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<p style="text-align: left;">Have you made the decision to have your “boys” removed?</p>
As much as I find it annoying to have while wearing a one piece swimsuit, removing it would make it more difficult to use the bathroom outside since I like spending a lot of time at a lake.
At one time, when I first started dressing. I looked in having my gender changed by surgery. The price was around $10,000. I did some deep thinking. I realized that David and Danielle are both parts of me. So we that share the body we were given.
Hadn't really thought about the subject, and not sure whether "4" or "5" is the best answer. Being at an age where the "boys" are ornamental, rather than functional, I can't say I would miss them...but I could never justify the cost or the down time for recovery, so we shall remain together.
If I was to transition I would certainly want to have an orchiectomy performed and maybe some cosmetic surgery of the area to look more like a woman. However I do not think I would go for full SRS as I can't seeing myself having much use of it and it is a major surgery with lots of risks, long recovery time and lifelong maintenance.
I still have them but there is no use for them.I am unable to satisfy a Woman.The 'boys' and the 'Little fella'(teehee) are way too small.Removing them is also very painful.So i don't use them at all.
Julie, I can relate to your situation
I have a long way to go before SRS, I am weighing the pros and cons of HT, right now I am gender non conforming somewhere between a crossdresser or a transgender. I like having the little fellows and very much enjoy having them even if they do limit what I can comfortably wear.
Have really considered bidding them farewell. Loved them dearly for decades. They were responsible for two beautiful children and an apparent look of satisfaction on the faces of several partners over the years. I no longer desire to please the opposite sex sexually and wonder what it would be like to not have them in the way. Being such good buddies for so long it would be very hard to terminate the relationship. HUGS Mina.
I really can't stand how big they are and they're constantly trying to escape unless I do the super wrap tuck 5000 on em..lol but I do wonder and enjoy the thought of them gone.my SO on the other hand says they have to stay..only time will tell..Hell,when she first found out about me she was gonna leave me..now she's my biggest supporter and were even closer...who knows but I still say adios to them big ass balls...its not easy being pretty but I man
I never wanted them to begin with.
Interesting question. I would love to have it all gone, but that’s not in the cards for me at this time.
I'm not surprised by the low number that replied "yes." One of the greatest fears by SOs and one of the greatest misunderstandings about, what I believe, most crossdressers is that we no longer want to be male. As a very long-time CD (almost 60 years) I am most grateful that I get to embrace both genders. I love to look as feminine as I can while fully dressed - would love to pass at least once - but realize that it is likely due to my "maleness" that I am so enamored of the female form. I believe that women frequently chose their look because they know it is alluring. I choose "my look" because it is a look I appreciate in women.
Here's an example: The other evening, my wife and I met a group of long-time friends for drinks and appetizers. One couple are very attractive. He a handsome, trim man of 60. She is a very tall, very slender and beautiful woman, not yet 50, but looking like 35. Melissa was dressed very simply in dark blue denim skinny jeans, a medium blue sleeveless maybe-rayon top, with a swoop bottom, falling about 6-9 inches below her waist, and 5 inch heeled platform sandals. I kidded Jake about her height, because he's 6'2" and she looked taller. Her outfit was perfect for her, but only you-all and I will ever know that my appreciation was partly envy - that she could wear it and I couldn't - at least in that setting!
Yesterday, I had some time alone to work on projects and run errands. Throughout the day I wore two similar outfits. The first was skinny white jeans, a black capped-sleeve tee shirt that hung just below my waist, but exposed my black silver-studded belt with the a large silver buckle on the left side. With this I wore Toms black leather Majorca sandals. The second outfit was even more like Melissa's. I donned washed denim skinny jeans with a coral sleeveless top, almost identical to Melissa's, and tapered-high-heeled zip-up booties, with a fringe.
I presented entirely as a man, but no one would fail to recognize my outfits as feminine. This practice is as much a part of my crossdressing as any party dress!
I would love to have sex reassignment surgery and convert them into a labia/vagina but the complexities of being married and having loving children and grandchildren probably prevent this from ever happening. If I had been born in recent years...given the advances of medical technology and greater acceptance of TG's....I would have been able to seriously pursue this. Alas, times were much more backwards in both acceptance and technology when I was a young adult in the 70's and 80's.
<p style="text-align: left;">I'm certainly not emotionally attached to them but I am attached to my wife of 44 years.</p>
<p style="text-align: left;">I would like to have been rid of them instead of having a vasectomy, after our two children were born except for my wife's objections which continue to this day.</p>