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Have you ever tried taking female hormones?
I took some anti-menopause Premarin pills left over after my mother-in-law passed away. She had a 3 month supply. I noticed tingling in my nipples before I ran out of the pills. I would not mind having some good "old man boobs." I can currently fill out my b/c cup bras when I push things together for a little cleavage . I would consider taking Puria Merifica if I could find a local supply I could buy off the shelf. I cannot shop online for any of my CD needs.
Though I love dressing, I don't think that I will ever want to transition, and don't want the potential side effects of hormone treatments, so my answer is no.
When diet and/or medications caused some breast development, I tried using herbal supplements, but with little effect that I can see. IF there were a legal source for Rx medications, I would use them, but I'm not transitioning, so that is out, sorry to say.
I haven't taken any feminizing hormones or supplements, but I have considered taking them.
I have taken my wife's birth control, her tubes are tied, and Im currently taking fermentation supplement. In five months I've gone from nothing to a 32na and now have more of an ass that i didn't have before.
Going back a few years, I read that taking birth control pills would inhibit the release of testosterone and increase female hormonal development-(ie breast development) I took birth control pills (for three months) to try to increase my boob size, and found that it was a load crap (others on this site may differ)
My (personal, non-scientific) findings were that it made no difference to either the size of my boobs, or the size of my erection. And they made no difference to my libido. Having been there, done that, I would personally suggest don't bother.
The endocrine system is a delicately tuned mechanism to keep you alive, with the sex hormones just one part of it. Even the sex hormone systems are in themselves quite complex. Therefore, I see experimenting with them, and in particular self-medication with say, birth control pills, as an unacceptable risk. As a non-medic, I wouldn't have an idea what I was actually doing to myself, beyond the vague notion that oestrogen might enhance SSCs.
Good morning all, Was taking herbal supplements for about a year with no noticeable gain. Last year I started using body creams intended to manage hot flashes and have used several before finding these; Progesto life, 500mg of micronized progesterone per oz. and Estrogen Bi-est 2.5 one pump 2.5mg bio-identical estrogen. They are the maximum amounts allowed by law over the counter. I use the Progesto only on my rear end as it is reported to produce weight gain in applied areas. TheBi-est I apply to my breasts, inner arms and legs.
Don't know if one or all the above are responsible but my nipples remain erect most of the time and are without doubt more sensitive. If I bend at the waist my breast tissue approaches a modest B cup and my butt seems a bit fuller, fleshier and softer. Kind of scary and exciting at the same time. If this continues, will have trouble hiding these puppies without a shirt on?
As a (retired) medic, and the spouse of a GG with multiple medical issues, I have observed that no medication works the same on everyone, even when used as intended. IMO, this makes hormone treatment for CDs a real crapshoot. Consider the risks vs the benefits (and the cost) before deciding. Pueraria cream and capsules did little for me, but apparently works for some.
I am taking purifica merifica and using a hormonal based cream for breast growth. My nipples are firmer and always in a state of arousal. I have some firmness in the breast area and extremely modest growth. Not looking for big boobs just enough to fill a bra. My SO would seriously kick me to the curb if my boobs were bigger than her.
I am very torn on this, so I said "no, but maybe someday."
Like I said in another poll, I'm good with being a guy, at least as of now. But, I do have a curiosity about going full time female. Mind you, no time soon. I'd like to be able to pretty much just reboot my life again in another location and in another profession, if I were to do that. It'll be a number of years before I have the financial security and life circumstances to allow that.
Now, if I ever have that ability, I may consider it. Maybe. No way to know until it happens, if it happens.
I did almost buy a synthetic estro product on Amazon, but basically chickened out. I'm not sure if it's as dangerous and somehow procuring prescription-level stuff. But, my thought is that if it's being sold without a prescription, it's likely not *as* risky. But, I could be wrong. Anyway, I basically decided not to try it. *shrug*
I haven't taken any hormones, food supplements, or anything like it, but l have been thinking more and more about it lately, even to the extent of obtaining them outside the proper channels. That is one reason why I am currently in the search for a therapist to discuss my feelings, wishes, needs and opportunities.
I have BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia, or "enlarged prostate") I take 2000mg of saw palmetto daily to help keep that under control. My physician suggested I might want to try estradiol as an alternative to taking so much saw palmetto. He says it is sometimes used with good effect in treatment of prostate cancer, and is available OTC. So I have just ordered Bi-Est, and will; try it for one month. He also said it could possibly cause gynecomastia, but thought that unlikely, given my age (I'm 74). I didn't tell him, but I suspect it will have some minor effect on breast size for me; I know that I have seen some breast growth (actually fatty tissue growth in the breast area) from taking large doses of saw palmetto over the past five years.
I have taken my wife's hormones once and used them all ands only wish I could get more but no prescription