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No, not that first step across the door threshold, the first bare stocking in the open visible air, but how did your secret get outed. Was it:
I came out to my SO to be faithful only all you ladys here are the only others that know me as Erin can’t thank you all enough
Tis better to come clean than to be outed.
What's funny is when someone tries to out you, after you're already out.
In theory I told my spouse (which I should have done a while back).
but she had thought something was a bit off with me for a while and didn’t really push on it. Or at least in a way I was ready to address.
Never been caught to this day. I was always careful when I was younger. And now I live alone so there’s no one to catch me
There are 5 people who know me that have met Anna and probably about another 10 who know me and know about Anna.
I'm not likely to change that much at the moment and won't be telling family.
Anna xx
I decided to take the gamble and tell someone as I couldn't keep it a secret anymore. It could have gone any way but it went the good way turning out to be the best thing I could have done as it paved the way for progress.
I came out to my partner and family last Easter, then various friends, and finally everywhere else in my life including work, last July. Now I live as Fiona 24/7. Best thing I ever did 🙂
I told a few trusted family members. It went well. I have other family members and friends who would not understand in the least.
Not actually been outed yet - though it's been a close run thing on many an occasion, usually because I've gone and left a pair of tights on the bedroom floor... In fact, it's happened so many times now that I'm wondering if - subconciously - I'm just trying to get caught? Alice XXX
I finally decided to introduce my wife to wendy a while back.
After reading numerous posts on various CD forums, the gist I got was it isn't a matter if you'll get caught but when.
I don't regret the introduction, best decision I made regarding my CDing.
Many years ago, my now wife and I were having a boozy lunch with friends. It was in a pub in Cardiff when wages were playing Scotland at rugby. It was a very busy pub, and a lot of Brains SA was drank (look it up) . We were all a bit intoxicated to say the least. Suddenly my wife said "he likes to dress in women's clothes. He does it regularly". No warning. No preamble. Just straight out with it. I'm not gonna lie, I was ever so slightly annoyed at this. My deepest secret just blurted out. At this time, no one knew. It was a total black out. This nearly split us up. I was absolutely livid, and seriously annoyed that she could just tell without even a warning. It took me a long time to trust her again.
As it happens, it friends were supportive, the wife more than the husband. He was OK, but didn't want to ever see me in girl mode. It was many years later (two years ago) that he got to meet Cerys. This by accident, and he was fine with it.
Other than once going to work with lipstick on, I've never been outed.
None of the above. My ex snooped on my IPad and saw am photo of me dressed.
My wife has always known, so that has never been an issue. The few others that know are people I told., so to my knowledge no one knows whom I have not already told. If others find out, so be it. I am doing nothing wrong or to ashamed of. I just happen to like to dress...there are worse things in tthis world.
I voted "decided to share". The only person I've ever felt the need to come out to is my wife. I did so about two weeks after I began active crossdressing. The stress of hiding was just too much. I am so glad I didn't sell her short, as her acceptance and even encouragement has allowed my femme persona to flourish. However, even if she was not I know it was the right thing to do as the hiding and feeling of "cheating" would have proved toxic for us both and pulled us apart eventually.