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Are you interested in the 2024 Keystone CD/TG conference? Registration opens January 15th at 930am per their website(it says Sunday Jan 15th but Sunday is the 14th- I'd say try Sunday and if not open yet go back on Monday the 16th) Select below and (if you are a baroness level or above) join the Keystone Attendees group here on CDH. If you'd like my contact info feel free to PM me and I'll share mine so you can be aware of the CDH event and get together with your fellow members! keystone website is keystone-conference.org (and while registering select the CDH tag as one of your "badges" for your nametag.) Starting end of next week I will start list of folks who are definitely or possibly attending, which hotel they'll be in , which day they anticipate arriving and whether they are 'first-timers' or not. Reply here or in the group and I'll do my best to keep the list up to date. We had 50+ CDH folks in 2023- let's shoot for 100 in 2024!
List of folks- Updated weekly as info becomes available :
Name Hotel def/prob/poss arrival day first timer
Cynthia (skippy1965) Hilton definite Tuesday no(5th year)
I will duplicate the list in the Keystone group. If you have any questions about the conference feel free to reply here or in the group.
Boo to the Yah, girl! I'm ready to get this thing in motion! 🙂
And thumbs up to this:
while registering select the CDH tag as one of your "badges" for your nametag
I can grab some screen caps as needed for the more visually minded. Hope to let the Keytone staff see the number of CDHers in attendance, if not also to recognize each other. 🙂
For the record we may arrive Tue night or Wed morning (closer to a game time decision). It will be the GF and I, and we'll be in the Hilton. My 2nd KS, GF's 1st.
I am getting interested, but I don't know yet if it's possible for me to go. I would love to attend. It would be a great opportunity to share and the first time I come out en femme publicly. I hope to be able to fix a couple of things here in Panama and be able to travel in mid-March. Right now I have some issues to resolve; but at least I have hope of being able to get there. Maybe I'll know for sure in a couple of weeks. I'll let you know.
Kimberly Hilton Tues definite
I'll be in on Wednesday. It will be good to see you and everyone else again. Marg
Hilton Tuesday for me
Hi Ladies, I’m going. Hilton for sure.
Arriving Monday and leaving on Monday the 25th.
See you soon
God willing and the creek don't rise I'll be there! Weekender plan for me, arriving Thursday early afternoon at the Hilton.
I’m registering and will try for the Hilton for Wed. Won’t know for certain if I can work it in yet. This will be my 3rd conference.
I will be registering on Monday the 15th (which is when it open's right?)
My hope is I will book into the Hilton as this is the first time I will attend. Can't wait!
My goal is to arrive Tuesday and stay through Sunday.
I'll be arriving on Tuesday and staying at the Hilton for my 2nd Keystone.
Hilton Friday Definitely 2nd.
No can do.