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You're fully dressed-up and enjoying yourself. Suddenly the bell rings and you see a delivery van standing right in front of your home.
Hi Astrid,
I'm the first to vote so i voted just go to the door and accept the parcel as long as i had my makeup on and i looked half decent, i would do now but before maybe i would have just hid and sorted later, nowadays you don't see the same delivery driver so he doesn't know you from Adam so the saying says, and anyway Roz deserved to be seen now and again if not by my family why not a stranger,
Love Roz ❤️
I've had to do the "leave it at the entrance" routine a couple of times
I put that I would go to the door and take the parcel as I have done this already. Where I might choose another option was if I'm not 'dressed to receive'. While a GG might go to the door dressed 'as is', I would not feel comfortable if I was caught halfway through dressing and had all my makeup on but no wig.
Probably answer the door through the speaker on the doorbell to tell them I’m not at home and to leave it with my neighbour!
If it’s to the door I know it’s none of my feminine stuff because that’ll be addressed to Laura and I have it sent to a parcel locker because I’m totally paranoid that it’ll arrive when I’m not here lol
I talk to them through the smart doorbell and say I'm on a call and get them to leave it on the step or under the car.
If they say they need a signature or a photograph, I tell them to hang on for 5 minutes and I'll be with them, at which point they often give up and just leave it on the step. If they insist and decide to wait, then it's a relatively quick change back to something resembling male mode.
Where I live now, there is no choice really, ALL the package delivery companies just dump the stuff on your doorstep and go. Most do send a text message, with a photo that shows it on your front porch. If I see them arrive, knowing they just dump and run, I just wait until they are off the driveway and then I go bring it in.
I have never let the clothing that I am wearing stop me from answering my door. even before I being basically full time. I have two favorite experiences for answering the door while wearing a dress.
1. The first was a court officer who was delivering a subpoena. The court officer was clearly more surprised that I knew the subpoena was coming than how I was dressed.
2. The second was a pair of door to door missionaries belonging to a conservative congregation. It was so much fun engaging those ladies who where clearly very umcomfortable speaking with me. I will admit that I really drew out that conversation while standing on my front porch. Even my wife who was still feeling out how she felt about me being out in public enjoyed that interaction.
MacKenzie Alexandra
No hesitation in answering the door for parcels or mail. I also share with Mac Kenzies experience when church missionaries who have a view on trans appear, it can be interesting....
As long as I'm decent, I've opened the door to the postman, parcels couriers, politicians, Jehovah's Witnesses and other callers in various states of incomplete feminine presentation with no worries. Having my full figure and a dress on, but no hair and still with yesterday's stubble is the most common - sometimes even with dangly earrings too! None of them have been anything other than polite. The delivery guys from all organisations just want to get the job done and move on to the next house. Anyone else who isn't a neighbour (all of whom know about me anyway) I'm not interested to spend any time with, so I just politely close down the conversation. I've not had a single second's misgivings about any of these occurrences 🙂
@astridt I'm in my own home doing what I want harming no one. I can't be happy as Melodee if I'm ashamed of Melodee.
If what you mean is that I'm wearing something that is more, erm..."intimate", then I find a robe and then get the door.
Hmm...now you've got me aware that I don't have some fabulous dressing robe for just such an occasion. 🤔
Just answer the door , delivery man probably take no notice , and it's not again the law to be dressed in a dress .
as a live alone who always dresses at home I open the door as Randi, my "resolution" for this year is Randi rules OK and I don't care who knows it, I am a proud trannie.
I would just answer the door and sign for the package if necessary or just accept it if no signature required and thank the courier. At this stage it's no big deal anymore.
I'd wait for them to leave it at the door, but not because I'm en femme but because I'm too dang shy 🙃