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Hi Polly,
I think that's an absolutely fantastic project. You go for it, girl!
Marti, darling... we hope to see you one day! xxx
Hi Inga... are you by any chance of Serbian descent? 😀
Hmmm... truthfully, I have never thought of Eastern Europe although I have heard that the Adriatic Sea is really nice... the Black Sea as well!
The main reason for Western Europe is that I am multi lingual in the Romance languages as well as proficient in Scandinavian and German. Learning a Slavic language as well might be a step too far!
Anyway... you will welcome no matter where we end up for we are determined to make this work! xxx
And you will be very welcome, Isobel xxx
And if that’s you in your profile photo... a damned fine looking girl you are!
Oh, dear Pink...
Nothing so grand as all that though we do envisage...
Theme evenings, make-overs, cosmetics advice, spa and massage, expert dressing advice and clothes shopping in house, freedom, freedom and more freedom!
If in Europe then a small rustic, boutique restaurant with a dozen covers attached/related to the hotel. We’re investigating small villages in Italy at this very moment and have at least three in site.
Pink you have a wonderful imagination! I’m sorry for my more than prosaic ideas though you will be most welcome xxx Polly
And you will be more than welcome, Alison! We’re really excited at this idea and while the trans community may not make up the number of visitors needed you all would have premiere status! xxx Polly
Hi Dawn and thank so much for the info...
I know Manchester but we’re going to offer sun, warmth, beaches...
you will be welcome if you ever decide to come! xxx
Hi T J,
I don’t know’ ‘Moma Mio’ but I shall research. The festival sounds wow! Thanks for the info...
So, you will be welcome if you ever come to visit xxx
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Thank you, Polly, very kind. Yes, that's me, at a CD event in the UK last February, shortly before all the Coronavirus stuff kicked off - feels like a lifetime ago now!
Isabel x
Been looking at a CD cruise, 24/7 Kathryn! And in the Caribbean! A land-based boutique event would also be a delight! Please keep us informed! Hugs
Yes, I surely will xxx
Hi all...
Thanks for all your votes and support! My wife and I are going ahead with this idea for sure! If it will transpire in New Zealand of in Europe is under debate and will not be before 2022 at the earliest. If in NZ then I am already working on various cosmetic therapies, wardrobe specialists, beauty treatments, vineyards etc with which to make your stay all the more fun.
If I may I will post some advertising material here or somewhere so as you may get an idea of the possibilities!
We all have to wait with bated breath for COVID to recede and the various economies to gather pace again before we can all travel with some degree of confidence.
My thanks again Polly xxx