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Sometimes I live in the city, sometimes I live in the town

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Estimable Member     Beaumont, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

I born and raised in a small town and went to the big city (Houston, Texas) shortly after high school. Even in the 1970’s, I found that it was really not for me. After living in a couple of small towns because of jobs, I eventually bought my first home in a remote area. It was about 20 minutes to “town” for essentials and 45 minutes to any department stores. My taste for the seclusion of country living is still with me today with my current home. It’s very private and I can walk around in my panties and pee anywhere on my two acres when I want since you can’t even see my house from the road or any other direction. The main difference is that there is a super Walmart about 20 minutes away. We go to the “big city” but still would not like to live there. Stephanie

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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I grew up on a farm almost equal distance between 4 small towns( pop between 800 to 5000). Today I live in a small town- pop about 1300 and work in a collage town - pop about 70,000. Being it is a collage town there are a lot of events you might find in a larger city. 45 years ago I went to a Chicago concert, Paul McCartney and Wings preformed at the football stadium and others. I like living in a small town and don't really like the business and trafic even in at work. Being mostly an introvert I like the small town but am trying to avoid people finding out about my cross dressing. I guess I am not trying that hard though - I often walk between house and garage then drive out of town completely in fem. Also I have walked around the mall near where I work in fem - it is easier to do with a mask on and I hope my courage will continue after masks are no longer required.
Being I live in central Iowa, a conservative area, maybe we all don't need to be as closeted and as scared as we all have been.

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Yeah it's kinda like Taranna

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Prominent Member     Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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Hi Marti, I've lived everywhere on your list.  Born in Toronto, raised on a farm, then to a small town, mid-size city, back to Toronto for university (that was a fun time but I wouldn't want to live there now),  then to a variety of sized towns and cities in Alberta.  I'd say my favourite is a city around 30000 to 50000 people which is small enough to not have big city problems but large enough especially if seen as the regional centre to have big-city amenities (large hospital, the arts, recreation) and you can be incognito if you want to be.  Another bonus is living very close to nature with the Rocky Mountains only a short drive away.   Stay safe, stay healthy, All the Best, Hugs, Krista.

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The city I live in is a smaller city 55 000 people and I live on the outskirts. I ride my bike up to the end of my street and pick up the trails and I'm in the country. I love it, kind of the best of both worlds.

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It changed! I was born in Houston, grew up in Los Angeles, eventually retired back in Houston, and always used to think of myself as a big city girl. But no longer; I now yearn for the life I had the one year I lived with my cousin on his farm. The nearest neighbor was one-half mile away, and the nearest town ten miles away. My wife's healthcare needs will prevent this from ever becoming reality. Sigh.


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I'm jealous, Stephanie.


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Prominent Member     North Woods, Wisconsin, United States of America
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I am none of them that you listed. I am a country bumpkin. I live in the deep north in the middle of no where. I have close to a hrs drive to the nearest Walmart.

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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
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Hi Marti,

Lived in a medium sized city, then a bigger Town of  about 50,000 people.  Went to college in a city of about 100,000.  First job out of college in a suburb of a city of a million.  Then back to grad school in a city of 100,000.  Then moved to a rural community of maybe 5000.

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Prominent Member     Lakeshore, Michigan, United States of America
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I grew up in a rather quiet and somewhat small suburb of Chicago. For several jobs Id take one of several commuter train lunes into the Loop and absolutely loved walking to my job in the crowd, shopping at the myriad of stores, going over to the lakefront at lunch.

Now if i was still working Id want to live much further out towards the country to appreciate the peace and serenity of open spaces but still have that commute into the big city. Of course todays commute for something like that woukd be well over an hour each way instead of the 25 minute trip it was back then. (and that pleasant little suburb has been overrun now by those horrible mcmansions.

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Reputable Member     Missouri, United States of America
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Marti, I prefer the quiet life, And the city is just 35 minutes away when I want to go be around 10's of thousands of people.  Hugs

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Hi Chloe,

'Commuting' was almost like a dirty word for me, but only as traffic grew and grew. One short lived job I had involved driving / setting off up to an hour early 'just in case' there was a snarl up of traffic. Ugh ...

But then there was one very long lived job where on nice days, I didn't mind adding 20 minutes to a 40 minute walk in to work, so that I could go via the sea front. What a difference to the start of the day.

Marti xxx

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Hi Bettylou,

Hopefully as we get older, and our life experiences become fuller, we are better able to reflect on what the real 'happy times' were. And take pleasure from that.

Marti xxx

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Hi Heather,

That sounds like a happy in between solution. not too far into the wild, that you couldn't pop up the way if you ran out of milk.

Marti xxx

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Reputable Member     Maine, United States of America
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Small town gurl all the way, but live in the country 5 minutes from town, last house on a dead end road deep in a forest.Days I work from home, I see more deer than people.
If living in a small town meant living on 1/10 acre lots with houses all around, wouldn't be happy, as I need space around me.

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