

Hugs, Krista

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A feminine voice is part of the whole feminine image I want to present when all dolled up.

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Estimable Member     Seattle, United States of America
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I've tried it, but not really practiced it much yet. I haven't been out in public yet to need it. I consider the voice the final touch. Appearance, mannerisms, and finally voice, one of the toughest to master for many of us.

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I have a higher voice with a feminine touch to it, caused me a lot of strife when younger, got me called a fag a lot, oh well. Now I just amplify it a bit and use a fem body language and gestures to help it along.

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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
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Definitely part of me that needs work. It’s a tough one to get right. You have inspired me to work on it!

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New Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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As I dress as a woman constantly, I attempt to speak as a woman constantly as well. It must work. I am never misgendered on the telephone. My natural voice was a medium tenor so getting to mezzo-soprano was not impossible, but it did take a great deal of work as in 2 to 3 hours a day of vocal exercises work  Then, I also do several hours of yoga and pilates to enable me to walk in a womanly fashion as well. I discovered I can do both at the same time, i.e. stretch my vocal cords while I stretch my body. For me, this is a necessity. I live full time as a woman. Hell, I live full time as a girly girl. I wear short skirts, tight blouses, high heels. full makeup, the works constantly.  My spouse more than approves. My work gives me the freedom to dress as I choose. I was helping a friend with her vocal journey recently when I realized I don't have a male vocal presentation to which I can return.  It is like owning only women's clothes rather necessitates that I pass, if I don't want to be homebound. I am not a vocal coach but I will post links if anybody wants them. Cheers!


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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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Since it is always in private, I have no one to talk to therefore no need for a fem voice.

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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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I get called maam on the phone and at drive thrus in drab but I try to take it a little higher.  I do not cough or sneeze femininely at all.

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Trusted Member     Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America
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Yes, I try to practice my femme voice a little bit every day. I watch YouTube videos and also try to match the voices of different women I see on TV. I don't know if I'm really making progress, though. I should probably find a coach or someone to give me feedback.

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Eminent Member     Lake Ridge, Virginia, United States of America
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When I get all dressed up and the gurl I really am, I would not "pass" (FETISH COSTUME would stand out anyway) but my voice has always been high (used to be a singer *church music", choral, and barbership style - I sing tenor = ten or fifteen miles away - grins) so didn't have to try too hard to have a high or feminine voice.

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