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Are you aware of any others, in your family, who may also be either a CD or a TG? I have suspected a couple in mine but really don’t know, some of which have passed. The subject can be such a taboo, in some families, so it is never discussed. As we all know there are many reasons we can’t be totally honest with our own families about this subject. Those who can are very lucky!
Hi it’s me the author, Carolyn, I wanted to explain my answer. When my father died I found some dresses and other items that I know were not my mother’s. I suspected something because my father would always dress as a female for any Halloween party he ever attended. Unfortunately, he passed before I could really find out, it would have made for quite a different father/son relationship. He was always a little distance from me and perhaps that was why.
Great question Caroline! It made me think a bit. I feel I am alone in my family in this regard. Thanks for asking the question and for sharing a bit about your family. Your assessment of your father’s situation seems accurate to me.
I am alone in this.
I do have relatives in same sex marriages
I have two cousins who are same sex relationships/marriages, so you are not alone there.
Just me , my family/ friends know & as no-one else admitted anything I assume that's it
<p style="text-align: left;">I am the only one</p>
I do have relatives in same sex marriages
I honestly have no clue if there are other CDs in my family, so until I know I have to say no.
I think my father was. He did not have money to spend on fem clothing but I found women's make up in his glove compartment in his car. My mom did not wear that much make up. I really don't care. If he suffered as I did and had to support 8 children and a wife at the same time he deserved a cute outfit. I did not thank him enough before he passed. I loved my dad . A great teacher and generous provider. Luv Stephanie ❤️❤️
Can you imagine how different your life may have been if somehow you both discovered the other secret.
My family? No, not that there couldn't be, I just don't know. But I think you should have expanded the question to include friends, coworkers or anyone you know. My GF has a young nephew who is very emotionally sensitive and just displays a whole lot of feminine characteristics. If he's not a CD or TG now he very easily could be in the future.
My daughter identifies as non-binary, I believe, and sometimes wears masculine clothing with a chest-binder. Strangely it's not something I've really discussed with her; it doesn't really affect us, so life goes on as normal 🙂
I'm not aware of any other crossdressers or transgender people in my family and, given how open and positive I am about my crossdressing, I can't believe I wouldn't have been confided in if anyone was that way inclined.
That's terribly sad, that you never got to share something that you had in common.
Rachel, thank you for the thought, I do find myself thinking, from time to time, what may have been.
Good Day,
I think there is a possibility that my father and/or an uncle might have had some CD inclinations. In their generation, however, the easy availability of ready-to-wear clothing was not what it has been in ours. Some men browse women's clothing implying or suggesting they are gift shopping - done that!
But, here's the thing! This propensity came from somewhere. It is highly likely it has a hereditary component. If we weren't so uptight about it - I mean society, we'd be seeing lots of interesting clothing choices. I know that I wear a lot of feminine clothes, but one could just as easily characterize it as a "style" rather than crossdressing. Men used to wear pink because it was considered masculine and high heels when women did not. I like pink because it's less common and "heels" are just heels - they're great no matter what!