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I have discovered my need to express my feminate side changes all the time. When I was in my teen years it was all the time. I loved dressing and shopping playing with make up. I always had 1 draw in my dresser dedicated to my female clothing. In addition to some closet space. When i started my working career i felt the need to hide myself and started purging. I filled my time with work thoughts. When i got married and had children the thoughts diminished more and more only to come out when i was alone or traveling for work. It was always such a relief to be able to express my self. When i got older. It again started to be all the time.
For me this is variable but mostly is several times per day so is in between once per day and all the time. On some occasions I don't really think about it but just 'automatically' do or say something really girly which can be quite embarrassing at times, particularly if I am trying to not be girly lol.
Take care girls
I can't wait to come home and become the lady I was meant to be each day. I feel imprisoned in the male attire and therefore will wear my panties and maybe a bra under my manly clothes. At least I get a reminder that I am a lady underneath and that helps me forget the clothes for just a second.
Hi Christy I feel the same way as you do. I am very cautious what i wear to work I remove tags from panties Just changed style of panties always loved bikini stlye but noticed i had VPL when wearing tighter jeans I bought some hipster and boyfriend style i love the look no VPL. I would love to wear a bra or a bralette but always afraid someone would notice. Like you cannot wait to get out of male clothes and put on my cute jeans and tee top .
I know that feeling . I just love that feminate water. I want it all the time but have others to care for. I need the male clothing and body to provide the basics shealter food ect. Hoping one day it will change for me. In the mean time i enjoy the warm water when i can luv Stephanie
Stephanie. “Need”? Interesting choice of a word. Kate lives! I don’t mind too much going to work as “him” as long as I can at least wear cute panties, but when I arrive home I strip off those clothes (as I have my whole life) and change into (words so appropriate) my at-home clothes. Always. I’ll get home and seek an hour in the Deck with the warm late afternoon sun. Clothes off - Bikini on.
I will have that “need” if I have been away without my fav things and yearn for them at those times.
I find myself using my arms and hands in a very feminate way. Especially when i am talking with other woman. Its automatic. I am not sure if they notice but i do. luv Stephanie
Yes the word need is absolutly appropriate in my case.Desperate need would be a bit much. Prefer does not come close. Want. gone beyond that lol
Steph. I love it. Need it is - when you put it that way. I feel the passion that confers that need. Different connotation. Much more demanding. Absorbing. Yes, need it is!
I answered all the time, but it is not about wanting or needing to be or express myself as a woman. It is about just wanting to be me. I am a man who prefers to wear women's clothes. I find the more comfortable and feel more like I am expressing the true me.
MacKenzie Alexandra
my urge to dress feminine consumes me to the point that much too often its all i think about
For me, it's almost every waking hour; but in context, my youngest grandchild is a HS senior, I'm long since retired, and I have as much time as I want to pursue my needs. So, unless I'm working my survival skills (like driving in Houston traffic), my mind is on where this CD adventure is taking me and by what route.
Since my desire to want to wear women's swimwear is there all the time..........hence my vote.
Although I keep it to myself, so there really is no "expressing" to it. When I am at home alone for a while, I just put one on and go about my day.
As I am of two spirits I display both genders all the time
The desire to express me femme side is constant. Ever since I have excepted this about myself it is all consuming