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Girl vacation

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Trusted Member     Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States of America
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Once I am able to go out of town on vacation. I want to spend the whole vacation as Danielle. Dave will stay for once. Has anyone done a girl's vacation.



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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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No, but I would like too. Just go out somewhere with a deep lake and complete privacy. I would love to spend days on end outdoors and wearing nothing but women's swimsuits the entire time.

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Noble Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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Hi Danielle There is a spectaula Fair in Provincetown Ma. It is called the Fantasia Fair in Oct. I believe it is Oct 20 - 27 i used to go twenty years ago I hear it is even bettet. They have all sorts of work shops Venders catering to trans and Crossdressers. Make up and Clothing stylist . It is a week long event . I remember it being so much fun You can learn so much about your self I ran out of clothes to wear first 3 days . I went with 1 small suit case came home with 2 and some bags. I got to try on everything I bought.  I met do many others from all over US and UK. .i guarantee you will know so much more about your self and the community that which you are a part of

Luv Stephanie


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Estimable Member     Seattle, United States of America
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No, but would, and will if the opportunity ever presents it's self. I wanted to try this on a trip to Los Vegas with my GF who didn't know about my dressing at the time my plan was to suggest we each take a day of the vacation to ourselves separately to do and go where ever we wanted, I was going to start with a professional makeover and go from there. But she didn't like the idea at all, so it never happened. But who knows? maybe someday! I love the idea of going to a CD, TG event of some kind like mentioned above by Stephanie.



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Prominent Member     Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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Hi Danielle, Every year I go on a solo four day retreat to a lodge in the Rocky Mountains.  Mind you, it is in February (in northern Canada) and temperatures are usually minus 20.  But it is still a blast getting away from the daily activities (yes, even us retired folks need a vacation from being retired).  I am pretty much dressed en femme 24/7 for those four days.  The waiters all call me ma'am in the lodge restaurant; I've had guys tell me I'm in the wrong restroom (next time I'm using the ladies restroom at the lodge - I had some practice using the ladies restroom on my last vacation to the west coast).  All my girl vacations so far have been solo driving vacations.  I haven't yet tried flying en femme but vacations requiring flying usually means my SO is with me and she doesn't like it when I'm dressed too feminine. She hates it when I'm mistaken for a woman (which seems to happen whenever we are out at a restaurant together).  Sorry, getting off topic. I also haven't been on a girls' vacation with other CDs.  That is something definitely on my bucket list.  I'll just need to get a group together; Vegas would be really fun; or Seattle (one of my favorite US cities). My recent trip to the west coast turned out really well.  No one I talked to seemed to care that I was wearing a skirt, long dangly earrings and pink flats.  So if you haven't yet tried it, put going on a vacation en femme on your list of goals.  All the Best, Hugs, Krista.

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I envisioned a week long fantasy vacay.

“Becoming her” is what it is called. It would be expensive given what is included. Here are some aspects.

Located in villa in Costa Rica - removed from the rest of civilization. The Villa is high end (excuse the pun) everything.

your itinerary and direction arrive at your homes 3 weeks in advance of departure. In those directions you find flight information on a private charter. You are to dress casual and have options once on board to change into your 1st outfit. 3 are selected for you. You will get to keep those outfits and will be shipped home on return. They are very carefully selected and very individualized.

Min your directions you are told to pack all the panties you like. However, your selection will be endless. You are told to pack a white and a black strapless bra. No others. You are told you may bring one pair of sneakers, pool shoes and one pair of very simple black stilettos. Everything including bathing suits, negligees and tights will be provided.

There will only be 8 of you. Ground rules absolutely forbid any sexual contact between any of you. However, each of you will have a weeklong dedicated personal attendant. He will be selected based on profiles created on each of you. He will be there for you to practice what you have learned that day. You will also have a woman to be your personal assistant. She is to help you with any intimate questions you may have.

There will be half day activities designed to help you further be that woman you want to be. There will be 4 evening events. Two formal events - each with a theme. One slutty outfit night (cannot escape this as it has become one of the most popular) and one theme night. There used to be a lingerie night but as all day you will be in bikinis and all that goes with them, lingerie nights will be tasked to your personal assistant.

Mans, so much more...



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Trusted Member     SOUTHAMPTON, New Jersey, United States of America
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I do so enjoy being Janice that I dress every day which feels like a vacation. I do try to attend as many trans events, such as, Keystone in PA. That is a 5 day event to which I take no male clothes. I may head to Provincetown this October or spend a week at Rainbow Mountain in PA.

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    los angeles, California, United States of America
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Hi everyone...…………..I envy the girls able to go places and be a girl !!  Mine are home-cations  that are situational...…..SO is gone for an afternoon, day, weekend or a few days for whatever reasons.  The time is so precious and I enjoy every second dressed, being girly with the dogs...…….changing into different outfits...……….and not have one concern about being....…...DISCOVERED!!!!   Calling or receiving calls in the phone from her is reassurance she is safe and I "am safe" from being found it. LOL. Being a low budget girl, the money not spent on travel, I feel comfortable spending on new clothes of my size, style, color, instead of "finding" something at a thrift store. I still shop there too, but if I see something new.....get it girl!!! lol

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One beautiful 3 day weekend at a cottage in the woods in the winter time with my lover. We had to snow shoe in and there was no one around, it was perfect.

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<p style="text-align: left;">Provincetown in October. If you have not been... you should!</p>

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Estimable Member     Chico area, California, United States of America
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Danielle, Thank you for bringing that topic up. I marked no because i haven't , But I have met some other girls around my area but not to close and we have just planned a motorcycle trip to Nevada before the weather gets cold. I am very excited about it and hope more will join us. So if any of you ladies have a motorcycle and would like to go please get it touch with me. the trip is going to be in the middle or end of September and we will be leaving Redding, Ca. Good luck, Hope you do it Girl


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Hey Karley rock out that precious Karley time , wonderful to be able to be unrushed & undiscovered in girl time , beautiful release & girl high xx Tiff ☺

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Estimable Member     Winter Haven, Florida, United States of America
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My answer is yes or no going on vacation as a female I've mentioned it on other posts about the Memorial Day weekend in 2018 when I went to Marathon Florida where I lived as a female for the entire time that I was there .It was something that I thought about doing and when the opportunity presented itself I decided to take advantage of it and almost on the spur of the moment I packed my feminine clothes and lingerie in a suitcase and hanging bag then on a Friday morning I dressed en.femme and drove to Marathon to a motel where I had reservations. I had decided not to bring any male clothing with me because I wanted to see what it's like to be a female for the entire weekend. I was nervous and unsure of what I was going to do but Marathon is Trans friendly and I fit in with lots of other people who were there. It was a whirlwind of activities of sightseeing and shopping. The night life was great with many clubs and restaurants where I was able to dine and go to many of the clubs. It was a weekend that I'll never forget and hope that someday I can go back there and do it again.

Girls I recommend that if you want to go somewhere and live as a female .this is a good place to go .It doesn't matter if you can pass or not you'll be welcomed as how you are presenting yourself.


Good luck to any of you who go there  .

A friend




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Noble Member     Pampa, Tx, Texas, United States of America
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I have had a few Paula vacations over the years.  I prefer to drive when I go somewhere as Paula, unless it's just too far to drive and then enjoy before driving back.  The longest has been two weeks in length, and I always have a ball when I go.  The biggest problem at first was bathroom breaks on the road.  But once you know which chains have single facility bathrooms, or know to keep an eye for not so crowded rest stops, that becomes a non-issue.


About 20 years ago I had one of those femme ID's made for myself that showed me enfemme and explained why I was traveling this way.  I've only had to use it a couple of times when a highway patrolman stopped me and needed some ID.  I would hand that one over along with my DL, and it never was any problem.  Some officers even visibly relaxed and joked a little before sending me on my way.



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Famed Member     Richmond, Virginia, United States of America
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I've been to CD/TG conventions six times-SCC in Ft. Lauderdale, FL in 2016, Esprit in Port Angles, WA-west of Seattle in 2017,2018 and 2019, and Keystone in Harrisburg, PA in 2018 and 2019. I'll be doing both of the latter again in 2020. I'e written several articles about those experiences. The Esprit one is the longest and for the last two I even flew there and back cross country in full Cyn mode and spent 11 days total in that mode. I have also gone to college football game (Virginia Tech at Pittsburgh) for the whole weekend. I highly recommend the conference experience for anyone who wants an extended period en femme!

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