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[Closed] The Lazy Lipstick Question

OK, first let me say that the only lazy bit is me - I started a CDH search on this topic but didn't quickly find much (although I am sure that is a lot here somewhere), so decided to opt for the lazy solution and just put the question out there.
The question in my mind has been ... how many different lipsticks does it make sense for me to have?
So I thought I would find out how many lipsticks other CDH members have ... and, if they care to elucidate, why?
And me ... well I currently have 6 and try to choose which to use depending on what I am wearing.

Hmmm ... are you including lip gloss and lip lacquer under the general 'lipstick' umbrella?
By the way, I have 4 lipsticks
If we're using binary then I have 100.

Intrigued by the '9 to 16, because you can't bring yourself to throw anything away?' question, I looked up the shelf life of lipsticks. This is what I found out:
The shelf life can vary from brand to brand, but most lipsticks last for one to two years after opening. Lip gloss and liquid lipstick can last six months to one year. Unopened lipstick can last up to two to four years if stored properly.
I wonder what happens after those dates.
Do they become unstable? Explosive?

@ellyd22 OK it was a fun 'reason'. But shelf life had been through my mind though I didn't get round to researching it. I did wonder if hygene came into it? However, the idea of explosive lipstick is much more exciting.
*Rebecca starts to image the consequences of trying to manufacture lipstick in her garden shed*

There's a computer game called No One Lives Forever, the central character of which is a female ex-thief turned British secret agent. One of her weapons is an exploding lipstick.

I have just recalled another weaponised lipstick incident. In the film "True Lies" Jamie Lee Curtis uses a lipstick tube pushed to the back of a terrorist to simulate a gun 🤔 .

@ellyd22 agree, actually have 9-16, but marked 3-4 because I’m experimenting. I bought a palate of 4 lip liners, and 4 lip gloss, trying to get it right. Wife tells me I overdo it , look clownish.

I don't actually HAVE any lip gloss or lacquer - I was just checking the parameters 🙂
For me it's still four ... all lipsticks, all poorly-chosen, all cheap.
When I get my makeover in July I'm going to be asking LOTS of questions about lipstick brands and everything else. I'll be sitting with notebook poised 🙂
I'm not yet brave enough to 'do a Fiona' @finallyfiona

*Flips notebook open, writes REVLON in crayon*
And ... why are you so loyal to Revlon? Is it the coverage? The consistency? The creaminess? The colours? Or some other word beginning with c?

Mine are BobbiBrown. About 10 years ago I had a couple of makeovers with them at their store in the big shopping mall at Shepherd's Bush. BB have now gone from there now. I got stuck on the brand but more recently their store at the mall in Oxford have helped me a lot.

I must confess, I'm not familiar with that brand. I would love to have a makeover, but it's highly unlikely in my situation.

I with you on that, and the fact that it’s unlikely

OMG I'm getting a reputation ... ... 😳 !!
Well, you are ... but it's a great one 🙂
Ellie x

Ellie, there are 10 types of people in this world, those that know binary and those who don't xx.

I signed up for binary 101, but it turns out it’s a level 5 course.

Hast du etwas Zeit für mich?
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von neunundneunzig Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont

Exponentiation, binary numbers and German lessons all in one forum? Are extra merit stars awarded for that?
I spent several years trying to learn German after we were acquired by a German company (I was never very good at it), but I just about made sense of that post 😐 .

Just a little snippet of Nina and '99 Red Balloons' 🙂
Und hier auf CDH bekommt jeder einen Stern!
Ellie x

Hey Ellie, I majored in mathematics. I can converse in binary but German goes way over my head xx.

Das ist okay... Mathematik ist eine universelle Sprache* 🙂
(*That's okay ... maths is a universal language)

OK Ellie, you have made me inquisitive. Where on earth between BSc, Postdoc and diagenesis did you acquire such fluent German language skills?
In more recent years I have sometimes wished the old 6th-form divide between science and languages at school in the 1960s had been a bit more flexible. Although I tried to learn German in my 50's I found it very difficult; I think I would have found it easier earlier in life.
Chrissie - I persisted with maths until the end of year 2 at Uni, then focussed on Physics for the final year. A long time ago!!

Um ... I just LIKE languages.
I took French and German at school, I studied Italian separately with the Institute of Linguists, and I've been teaching myself Spanish. I have a smattering of a few other languages.
I want to take all of these a bit further post-retirement.
It's fun 🙂
And yes, I KNOW there was a 6th form divide between Sciences and Languages. I just chose to ignore it.
I followed 'Science' to PhD level, but I didn't see why that should mean I should stop pursuing languages, writing and painting.
So ... I carried on with all of those as well.
Carpe diem. Seize the fish.
Ellie x

Errr - you have been teaching full time and still fit in all these activities, so ... how many hours per day are there in Norfolk? Should I move there?

Here in Norfolk we only have 12 hours in the day, which means we can count them on our fingers, but they're all considerably longer than elsewhere in the UK.
Don't forget, we're closer to Europe here: its gravitational mass causes a substantial time dilation.
I live well within the Event Horizon of the the Netherlands (one result of this is that I'm attracted to tulips) so the effect is particularly acute for me.
Ellie x

Maths: [number of hours per day] / [number of hands per person] => 6 fingers per hand 😮
Or is Octal the standard numbering system in Norfolk?
* Rebecca glances nervously across the sitting room at the vase of tulips lurking innocently in the corner *
I think I will choose to keep outside of the Event Horizon. And Norfolk also puts you within the gravitation pull of the doggerel bank.

This is Norfolk.
We ALL have six fingers on each hand, and they're webbed.
The Doggerel Bank is some way away. I'm much closer to Corton Sands and Haisborough Sand.
They're relatively small.
Their gravitational pull used to ensure that we needed to add a leap-second to every day, but after extensive dredging that's now only necessary once a week, tops.

I once applied for loan from the Doggeral Bank but never heard back from them; most rude - they cod at least have replied. Never seen the Doggeral Bank of course, but I have seen the Joderell Bank.
I hear there is an international movement (sponsored by CDH of course) to get them both re-named the Dogerellie Bank and the Joderellie Bank in honour of a certain prolific contributor.

If you stand at the Joderell Bank and use their telescope*, you'll be able to see the Dogerell Bank.
*Before viewers start writing in, yes I KNOW that it's a radio telescope. EM well aware of that.

Posted by: @ellyd22If you stand at the Joderell Bank and use their telescope*, you'll be able to see the Dogerell Bank.
Tried it. All I could see was Sheffield. Climbed up to the top rim of the dish and managed to see a bunch of windmills in the far far distance - just before the authorities caught me and led me down; tried using the time honoured classic phrase ’You’re arresting the wrong girl … SHE started it!’, but to no avail.

I have a ribbon that says 'Melodee made me do it' for occasions such as this 🙂

@ellyd22 However, on the reverse in security print it says, "Just kidding, she did no such thing and I accept full responsibility for whatever mess I'm trying to pawn off on her."

I scratched that off with an emery board and then painted over it with four layers of emulsion.

@ellyd22 Ahem, you may note that I stated "security print" - the latest tech from the US Mint - capable of surviving a direct nuclear blast, missy. However, your 'emulsion' technique is adorable. 😉

In the event that the ribbon is subject to a direct nuclear blast while I'm wearing it, wondering whether or not 'Melodee made her do it' may be the least of everyone's concerns 🙁

Everyone within a 100 mile radius would be caught up in my minutiae if this happened.

@ellyd22 Well then they shoulda got a badge ribbon, shouldn't they? (and 100 miles seems pretty conservative, just sayin')

@ellyd22 (counts...) Uh...106. Maybe y'all could sew them together to make some kinda shield or something?
Though I guess I'd also ask - which nuclear powers do you think find East Anglia to be a direct threat that would require nuclear retaliation? Just what are y'all getting up to over there? 🤔

Um ... the US Air Force base at Lakenheath is not that far from me ...

@ellyd22 Well, that's your own fault for letting them in! Worse than glitter - once you've got it, you'll never be rid of it!

And I can hear the planes taking off from RAF Fairford which is used by the USAF.
Have you seen the number of views this topic is generating? Crazy, or is that normal?
Maybe people really are looking for a 'lazy lipstick'. Is there a business opportunity here? We need someone to deal with research and development (I have garden shed handy 😎 ); someone for production; someone for marketing; someone for distribution; someone to handle the finances ... Any suggestions / volunteers?

Have you seen the number of views this topic is generating?
Er ... 35 of the replies (including this one) are from me.
Sorry 🙁

@ellyd22 And a fair few of the replies are from me!
However I was more puzzled by the number of views, not the number of replies. Is it normal to get that sort of number?

Hmmm ... that IS quite high.
*Note to self: include the word 'lipstick' in the title of all future Forum topics*

Ha, yes. I am starting to wonder if someone has set up a 'bot' to access the topic

Becca, in Norfolk you can count the number of hours on the fingers of one hand ...

@chrisfp99 Ellie tells us that they all have webbed hands in Norfolk. I did wonder if that had somehow contributed to the development of the WWW, but a brief search suggests that Tim Berners-Lee never went to Norfolk so that theory is debunked.

You know, I think he must have done - isn't that the name of a new web browser I have seen advertised?
But honestly Ellie, I think we should get this topic back on lipstick track. As you live so close to the coast, have you ever tried the Red Herring shade?

What ... me? *whistles innocently* I would never harbour such thoughts.

@ellyd22 Ellie, there are of course only 10 types of people, those who know binary and those who don’t.

@fembecky I picked 9 to 16 but not cause I can’t throw anything away but rather I love lipstick and like to have different shades for different outfits. On certain colours I’m on my second tube as I wear them more often.

@fembecky Becky, trying on some of my Mom’s lipstick at the age of 8 was my first excursion into the feminine world. Since then until I stopped getting my girl on several years ago, I was in love with makeup in general and lipstick in particular! When I would be getting ready for a date or just going out, the final touch was always spritzing on some perfume and then doing my lipstick. I always felt extra feminine when I touched up my lips in public. So how many lipsticks did I have? I remember counting them once and I had 22. I loved shopping for makeup and also loved coordinating my lip and nail color with my outfits. I had lipsticks from MAC, L’Oreal, Urban Decay, Stilla, Sephora, Merle Norman, and Revlon. My favorite lip color has always been red, and it was so much fun to try on the wide range of lipsticks in varying shades of red! I wore lipstick everyday for many years so I never had any trouble keeping a lipstick too long. I did have to shop sometimes to find my shade as certain favorite colors were at times no longer available and I had to search the makeup studios for that perfect match. More fun for a girl out and about. 😉

@fembecky Great topic! I only have two and its made me realise that I definitely need to buy more 💄💋

I have just seen that the total number of votes in the poll has exceeded 100 and wanted to say an enormous thank you to all who have voted, and particularly to those who have included responses. I have read each and every response and have learnt a lot from them.
I am also amazed by the number of views this topic has received: 1601 so far (or 641 in hexadecimal, 3101 in octal, or 11001000001 in binary). And finally, thanks to those who have tolerated the number base frivolity 😮 .
Good gracious - the number of views jumped to 1703 while I typed the last 2 paragraphs 😀 😀 😀 .
Hugs to you all, Rebecca xxx

I have the following colors...
Maybelline - 379 Fuchsia for Me, 385 Ruby for Me (my favorite!), 388 Plum for Me, 695 Divine Wine, 445 On the Mauve, 400 Berry Go (brand new!).
Revlon - 440 Cherries in the Snow (my second favorite)
Cover Girl - 365 Enchantress Blush
Wet and Wild (ya gotta love the name!) 504A Pink Ice, 527B Fuchsia with Blue Pearl, 536A Dark Wine
Plus various lip pencils for outlining and lip gloss
I do love bold lips.

@fembecky I only use one color - fire engine red. However I have tried many brands and including gloss, have at least 9. I vacillate between the classic lipstick and using an applicator. The latter covers more area better and the former gives more delicate control x

Just wanted to add a quick update.
First, I would like to thank all the people who have participated in the vote. It is quite interesting to see the wide range of numbers of lipsticks people have, as well as some of the reasons! Also my thanks to the amazing number of people who have taken the trouble to view the post.
Partly as a result of this I recently purged a couple of lipsticks that I never use, plus a favourite that was just about finished. Then this morning I went into the Oxford BobbiBrown store and had a wonderful 40 minutes with one of the ladies who discussed various colours, shades and types of lipstick with me, and patiently tried a few options on me to help me choose. I came away with a replacement for my lipstick that had run out, a new one that was a bit deeper with a tinge of red, and a lipstick pencil. I left a happy girl 😀 .

Hi Becky,
I answered 9 - 16, but can probably only find a few to choose from at any one time. The pertinent point was that I never throw things out.
I'm not sure if your binary reference will work . There's only 10 sorts of people can cope with binary.... ok, ok, I'll leave quietly.
Emma x

At a guess, 8. Maybe more. I like trying different shades

17 to 32 because I found a big set cheap on Amazon! 🤣💄
That, and I just love trying on different colors, even crazy ones that don't go with anything I have!
Satisfies my inner drag queen...along with crazy long fake lashes.