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Since 2020 when I decided to start my CD journey, I have gone back and forth about the pros and cons of choosing a female or male MUA to do my makeup for me (at least until I can get the basics down correctly). One obvious pro for each is that a female MUA would be able to grasp a feminine look on a CD better than most male MUAs, but on the other hand, a male MUA would be able to know how to soften a male's facial features better than most female MUAs. I am sure many of you here do your own makeup and have been doing it for awhile, but if you had to choose one over the other, which would it be.
FYI, I am leaving out CD/Trans who are MUAs as an option because that would be the so obvious choice hands down.
I have been "done" by both male and female.
I find that a male might be better at drag makeup, (with the exception of one famous lady in my town) but female's grasp the subtleties and I end up looking more blended in if you will.
But, one can never bank on stereotypes of any kind. They are never 100% correct.
Sorry to "land in the middle" ladies, but I have the pleasure of not only being made up by a trans MUA, but also a/. having my "hair done", (she is a very good hairdresser) and b/ regarding her as a friend. As in she accompanied me the first time I went out to dinner as Caty.
She also did my hair and make up for my first solo shopping trip about 3 years ago. There's a photo in my profile of that day too. She told me I'd "nailed the outfit". That did wonders for this old girls confidence.
As I type she has two of my wigs for a wash and set. (I would not even like to try!!). I did not like the colour on one of them, and as it was human hair, she recoloured it to suit my complexion.
Happy dressing
PS Here's the photo of the first shopping trip
If anyone cares to browse through my public photos, they will see that I have had many professional makeovers over the years and only one was by a man. Jim Bridges, who back in the 90's was probably one of the best MUA's in the US. (Tiffany Club New England Fantasia Fair, Provincetown Mass early 90's..)
The shots were I've covered my face are where I dont have any make up on and some of the others dont look as good as the "pro" shots". Meaning I did it myself...
I think you are right in suggesting that a male artist would probably understand feminisation of the male features better than a lady.
However, I just couldn't bear the thought of a man touching me anywhere, let alone my face. It's difficult enough with a doctor - I would much rather be examined and handled by a woman.
It's a peculiar thing - it makes me feel a bit pervy on one hand, only wanting to be touched by a woman.
However, it's true - I feel so repelled by male physicality that I don't really like handshakes, and forget hugging a guy!
It's a tough one to explain - I meet many guys who I genuinely like very much, and who take a shine to me, and I have to be so gentle and careful explaining this one - people do get upset by it, especially jealous boyfriends who see their dates enthusiastically hugging the wierd guy in a dress!
Erm... back on topic, I have had 2 makeovers by the same lady, and she has been amazing!
She's learning with me, as she'd never had a CD customer before.
We started off from a suggestion on this site - there was a post about an app which matches your look with a celebrity.
I found out that I look a bit like Chloe Sevigny, who I'd never heard of, but love her look - very natural and close to what I was trying to achieve.
I then processed the photos she took after the makeover, and noticed that the app utilises shaping techniques similar to contouring, and, on my second visit, asked if she could do something along those lines.
She was fascinated by the app's results, and did a fantastic job - and going to her, as well as using the app and watching YouTubes, Ru Paul and other stuff has really upped my game.
I love this part of CDing much more than I thought I would - getting a great look isn't just having another go at the same look each time, it's trying different things, different looks, experimenting with your expression of yourself, and it's amazing how many variations on the theme of "you" this can bring out.
Never mind 2 personalities, I got me a city in here!
Love Laura
I've only had one makeover and it was by a female. She knew from the start what was going on with me, as I didn't tell her a thing. It was around 7:00 pm on a Tuesday night at the MAC counter in the Macy's at a mall, so it was pretty slow. She was fabulous. She took me on as her project. We had fun. She taught me how to do things. She complimented my outfit and loved my purse. It was an amazing time, that I'll not soon forget. So much fun!!
I didn't vote. I don't think it makes a bit of difference. I've had equally good results from both male and female makeup artists. I've also seen sub-par work from both. One of the most demanding work environments for any makeup artist - the motion picture industry - is littered with talented professionals of both genders. I'd suggest visiting the website of established makeup pros near you. Most have photos of their work. Find one that has done looks you're interested in and make an appointment. Most are CD/trans friendly, BTW.
I have had make overs by both men and women and much prefer women. I had a male give me a make over at the Ulta when I was in Boise and he was really good and wore make up himself, but didn't cross dress which surprised me. We had a fascinating discussion as he was gay and just out of high school and he told me the terrible stories of his small town and difficulties of being accepted. He had to go to prom with a girl and his boy friend also went with a girl, but they were not allowed to dance together. I have had make overs at Ulta by many women and appreciate them more and have developed friendships with a lot of them that makes going there even more fun.
Even though I am all over this site all of the time. I feel like we are all women here and forget that we are almost all men. I have never felt comfortable around men when dressed and don't know what that would be like
Oh well I do go on
Omg definitely would want a woman to do my makeup especially if sephora's or Mac studios reopen I haven't had a makeover done in over a year that's so horrible but I still do my own but love getting pampered like women do
Hi Quinetta, I voted for a female only because I've already had my makeup done by a male MUA. He was a drag performer so I think the look I ended up with was a bit over the top for me. I think a female MUA would give me a softer look. So next time, if there is one, I would try the female MUA and then I'd have a much better comparison. Interesting topic, thanks for posting. All the Best, Hugs, Krista
I would love a makeover but would prefer it was done by a woman, the thought of a man being in that intimate space around my face would make me uncomfortable. It's bad enough having my ophthalmologist getting in close and there's his scope arrangement between us!
manophobic Diana
"Even though I am all over this site all of the time. I feel like we are all women here and forget that we are almost all men."
So do I! Marlene.
Sorry but I don't know what is an MUA.
What is that?
Most of my makeovers have been done by the same woman who ran an MTF transformation business from her home. So she definitely had a lot of experience in feminizing male faces. She also offers to change anything if you don't like it, but she has an amazing eye as well as makeup skills.
At one of my support meetings, I was chosen to get a makeover from a hairdresser/makeup artist/sometimes drag queen. I was a model in front of the group, so I really had no input into what was being done, and didn't even have a mirror in front of me. When I saw the results, although everybody complimented me on it, I really didn't like the look, although I couldn't put my finger on it at the time.
When I look back at the pictures, the woman managed to soften my features, smooth out my features, and made me look younger. The guy made very sharp angular lines on my face, and I looked older.
With a sample size of one and one, I wouldn't preclude a male makeup artist doing my face if they had some experience doing male to female makeup, or a good understanding of what it would take. I think I would avoid getting a drag queen to do my makeup, though.
MUA is Makeup Artist.
Oh o'kay, I never wear make-up. So no worries