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what do you say when someone asks you what pronoun do you use?
i'm not totally passable. when asked this question i always reply (human). i don't care if you call me a guy, girl, cd, bitch, or what. if you call me something i don't like i'll let you know. i guess i haven't found that word yet. it probably depends if i like you or not.
Pronouns are a touchy subject…I don’t use them. It doesn’t really make life easier I think. When I’m in girl mode , I’m all girly, when in male mode…all male but with deep shades of pink inside that most don’t know are there. Male mode is the protector and provider of my family. The two can’t cross in my current world, so I just don’t use pronouns
I am an intersex trans woman, my pronouns are she, her and hers.
Hi Rachel,
I don't like to use pronouns i prefer to use names, it doesn't matter if it's not the name you were given when you were born, it's the name you want to called now that matters, when I'm Enne Femme i liked to be called Roz, I think pronouns are to impersonal,
Hugs Roz X
I'm living full time as Fiona and I am going to continue to do so, so I like people to use she/her. I'll settle for they/them if anyone is uncomfortable with gendering me female. I really don't like he/him any more, nor being addressed by my male name.
If I'm dressed I'd like to be referred to as she, but it's not mandatory. If someone knows I'm male (and they probably will) and say Mr ..., I can't really object since that is my name. I could insist they call me Miss, Madam (my preference of the two) or Becca, but if they aren't doing it of their own volition, telling them how I want to be addressed is not going to endear them to me (unless they ask, that would be quite nice). I'm the same with non-binaries telling me what pronouns to use for they/them—if I think they are portraying as male then it is he/him, if female, it is she/her. If they are truly androgenous, I'll probably avoid the pronoun mess altogether and just use their name (which is probably the best option from the outset).
I don’t like the word ‘pronoun’ so no comment.😉
I'm he/him but there are times when She/her would be useful. Such times as when I'm with my wife and we're talking to someone, say in a shop she says "him", it's as good as her having a loudhailer and shouting "TRANNY!!!!!" through it.... It's not meant to be irksome, but to me it is. I cringe inside. When out and about as Cerys, I put a ,ot of effort into looking as female as I can. My public photos will show how hard this is, and how much effort I have to go through 🙂 Calling me "he" erases all this hard work in an instant. 🙂
A friend of mine makes pronoun badges. I asked him to make me one that says "who/what" 🙂
Whether call them by name , don't like pronouns myself
Touchy subject. I'm not a fan of bastardizing the English language in order to satisfy someone about whom I know nothing up front. Since I'm fully male the vast majority of the time, than standard pronouns are just fine with me for those times
I n this arena, I see know problem with using she/her for others and myself. Especially with those of us who have opted for transition. It's still a little confusing but I see no reason to spoil the fun by getting my.panties in a knot over it.
I do happen to think that "they/them" used to refer to and of just one person is just plain silly
The idea, I think, is to remove barriers,.not erect new ones.
She Her Hers Please.
I prefer to be called by my name, Mia. The pronouns of she/her are used in 3rd person any way.
(FYI, when I came out my wife change my name to Mia from Lisa)
I don't really get hung up on labels. But I will respect yours.
You can call me anything you want. Just don't call me late for dinner
Call me Gisela.
As Gisela use she/her/hers.
I prefer Fiona and she, her when necessary.