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Good afternoon and Happy Sunday.(for me)
I have had the wonderful experience of walking along the sidewalk, letting the sun shine on my face, and feeling the gentle breeze brushing my dress across my freshly shaved legs. I haven’t been as many places as I would like to go. Bree was hidden deep in the closet for over 40 years. I found CDH then after 2 years of working up the courage I introduced Bree to my wife. I had never been in a store or out in public before 2020. I had been out in a desserted county park and I had been out at night usually just in my vehicle. These felt safe. Since letting my wife know about Bree I have been many different places with a”just do it” attitude. I guess I have been lucky and have not had any bad experiences. I’m looking for some insight from you girls.
How do you find your safe and accepting places to be your true feminine selves?
So happy to read of your wifes acceptance and you are venturing out. You are selecting good places to build your confidence which is important for you so would suggest you build up until you are ready for the busier places.
Contrary to what some many think busier places are better as people are preoccupied with what they are doing. You can walk around and build further confidence to start to dwell around shops.
If you have made that decision to go out then shops and gas stations with self checkouts are good it will be wherever you feel good to go. Just think poise and looking look like any other woman and 'own it'
Thanks Angela
I have been in some busier places. I say I’m lucky(to have the wife I do for sure), but that except for a few strange looks I have not been confronted or outed by any one. I’ve heard some terrible stories of humanities unaccepting and closed minded nature. Thanks for the reply
Only you can know that for certain since you know your local area. I think the biggest threats to any cross-dresser are hostile men or youths and you should avoid places where these groups hang out—playgrounds (bad idea for cross-dressers at any time), pubs and bars, dark streets. The places to avoid are many and varied but they are outnumbered by the places you CAN go: shops, cafes, malls, theatres, cinemas, et al.
If you want to go where you can meet like-minded people, then gay bars, or known LGBT-friendly places—these can be found using the internet and social media (but always be careful of that particular route).
Be with someone else if you can. You mention your wife, does she come with you? Having a GG around is always a good thing.
The main thing is though, be safe but enjoy yourself. You are breaking no laws (depending on the country in which you live) and have every right to wear what you damn-well please. I've seen real women wearing things I wouldn't be seen dead in and some men wear the grossest of clothes which should be against the law all by themselves.
Keep getting out and having fun.
I picked 'go where I want,' but with the caveat that I'm not reckless. I don't go anywhere in girl mode that i wouldn't in guy mode.
But malls, restaurants, stores, bars, clubs... yeah, I don't really vet them individually for "CD safety", as it were.
or, someplace within an hour or two, I want to come out and hang out so bad
Thanks Becca
I don’t go out in my home town. It is small and doesn’t offer much. I head to a few close larger cities to shop and such. Someday, I want to go out with some like minded individuals but for now It’s just me and occasionally my wife
thanks for reading
Sadly the poll is missing the option which completes the set - I haven't been out in public and am not ready to yet, so I chose other xx.
Thanks Chrissie
I am sorry you haven’t gotten that far in the journey. I hope you do someday. I think I can modify the poll. You bring up a good point. Thank you
I really wanted to add that answer to the poll but I don’t know how to do it. I hope the other girls that haven’t been out will see your reply and follow your lead. I’ll bet Chrissie is still there. Bree is constantly with me no matter how I’m dressed..
Hi girls,
I have to admit that I am very fortunate in that I've always been able to "pass" easily. It could be because I am intersex and blessed with some naturally occuring feminine physical features. So I have always gone wherever I felt like or needed to go. I would point out that I have always avoided areas in my city that attract troublesome individuals. I also don't go out at night by myself unless it's to a well attended event. I will also tell you that in my purse I carry a bear spray, just in case, as I have attracted unwanted attention in the past.
Ms. Lauren M
I don't worry with it other than to make sure it's safe for a woman alone. If I want to go or need to go, I just do it.
I have found over the years that the higher the society, the safer the environment. As strange as it is, I am not amused by the over the top, circus atmosphere of drag queens. However, if there are drag queens involved, it is almost certainly safe for me. For that reason, I do go to drag bingo, drag brunch and even an occasional drag show. I prefer traveling drag shows over bar and club shows, so I get to go to a theater or auditorium. Honestly, almost any theater show is a safe environment, in my opinion even with my style of dress. I do not dress to blend, and I am not really passable at 6'4" with heels LOL.
I have gone to movie theaters, Broadway style shows, plays, restaurants, casinos and many art-based events. I get looks but no confrontations. I find that the more upscale locations tend to have more sophisticated patrons. Eclectic restaurants also tend to be more receptive than a more casual eatery like Denny's, although I have been to both Denny's and IHOP en femme with no issues. Most casinos, whether on a reservation or in Las Vegas, do not want to be affiliated with any type of trans-crime, so I feel very safe there. I do choose to valet park or Uber, to avoid any dark parking garages or lots.
When I travel to other cities, I use gaycities to scope out trans-friendly places. But as others have already noted, I use google to verify they are still safe and open. Facebook also works very well to do this, since many businesses do not update their website as often as they do Facebook.
Hi Bree,
I usually keep my excursions to areas that I know are relatively safe: local places such as shopping centers, museums, libraries, and public events like art shows etc. I have found that by just "blending" in, I do not get scrutinized as much.
I have received some very nice compliments while out, the majority of those have come from women, but I have also experienced some negativity on several occasions. I have learned to brush the cynicism off and to keep moving and not engage. Sticks and stones love.
I grew up in NYC and "situational awareness" was drilled into my psyche by my parents. I also have been a student of a martial art for a long while, but that does not mean I get complacent. Just always be aware of what is going on around you and you will be fine.
You are blessed to have your wife go out with you on occasion. It's usually more fun with two and, there is safety in numbers!!
My ex would have been one of the ones hurling negativity at me, but; "Que sera, sera" on that. .
Have a great day Bree!
I agree with Roberta. I go where I want, but am situationally aware. I do not go where any smart woman would not go alone. It is just common sense.
I can see not going out in your home town if it is small and everybody knows everybody, but I really don't think it is a problem in any moderately large town. By the time one puts on a wig, make up and a dress, +/- sunglasses, no one will recognize you. I go out in the city I live in and never had an issue, but mostly I go to a city about 30 miles away just because there are more things to do and events to attend.