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Skirts!! we all love them dont we? but what is your favourite type? I am only going to list the more common types as there are loads!! my apologies in advance for any i have missed but you can specify yours below in the comments 🙂
Love and kisses, fiona xxx
Fiona. Oh, I do love your polls! Mini. That includes the slutty (oops, I mean schoolgirl) tartans and skater skirts. I like a little flare in my skirt and I love wearing skirts. For all the reason...? For another post.
Chiffon pleated maxi skirt.
Hi Fiona , without a doubt it's pencil skirts & body con figure hugging for me .........oh & coupled with stockings & heels for a knockout look 😘😜😜 Tiff
Sorry , I missed Ann in Fiona- Ann , btw that's simply beautiful xx
A timely poll. In many ways, my guy persona is quite different from Bettylou; but we DO have one thing in common, and it's denim. Black denim trousers or blue jeans for one, and ladies' jeans or denim skirts for the other. And since my wife gave the OK for me wearing skirts at home, it's been blue denim skirts every day. Hey! I'm a Texan; is there anything else?
Skirts and dresses are my weakness and my first choice. But a nice pair of comfortable jeans is always a second.
Not really my thing. I've tried a few, but they don't really give me the same feeling I get from swimsuits.
I'm sorry, did I miss it? Was Yes a choice? Lol
In addition to my selections, which were mini, pencil, A-line, leather (or pleather), denim, and pleated, I also like circle skirts. They are great for putting petticoats underneath. They are also easy to make, too. (I had a store bought black one, and just made a blue one for an upcoming party.) I also have a narrow maid's dress that flares at the bottom into a mermaid shape. I also have a few skorts. I'm not sure if they fit into the category of sports skirts or not. Two are made of material that could be considered a sport skirt, but another is definitely more dressy.
I love peasant skirts - just feel nice - you can live in a peasant skirt -
I'M with you Alison,
I pretty much love them all.
Usually bodycon, but lately its been skater dresses and skirts
I like to keep mine in almost all styles, to at least knee or mid-thigh length. Denim is my all time favorite material, for any length. A-line and flared are best for my body shape. Used to love my mini's, but with age comes a little modesty. I do own and wear a few maxi length in several different materials too.
Leather and vinyl I could never pull off no matter how hard I tried, just didn't like them. I got into the gypsy look several years ago, but it was always too thin to wear in the cooler weather of winter with the wind chills around this part of the country.
My all time favorite are the sundresses and beach cover ups that have gotten my attention the last couple of years. You girls should look into the Riviera Sun line, inexpensive and every color and pattern you could think of.
Any style as long as it’s made from angora 😊
Ever since I was 4 I loved wearing pantyhose with pumps and a shirt that looked like a short dress and show my legs. Over they years as I became a crossdresser, it was always the love of wearing pantyhose with heels and a short dress or skirt to show my legs.
That's my love and passion, so it's always short.