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Ok girls have you ever gotten fully dressed with a female member in your family mother or sister
No. Only my wife
Hi Amber, I had to say no. My mom passed away before we had a chance to go out together. Though I'm pretty sure she would have been accepting. She gave me my name and it would have been fun going out with her. And I don't have any sisters, only a brother. I've been out with my wife and passed as a female much to my wife's displeasure. She knows I'm a CD but prefers that I dress when she isn't around. Hugs, Krista.
I'm so far in the back of my closet that I don't think it will ever happen. My wife knows about my dressing and doesn't support any part of it.
I've never been out with any of my relatives while dressed as Rozalyne x I really don't think it would ever happen x I'm still in the closet even to my wife I'm not sure if i told my wife about Rozalyne she would be pleased at all x I'm just going to keep my feminine side in the closet for awhile longer xxxxx
No. No sisters, or even female cousins, and mom is long gone. Ma-a-a-be my wife will someday accept Bettylou enough to let it happen; but not very likely.
Hi krista sorry for your loss .but I bet if mother was here with you she would love to see you as a woman. My mother took me shopping on occasions and always had to do my makeup for me. I'm her only CHILD and she SUPPORTS my DECISION to transition to WOMEN. But she just passed away 2 months ago. And I'm just getting back to my everyday world.i miss her so SO MUCH but happy she met Ambermaria before she left .
Omg yes that's just WONDERFUL. When I finally came out to mother at 18 years old. She excepted me for wanting to be a woman also. After 2 weeks she helped me to dress in her clothes and took me out shopping for my new wardrobe how WONDERFUL was that she made me feel more FEMININE and HAPPIER in LIFE
No but it is my ambition to go out with my wife as girls to a concert or a restaurant.It would have to be somewhere far away from where we lived.Preferably in a city such as Manchester in the north of England.I don't think it will happen.My wife is a hubdred per cent of my crossdressing at home but if we went out she would be uneasy even though I think I could be passable.It all comes from love and protection of me.She fears for my safety thinkimg that someone would set on me or beat me up.She is also worried about me being caught on security camera and the unlikely event of us bumping into someone that we know.I totally understand the way she feels.I am not ruling out entirely life is short.
I stayed over @ my older sisters when she was a nurse in liverpool 1975/77 we went to 5/6 parties with 3 girlfriends.they helped me with makeup dresses etc danced all night & was chatted up! Fantastic time great memories.❤ charlottexx
When my crossdressing started at fourteen my mother and sister took me shopping with them, but I was always in drab so as not to draw any attention to me. My mother didn't like me to wear used panties so she would pick out some and asked my sister and I if Mary would like them, that whats she would call me when we were out shopping. My sister liked me dressed up but never went out of the house dressed.
only with my wife and other members of my support group and their wives and girlfriends
I'm going to my parents house soon and I spoke to my dad (as my mum passed away) and asked if I could get dressed up and he said OK so I'm looking forward to him seeing me as dannielle for the first time
Wow, that's a big step! Good for you, girl!
Mom passed away years ago, sisters: one deceased, one on the other coast, so nothing there. Wife won't participate in any way. So it looks like I'm stuck with my lovely CDH girlfriends for public outings. Actually, I'm thrilled to be able to dress and grout with these wonderful ladies .