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When I look at an attractive woman I realize that this is an uphill battle. In my quest to be a 67 year old supermodel, I’m wondering what some of you girls do to enhance your teeth.
Well, my teeth do need improvement; but the truth is that I have waited far too long. My age makes makes the orthodontics and extractions impractical. Too bad, because now, I can actually afford it. (But since the question has been posed, I shall ask my dentist again when I go for my cleaning next week).
I use toothpaste whiteners and inserts but the best way was to give up smoking.
A lesson for all you smokers out there (especially the younger girls) don't smoke!! I'm 51 years old, have smoked all my life and my teeth (what's left of them) are crap. On my public photos, you won't see any more than a 'lip movement' smile, I never show my teeth because smoking has ruined them. Oh....and foolishly, I still smoke.
Wow! That brought back some long-lost memories. My folks never took me to the dentist, and my very first visit was for 2 extractions at age 18. I was terrified of dentists for years, thereafter, but had to make many visits during my Army years. It took me about 30 years to get over my fears, even with a few friends in the profession.
Hi Girls, i openly admit here on CDH, that my teeth, are well past their sell by date, ever wondered why i dont give a great beaming smile on my photos? now you know!! my teeth are horrid!! that coupled by an intense fear of the dentist, certainly for me, has been a recipe for disaster!
Fiona xxx
I'm not really scared of the dentist but haven't seen one for years. Problem is in my part of the UK that I can't find a dentist near to my home (within 15 miles) who provide NHS treatment and has vacancies. For the past 10 years or so dentistry in the UK has been a pigs ear.
Perhaps as a consequence of this and years of neglect my mouth looks like a bomb has gone off in there.
I'd say not realy very femme but I know nice, gorgeous
women who also have the same problem.
Just saying.
All too true about the rotten NHS dental service, Anne-marie! My teeth are awful...ly British!