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do you buy your clothes in guy mode, cd mode or both?
i have no problem buying women's clothes in public. i can do it in male or female form. i tried on knee high boot the other day in guy mode. there was a lady next to me when i did it. i don't know her and she don't know me. if she would have said something i would have said my girlfriend takes the same size as me. if im buying women's clothes they could be for my wife, girlfriend or daughter. and you think the salesclerk cares. their just there to check you out and do their job. we all have some reason to buy women's clothes. birthdays, Christmas, a special day, etc. no one really cares. i know i don't.
I don't dress outside the house, so I'm ostensibly in chap-mode.
However I am surreptitiously wearing tights, lingerie, ladies skinny jeans, tops or blouses and sweaters and even an occasional bit of subtle makeup when I'm out shopping. So maybe that covers the 'Both' option as well! 😉
I don't dress outside the house so I'm always in guy mode. I enjoy shopping for Michelle and have no fear of what people may think. The exception is panties and bras. I had a friend of my daughters see me buying panties a while back and she looked horrified and has avoided me ever since so I keep my panties and bra shopping online but anything else goes. I enjoy clothes shopping in the charity stores but haven't had the nerve to try on the clothes. I have a good eye for fit and the clothes are so cheap that if I make a mistake it's no big deal.
Ive done both but mostly when dressed. Its just so much more fun when dressed.
I had to vote both but since I shop from my computer the answer may not technically count, used to try and talk my wife into helping me dress and both go out as girls, that went over like a lead brick. So as soon as I can find a place to go that's cd friendly or safe I'm out the door I have only driven dressed but with no place to go. lol.
I shop in male mode as I don't go out of the house dressed although I do on occasion underdress in panties and have worn my ankle boots while in drab. I do most of my shopping at Wal Mart and thrift stores but have visited boutiques with my wife as well as Macy's. I've never gotten any strange looks that I could tell. Like others have said I don't think anyone pays attention or cares. I have been in a shoe store and tried on heels with no problem.
I shop in both guy mode and cd.
I really don't care what people are doing around me when I shop.
If I am in guy mode and shopping for a bra and a woman is next to me I don't care what she is thinking. I don't spend my time thinking up excuses why as a guy I am shopping for bras.
I selected both for a reason - I dress androgynously in public. All women's clothes 100% of the time, you just have to look at the labels to figure out what I am doing.
Of the stores near me that have bras, one is Winners, a discount clothing chain. Their bra racks are so disorganized that I don't want to waste much time there looking for hard / impossible to find bra sizes (38 A). The last bra that I bought was in a lingerie chain and an attentive sales clerk helped me deal with a new form size.
Otherwise, I use a tape measure to select clothes without bothering with trying it on in a change room. If there is any doubt if an item will fit or not, there is always another day to find the jewel that does fit. If I find something important that really should be tried on, in the future, I know how to find a change room.
So, I am always crossdressing, but it is not always obvious. Oh, and I don't buy men's clothing any more, either, so you will only find me in the women's section.
I used to shop primarily drab. The usual fears of course, someone seeing me that I know, the snide look from the cashier or customer. The problem was I'd find something that looked fabulous on the mannequin only to look dreadful on me when I got it home. Then another trip back to return it and the question from the cashier "Why do you want to return it?". I'd love to just say "I love it but it look terrible on me" but that's not going to happen.
So, I stopped doing that and started shopping dressed. Now if I find something I just try it on and I know before I buy how it fits and looks. The only things I will still buy drab are lingerie and shoes sometimes. I know my sizes and taste and if I see something while drab I'll just buy it. I look for sales all the time but anything in outerwear like dresses, skirts, blouses, coats, etc I want to see on me first.
I shop in both, male and female. I have to say that is a bit more fun in female mode as I can try on just about anything my eyes discover, and if I decide to buy it I already know it will fit me perfectly.
I have purchased clothes in both boy and girl mode. I once stood in line at a shoe store in a skirt and heels to buy a pair of pumps. It seems like people just don’t care anymore.
I shop in guy mode, but am happy to explain the items are for me and will try items on.
guy mode never been out of the house dress still get anxious just looking at a new bra to buy lol
I dress privately. I have never been out in public en femme, so like Erin and a few others, I shop for women's clothing in guy mode. I consider Revel my twin sister, so if a woman is near me while I'm shopping for women's clothing, sometimes I say, "I bet my sister would like this for her birthday gift." It really helps take away the awkward feeling, and the suspicion she might have that I'm a crossdresser. Haha. 😆
Rev ❤️
Hi Rachel,
I'm always in guy mode when i buy my fem clothes, when i first started buying clothes for Roz i used to get very embarrassed but not now, the shop assistants don't seem to bother if your a man or a woman as long as they get a sale,
I like going with my wife when she is back buying clothes as i can have a sneaky view at what's for sale,
Love Roz ❤️