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The genetics of sexual orientation
<p id="p-4">Twin studies and other analyses of inheritance of sexual orientation in humans has indicated that same-sex sexual behavior has a genetic component. Previous searches for the specific genes involved have been underpowered and thus unable to detect genetic signals. Ganna et al. perform a genome-wide association study on 493,001 participants from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Sweden to study genes associated with sexual orientation (see the Perspective by Mills). They find multiple loci implicated in same-sex sexual behavior indicating that, like other behavioral traits, nonheterosexual behavior is polygenic.</p>
- We wish to make it clear that our results overwhelmingly point toward the richness and diversity of human sexuality. Our results do not point toward a role for discrimination on the basis of sexual identity or attraction, nor do our results make any conclusive statements about the degree to which “nature” and “nurture” influence sexual preference.
- Science, this issue p. eaat7693; see also p. 869
Sorry Jennifer but I don't get your point. I'm also thinking that the research presented isn't totally conclusive and needs to be backed by additional empirical studies.
Isn't this section supposed to be for polls?
Take care girls.
Thanks for your responses.