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- I’m going to be away from home for work this week and part of me has thought about even going to a bar dressed. I know there’s a couple cd trans friendly there where I’m going. I think if I had a wig I’d be more inclined to I had several but my s/o destroyed everything a couple years ago and I’m just starting to get a wardrobe back and going to be hiding it a lot better when she’s here. I’m just still afraid of going out I think. And maybe not ready but getting there. Also there will be a lot of people I know in town there too. Any thoughts about truly going out in public dressed?
It's a huge step. I'd prefer to do it with a friend, and would never do it without a wig. A trans friendly bar defiantly sounds the way to go. And from what I have learned, concentrate on just "blending in" more than fully "passing".
A word of warning Michelle, take it or leave it...don't go and sit in a bar unless you want a night of passion with a stranger? Hookers sit at the bar alone don't they?
Daylight is our friend, mingle with shoppers in crowded mals or walk the busy streets in daylight not after dark....men are preditors and preditors hunt at night.
It's good that you are finding the courage to go out in public as long as you use your common sense and keep yourself safe.
Unless?......Sally x
Thanks. My thought on the bar was liquid courage and being out at night. I don’t have any friends that know anything about this. I’ve kept it hidden for many years and only the last few I’ve come to accept it. I’m starting to really think I may be a bit more than just a cross dresser too as I wish I really had a woman’s body I think I’ll wait a bit until I get a bit more confidence and a few more accessories
I agree with Michelle. Just make sure you are going to be safe. Plan your trip. My wife in the past would tell me do not look stupid. Unlike cis woman we have to prepare more. Hair, make up the girls, hips have outfit put together.you may not pass be you will be acceptable. Have fun enjoy the high luv Stephanie
Not sure if this counts as its not to the shops/retail park/mall or to a bar/club.
I was a bit fed-up with being all dressed up with nowhere to go the other day so made myself a packed lunch, walked out of my house in full femme attire and in full view of the local homophobes and drove to a local beauty spot where I had a walkabout raising a few eyebrows. Got back into the car and had lunch before driving to a further beauty spot for a further walk. Must have been out for 5-6 hours before driving home.
It felt really good to be out and proud again as it has been quite some time since I last ventured out - thanks to some prior negative experiences and the homophobes. I'm now thinking of taking a trip to the coast - en-femme in the mext few days as the feeling of being out and proud is fantastic (when all goes well). I don't have words to describe the feeling of self fulfillment and being at peace with myself mingled with excitement and anticipation I get when out and proud. It just feels right and like I've found the real me.
Take care girls