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I refer to Dave as my twin. So when I go shopping. I don't get as many questions
I consider myself to only have one side. I've never had to explain it to anyone else because I buy online.
Drab. Because that's how I feel - it's like comparing a pretty butterfly to a boring grey moth!
Definitely drab! When i’m not wearing my panties and stockings and or pantyhose I am out of synch.
I think of Bettylou as "me", and my male side as my alter ego. And "drab" is an adverb used to describe how I am dressed, when applicable.
I have to select other. I don't see myself as two different personas. I am me regardless of the clothes that I wear.
MacKenzie Alexandra
It is me just presented a little differently. I find the femme mode to be more relaxing and expressive.
Drab me, is like the loving parent that understands and allows Samantha the "twenty-somehting" wild child to go out in the wild, to go on Pink Fog shopping spree to Sak's, have drinks with friends, and just be her, to find herself in this crazy place. I guess Drab me helps bank roll, a part of me I love very much, but can never really share with the real world as life has a way of degrading and then destroying oddities that do not conform to the norms of life. I guess I ran with this one a little.
"Bank roll" ?? Well I guess that kind of sums it up.
I find a lot of my money goes towards my dressing support.
I had to think for a moment. I donnot ever remember thinking my male side it always has been my female side or the woman in me . It has been me and her. The male having control when she was seen or not or when she was let out. My fear has always been she would get control and never want to be hidden again. I believe that is the case right now. She has control just because I am just tired of hiding her. She has been consistently pushing to get out.. Thank you for the question. I Got to look at from a another view Luv Stephanie ❤️
Exactly D.R.A.B. Dirty. Raggedy. And BLAAAH!
I chose other. For me it’s virtually two people inhabiting one body. When Annie, I am her (although after my makeover yesterday she does remind me of a sister that I never had) heart, mind and sole. When not Annie I am the other person.
I simply refer to it as "male mode". And like many of you each side is their own person, although my male side is the most dominant one, once I do let Michelle out even a little bit, it's all the way or nothing.
I'm not two people. I've been at this CD thing for a long time. More than 50 years ago, I thought it was a burden and wanted to be free of the desire/need to engage in the feminine. But for many years now I have realized how fortunate - indeed blessed - I have been to know and experience the influence of my femininity as well as my masculine nature. Although I'm not sure what it truly means to be gender fluid (I've seen it defined in conflicted terms), I think that is what I am. Nonetheless, I have adopted "Falecia" to separate my communication efforts because it's less confusing. But I'm still just me!