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The unasked question, which bathroom?

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Active Member     Reading Area, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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As a male dressed up a woman, do you still use the men's room? or since you are in public as a woman, does it matter as a T-girls or CD woman? I'm very new to this, but my goal is to go out on the town as a woman, so I just want to do the right thing and not get in trouble with the local law enforcement agencies. And I apologize if I'm rude in wording since I don't know how to not be so blunt. Thanks

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However, often the one with the shorter queue!

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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Obviously the issue of getting into trouble with the law depends on which country you are in. In Australia it's not an offence to use the 'other' loo* (indeed my wife has used the Gents when there were queues at the Ladies)

*Either that or I've been very lucky. But I've been using public loos regularly for the past 12 years with no issues, and I mean some seriously busy ones too.

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Reputable Member     Tacoma, Washington, United States of America
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This topic has been brought up a few times so you could search and look for more replies.

Dressed as a female always the women's for me and never had any issues. I know this is not acceptable everywhere so I would research your area first if concerned. You might want to add where you are in your topic.


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One advantage of going out en femme with your SO is that she can check out the ladies first to see if there could be anyone likely to be offended. Having said that, in my limited experience, if I am quiet, reserved and smiling polite, no one seems to notice or if they do, they don’t react.


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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
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Often when I’m dressed as a woman and out and about the establishment has a unisex restroom.  If there is a choice between men’s and women’s bathroom And I’m dressed as a woman, I’ll chose the woman’s rest room.

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While you're dressed as women i think ladies restroom is the best option, because if we are not doing any mistake there less chances that anyone will recognise, but going to mens room while wearing women's dress is something awkward.

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A good question, and one that comes up often, particularly from  CDs going public for the first time.

Here's a summary of what has been said at the support group meeting I attend:


If you use the ladies room, THEN PEE LIKE A LADY.  That means your feet point out toward the door.  Do not face the heels of your feet toward the door.  Ladies squat to pee.

Do not look afraid or nervous, since that calls attention to yourself.

Do not initiate conversation in the ladies room, but it is ok to briefly answer a question.

Do not "hang around" the ladies room.  Pee, touch up your lipstick, check yourself in the mirror, and leave.

Do not stare or even look, if possible, at women in the ladies room.

And as far as the question of should you use the ladies room, when you are cross dressed? Yes, absolutely use the ladies room, when you are dressed like a lady.  Can you imagine the fuss, if you walked into the men's room?

I live in Georgia.  Outside metro Atlanta, conservative traditional thinking still prevails.  Yet, follow these simple rules, and I have never had any problem at all.  I also travel out-of-state and have never had a problem.

On rare occasions, I have been asked, while in the ladies room, where I purchased a particular clothing or jewelry item.  I reply politely, in my normal male voice, and have never had a single problem.

A few months ago, I thought there might be a problem from a rent-a-cop at a local mall.  Long story short, the guy read me, and he is an admirer.  In other words, he likes to date CDs. He came up to me and started hustling me.  I thanked him profusely for his compliments, told him I am in a relationship, and promptly walked away from him.










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This question could really use a third option. Because of her disabilities, my wife often needs assistance in the bathroom; therefore, we gravitate to those places which have "family" or "single use" bathrooms. For whatever reason, they seem to be increasingly common, which is a blessing for both disabled and CD folks.

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Reputable Member     Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America
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When I've been out in full attire, I have no inclination to use the bathroom.  I'm much too wrapped up.  What is this thing about bathrooms?  Reminds me of my five year old daughter thirty-five years ago, at TGI Fridays!   Mostly, I'm out androgynously, so I don't worry.  But when I've done the real-deal, I've planned on coming home before I need the "___room."


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You should use the restroom of the gender you present as.

Love Laura

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Reputable Member     Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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Seems like a no brainer to me. If dressed 'en femme' then either use the female toilet or if one is available then use the gender neutral if you feel uncomfortable using the ladiees.

Take care girls.


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Estimable Member     Chico area, California, United States of America
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Peggy Sue, That is the right answer in my book too, I've never seen those rules before but that was what I thought I should do when I first used the public restroom, good rules to go by.

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Hello Falecia,

Many girls are on diuretics.  Also, the prostate enlarges with age.  Just two medical situations that cause one to pee frequently, IMHO.   Additionally, I live in Atlanta, and we have been experiencing continual near 100 deg temps.  When the temp reaches those levels, we are told to hydrate, hydrate, etc.   And, of course, you know what goes in, must come out, as pee, frequently.  LOL!

Have a great girl day!  And, have fun being a girl!


Peggy Sue




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Providing the option is there I will normally use a unisex toilet regardless of  what I am wearing. Other wise I use the one I feel most comfortable with at that point in time.

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