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4 billion men in the world. how many do you think are crossdressers Poll is created on Jan 26, 2025


[Solved] how many crossdressers are on this site?

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(@Anonymous 100087)
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ok so i read there are 47,000 crossdressers on this site. if that is true and this is only let's say 5% of us. if i did the math right then there are about close to 4 1/2 million crossdressers out there. where are they all hiding? there must only be a half a million that go out. i think this number is low. since there are 4 billion men in the world. what do you think?

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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It would be exceedingly difficult to estimate the percentage of crossdressers.  Many are closeted and won't admit to being one. 

It's easier to estimate the incidence of transgenderism.  A 2022 Pew Research Center survey found that 1.6% of the adult population in the US identifies as trans.  That percentage is probably an underestimate.  More people come out as trans every year.  Numbers are trending upward. 


Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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- and that also reflects a greater representation among younger generations. Not surprising really, younger people tend to be more open and accepting. I've also seen some data suggesting that in the UK, there's higher proportions in the big cities and niche places like Brighton. Maybe it's a case of moving to easier going environments.

eM x

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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According to the Pew survey, 5% of respondents under the age of 30 identified as trans.  I think that's a better estimation of the real percentage because younger generations do tend to be more open about who they are.

The higher proportions in cities doesn't surprise me.  Cities inherently have a more diverse population.  Residents are exposed to a wide range of cultures and that creates more acceptance.


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Your calculation only works if every crossdresser in the world is a member of Crossdresser Heaven 🙂

I've moved the topic from 'General Chat' to 'Crossdresser Heaven Polls'.

Ellie x

Baroness Annual
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Estimable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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@prettytoes That’s true 🙂! There are only about 4 million cross dressers and most of them line myself only fully dress like a woman in private unfortunately! The only feminine item I consistently wear in public is cotton panties!!

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@prettytoes It depends on how you consider being a CD. My guess is over half have tried on women's clothes a few times. Close to 25% 'get off ' on occanal at times ( often quitting after a time).. What I call real CDs is likely between 2 and 15%.


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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@prettytoes I'm a numbers person so I took a look at the forum statistics.  As of right now, it looks like there are 41,260 people registered.   The really interesting thing to me is that of this total, only 8,556 (20.7%) have made at least one forum post.  I'm sure that there are a number of reasons for this, but I'd bet good money that a big reason is fear that something said might result in being outed or fear of confronting their feelings due to guild and/or shame.  I'm sure that feelings like these preclude many from even registering for CDH.   Using this as some form of a snapshot, statistics on people indicating to be crossdressing and transgender are a small percentage of the reality.


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Honorable Member     Brindisi- BDS, Apulia / Puglia, Italy
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@prettytoes I think the number of crossdressing people is hard to calculate, boys/men who dress as women? or girls/women who dress as men?

Many hide and would never join an association or a support website for fear of being identified as gay/lesbian; although in many cases being a crossdresser has nothing to do with the sexual identity of the individual, but only with the personal pleasure of wearing clothing created for the opposite sex.
That said, as far as I can see it is a statistic with an uncertain and unlikely final result.
Xoxo from Italy 🇮🇹
Greta ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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Unfortunately I do believe this is an answer that no one can answer to properly do the math you would have to find a very higher up on CDH that would brake them 47000 memebers down to who’s transgender,SO,MTF,FTM cross dresser just my thought I apologize 

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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I suppose my first question is: How are we defining CDs? Men who wear any traditionally feminine attire? Men who do hair and makeup as well? Those who go out?

Are you thinking of starting a credit union? I mean...I could go for a good interest rate. Just sayin'.

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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The real question is how many men want to crossdress but don’t !

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Reputable Member     British Columbia, Canada
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  1. @coloradog1 yes Natalie , or want to dress but can’t for fear of repercussions 
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Duchess Annual
Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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The national census of England and Wales in 2021 sought to collect trans data for the first time. I remember answering it.

The form asked "is the gender you identify with the same as the sex you were registered with at birth?". It was a voluntary question. Note no mention of cross dressing. 

The figures were low - much less than 1%. The figures were also disputed for a number of reasons , including contrary results from Scotland's version and later withdrawn. They're still online, with a cautionary note that they are a work in progress.

Think about it though. It's a minefield. Honesty comes into play when answering such an intimate question as does self awareness. Even here on cdh profiles,  members differ in defining themselves cross dressers but not trans. So how would they have answered the question?  Whereas I look at the world as a spectrum of tendencies. I'm on a transgender scale somewhere or other - and I'm not saying that's a correct approach, just one that works for me. 

So if they ever try to frame a census question to do with cross dressing, I'm tempted to say good luck! 

I'll be interested to see if anyone can unearth data from  any reputable surveys on cross dressers as a percentage of population , if such data is out there and not hiding behind academic firewalls.


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Noble Member     Warner Robins, Georgia, United States of America
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 Any survey would be severely limited, because many wouldn't admit they crossdressed (deniel, embarrassment, fear). Or just plain deeply closeted. 🥰

Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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For sure, Fran, there's any number of reasons to suggest the likelihood of under reporting. I don't disagree with you.  I'm not quite sure how that problem could be addressed, if at all. I think it's safe to assume anyone answering in the positive is being honest, so at least there's a base line to start from.

eM x

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@emmat A search for something like "best gender survey questions" will return lots of pages with results from researchers who themselves have no idea how to do things right.

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@emmat not to mention that surveys are frequently designed to get specific answers. I can't tell you how many corporate surveys I have taken that totally side step actual feelings of customer satisfaction and only ask the questions that make the company look as good a possible.


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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I would have said that there are more potential cross-dressing men in the world than would ever register on CDH. Here is a excerpt of quote from a Quora contributor:

I strongly suspect that at least a significant minority of men have at least one crossdressing experience in their history. I’ve attended mixed Halloween parties where about a quarter of the men were gender bending.


It would seem that before we can even start to estimate the percentage of cross-dressing men, we need to define what constitutes a [male] cross-dresser. For example, I am a part-time cross-dresser, I dress fully and go out about twice a week, partially most days (at home), so I wear women's clothes and in most eyes, I would be seen as a cross-dresser. If I were dressed all day every day as a woman, to the extent that I had no male clothing at all, am I still a cross-dresser or something more? If, like the example above, I always went to halloween parties dressed as a woman, does that make me a cross-dresser?

In other words, how much does a man have to wear women's clothes to be classed as a cross-dresser, does it require them to go out and be seen as a CDer, or is the man who occasionally wear his wife's underwear also a cross-dresser?

My answer to the OP's question regarding the number of cross-dressers--of any level--is that there are more than you can ever know.

As Emma T says, if they admit to it, then they are cross-dressers, but if they don't it doesn't mean they aren't.



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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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From my own not dissimilar Q recently, I think I got to my own conclusion that a likely 33% of men have enjoyed cross dressing, knowing it to be “cross dressing” not just having fun in opposite gender clothing for say a vicar & tarts party, Halloween etc.

Perhaps an exit survey at The Rocky Horror Show might be more insightful!

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@valentina16 Thirty three percent seems extraordinarily high. Don't forget, the OP was speaking about the world's men which, perforce, would have to include men from India, China, Nigeria, Indonesia and Pakistan, et al., some of which would frown on cross-dressing (although some are more tolerant).

In other countries, like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia etc., cross-dressing could be a threat to life: Does that mean that there are no cross-dressers there, probably not, but they won't be walking the streets anytime soon.

(@Anonymous 100087)
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@rebeccabaxter and yes these foreign countries wear vails so it would be easier to be a crossdresser without anyone knowing.

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(@Anonymous 100087)
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I also doubt there are 47k crossdressers on this site. They may have logged 47k accounts, but there seems to only be perhaps 100-200 or so active people.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@buildoe I suspect there may be a lot of lurkers though: the curious, the nervous. One can also see posts without ever becoming a member, so how many potential cross-dressers do that? The audience for CDH may well be much bigger than we can ever know.

Looking at the members list there are huge numbers of people who have joined and never posted anything; they are all potential cross-dressers.

(@Anonymous 100087)
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@rebeccabaxter It is altogether possible the audience is larger than the membership roster.  By the same token, how many accounts are bots?  How many are the same person with 10 accounts?  As with any social media site, I'd consider the numbers questionable.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@rebeccabaxter hands up, I did do some under cover surveillance of CDH myself before I plunged into the pink pool. I’m glad I did, plunge, that is! ☺️

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@valentina16 putting my hand up too. I was a lurker for a short time as well. I just wanted to see how safe of a place CDH was. I had already seen a few sites that were basically "meat markets" and I wasnt interested in anything like that. I am truly grateful to the founders of CDH and to all the helpful ladies I have encountered here.

Getting back to topic.... don't forget many who see themselves as a CD at first, sometimes come to realize that they are in fact Trans. So a person who gives a survey response of CD today, might not give a CD survey response in the future. That can be based just on how each individual defines being transgender. For many that definition changes over time as their knowledge grows along with their understanding of themselves.

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@augustvaliant I wholly concur. My own slight awakening and self-awareness journey, even in 7 days, is introducing me to a different definition of what trans might mean. Previously, the whole hog with surgery and hormones, the full Monty. I now am beginning to see a greyness and a spectrum. All down to CDH and the enlightenment of the wonderful people here. Thank y’all! 💚

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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It is purely a speculative guess based on scant information. Defining what is a crossdresser is often difficult too as you cannot make assumptions such as a male dressed in female clothes for a party is a default crossdresser. As said here there are those who would never admit or be known so again it adds to speculation.

The last census in the U.K showed a figure of just less than 0.5% of 45.5 million respondents declared themselves trans - that is combined male and female respondents. 0.01% declared non binary or different identity. The total number is about 225,000.

Could we define Transgender as crossdressing, probably not but it gives an idea of how many would declare something which is still a bit of a taboo and if the population were to be asked how many crossdressers there were who would put that on a document declaring they are? And remember that is not specific to MtF or FtM.

I would think that based on this and probability the number of crossdressers is 1% of the population. But then define crossdressing in a world of multiple gender identities and fashion trends. 

Good luck.


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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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@ab123 my compliments for your pretty sound scientific analysis! Wonder what Bayes might have to say about the prior and posterior gender distributions?

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Eminent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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Great question, doubt we'll ever know the real answer.

I spent decades in my youth believing that I was the only crossdresser in the world.

So much loneliness, shame, guilt, fear, confusion and isolation.

While we may never know the exact numbers, I find great solace and joy in knowing that there are many, many, many of us who share this remarkable passion...

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(@Anonymous 100087)
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well it looks like this question has no answer. so i'm shutting it down. 

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Eminent Member     Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland
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We have to remember we're living a very privilleged life. 

Of those 4 billions probably at least one has just a few items of basic clothing and struggles to feed their family for tomorrow. I don't think crossdressing is anywhere on their agenda. 

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@kylikki This is true, cross-dressing [for the non-transitioning] is a luxury hobby, only being partaken of by people with a certain disposable income where most other concerns have been covered already. As Malina says, if you are wondering where your next meal is coming from, your dress size is probably not of the greatest importance.

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Reputable Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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For me the answer is simple, many more than are willing or sometimes able to admit it! 😉

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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I think even if the actual percentage was very high most wouldn't admit it. Some because they'd ruin their Alpha status in the eyes of others, some because they wouldn't want to be part of the "Pronoun Crowd" by association. Others because they just like being private.

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Active Member     Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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Inevitably a difficult question to answer; I think the actual proportion is less than one quarter (though if you were to include those who have just tried on a pair of panties or a pair of tights it would be at least half!)  The suggestion of 5% is, however, far too low in my opinion; I'm pretty sure that I'm never more than 400 yards from a crossdresser.  One in ten?  One in six?  Probably somewhere between those two...  Alice XXX

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