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Hi Girls, a simple poll for you all this week. I am quite sure most of us paint our nails! am i right? but what type do you use? and also how may products do you use, i.e. primer, base coat, top coat etc....
Lets see!!!, stay beautiful, girls!!
Love and kisses, Fiona xxxxx
I have a nail routine of late. I smooth the ridges down on my nails. If the color I am using is darker I apply a base coat first to prevent bleeding/leaching into the nails If it’s a lighter color like I typically wear in the summer I put it directly on the nail. One or two coats depending on coverage. I then put a clear top coat on, particularly if the polish is supposed to last for days. I have developed a fondness for OPI nail polish.
Hi Fiona Nails are so important when you are trying to make a statement about your self. They are not overlooked by anyone especially woman. You can tell so much about a woman just by looking at her nails. They express emotion . The amount of information you need just to do a simple thing color your nails is unbelievable.. I am amazed that woman find the time to care for there appearance and all that is involved. Hair, nails. makeup. skin care. hygene. removing body hair.that does not even touch clothing. After all that begin a day filled with children. work, maintaining friendships. dealing with s.o and there needs. No wonder they multitask so well they have to. No one would just would wake up one day and say they wanted to be a woman if they truly did not feel that way. There is too much to learn. I get tired just thinking about it. It would of been so much easier just to be given the right body at birth and learned it as we grew. Now we have to unlearn and learn. Sorry for rambling on .I love your post.I think i will just have my nails done by someone else. Lol luv Stephanie
What type of nail polish do I use?
I love matching outfits,dress, shoes & handbags, matching nails and lips even matching watch straps!
I know it sounds fussy but part of the fun is buying a dress then hunting around for all the bits that make me complete.
Thanx for listening.........Sally xxx
I use press on nails and sometimes polish the clear ones in either a pale blue or black. I also buy the French Fingernails and toenail, but I always put on glue to keep them attached, They have these crimson dagger nails at Target they I wear frequently. It is the saddest part of my day when I have to remove the nails. Sometimes when I travel I put on toe nails first thing and it brings a smile to my face when I get up and see they are still there
I've painted them, but have recently fallen in love with peel and stick press instead!
I perfect poll at the perfect time. I just started my search for which set of nails will be the best for me, glue on, stick on, long, short. I am looking forward to reading the advice posted with this poll. Thanks
I am lucky and have my nails done every 2 weeks with gel and I have a wonderful Vietnamese girl who does them, she also paints some type of design on my ring finger nails. I live in a very accepting city in N.C. and have a following that always are asking what I've got this week, there was 1 girl at my bank always gushing over my nails. I have gotten past most of the guilt I used to have and really enjoy dressing, all I need now is to find someone who will give me a make over, my face needs help.
Wouldn't it have been wonderful to have been born the way you feel inside. It is a joy I do have of painting my toes , my hands are very seldom painted as I am under almost constant scrutiny in my job. My toes on the other hand are seldom un painted and I would very much love to go have a many pedi but have not had the wear with all to go and have it done yet ......someday thou .
L'Oreal Nails
Dame Veronica
For basic I use Sinful Colours with base & top coat. Pinks , mauves , reds
If we've time my wife uses lamp curing process on me 💅
Because of the nature of my work, my I just can't grow them or even keep them tidy looking! I do treat them with cuticle oil, but that's about all. When I'm going to I wear glue on nails, I buy them on line in packs of 500 or so (contains all nail sizes) in a white opaque finish, I then paint them in the colour of choice. Buying the nail this way means I have a lot of unused nails (all the smaller sizes) but they are cheap, a pack of 500 cost about the same as one set of nails from a high street store. I glue them on, put a line of glue along the centre of the nail, keeping away from the cuticle. That seems to work reasonably well, although I do get the odd nail coming off during the evening. If you use more glue, they will stay on better, but you will struggle to get them off!
Painting my nails had nothing to do with dressing at first.
I started out with clear polish to protect my nails from splitting before I ever thought about dressing. Doing mechanical type work was rough on my nails and polish helped to protect them. After a few years I started to put color on them and I liked the way they looked and felt. ( still I had never thought about dressing then)
I think all men should feel free do their nails anyway they want weather they dress or not but most are too afraid of others think .
I started to try to grow them long but with the work I do, they would break a lot so I started to glue on clear nails then paint them as I liked. This made the stronger and would not break near as much.
I learned I liked the way they looked and felt. I wear them long and painted now 24/7. I do them myself and it only takes a few min a week to keep them good.
Now that I found that I have a hiding girl in me (I had no idea she was there), having my nails painted works even better for me.
I've wore them with confidence almost from the start. I do notice that women seem to love them and often say so. Some men look intimidated if they get caught looking at them. That's their problem. I can't help but think if they had more balls some might paint their nails too. LOL
How long do they last Jackie or do they keep falling off? Do they come large enough for wider nails?
When I paint mine I paint a lady like strip down the centre of the nail which is good to take photos but not so good close up.
Sally x
i always have nail varnish light rose pink or clear which is more viable.I put on lipstick but it disappears very quickly even when i dont eat drink and keep my lips slightly apart Nail varnish makes me feel good
When im out in the evening if im meeting someone i use a stronger color to stand out