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what kind of a kid was you in school? Poll is created on Feb 04, 2025


when you were in school

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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when you were in school, what kind of a kid were you? nerd, shy, class leader, jock, bully or other.

i was probably say i was shy. didn't talk to many people unless i knew you. 

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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I've moved this to the 'Crossdresser Heaven Polls' forum 🙂

I was a 'shy nerd other' - certainly never a jock or a bully.

I would have run a mile from both of those groups.

Best fit is 'somewhat popular academic athletic introvert'.

Ellie x

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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I was the shy outcast that didn't fit in and got bullied a lot.  My only friends were other outcasts.  In hindsight, I was a shy trans kid that didn't know what to do with herself.

Things are WAY better these days....


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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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Nerdy and shy! Band geek and science club for me.  

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Trusted Member     Reston, Virginia, United States of America
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I was shy and a nerd before that term was even invented.  But, I was also pretty well known as a "smart guy".  I was on the track team, not the best or the worst, but I did get a letter.  I was also valedictorian of my senior class, so everyone kind of knew me.

I was bullied for a while in 8th grade.  But I was in metal shop and was in a really bad mood because the shop teacher cut the legs of the table I was working on too short, and welded them on to the table top.  My bully came up behind me and touched my shoulder.  I just reacted and turned around and slugged him.  We got into a full on fight.  I think the shop teacher was out having a smoke, because no one broke it up.  I won't say I won the fight, but I didn't lose either.  I was emboldened by fighting back, and knew I didn't have to take it any more.  My bully decided he didn't want to bully someone who might fight back, and he found someone more docile to bully.

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Reputable Member     Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
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@sometimessteffi Well done.

Similar to you, I was known as "the professor" at school.

I generally avoid confrontation, but when pushed too far will fight back.





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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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I was, and still am, although embracing Allie has helped immeasurably, shy.

I was an only child, my "father" left my mum a few months after I was born and we moved back into my grandparents' house. This must have caused tension because I remember a lot of shouting and arguing and being frightened by it.

Single parent families were by no means common in the late fifties, in the small village where I lived, so I was already "different", an easy target for the few five year old bullies.

I did have friends, though, and I discovered early on that humour could help me avoid being picked on. I still, occasionally, use humour to mask shyness or being uncomfortable among strangers but, as I said, that doesn't happen very often now.

My own experience did have some positive effect, I became much more sensitive to the plight of others being bullied and that developed into compassion, one of the few traits that I took pride in. I wouldn't recommend it though 🙄.

Allie x

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Reputable Member     British Columbia, Canada
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@prettytoes We moved several times when I was younger, so I was the new kid and bullied a fair bit… but was an over comer, I seemed popular with the girls. I was fairly athletic , but an underachiever in class, usually just pulling myself thru academically . I spent the last three years of high school mostly in shop classes . I was a runner , track and long distance. Where and when I went to school ,us country kids worked hard to not stand out, to just blend in… if you stood out… you were a target. Half the students ride a school bus to school. We had jocks, nerds, druggies, cowboys, country kids, city kids.

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@prettytoes I was the nerdy type with a small circle of friends.  I definitely felt different from other people although I didn't really know why.

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Active Member     Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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@prettytoes Definitely shy:  I couldn't speak to girls, even though I knew that they were everything I wanted.  This was possibly related to me being a... well, perhaps not quite a "nerd" - I had little to no interest in most of the things that are usually considered "nerd related" (i.e. Physics, Computers, Superheroes etc) but I loved History, Geography, Geology and (O.K. - I always got the top score in any test they ever gave us) reading all about the real world.  Oh - and I had virtually no male friends either - some things never change......

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Reputable Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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Rachel, I was a jock, but one who fit in with most everyone as well. I never stood by and let anyone be bullied or brow beaten. If I do say so myself, I was skilled enough as an athlete to get my college education paid for in total. Now I believe that what I did back then was attempting to compensate for the guilt I felt in wanting to be feminine. 
Looking back, I can say it was a lot of fun, and provided me with many great life lessons that have been applied while presenting as Genivieve and while in drab. The only downside is the damage to my body that my approach to athletics wrought. I have observed personally that many if not most of the qualities of my personality that friends and acquaintances tend to praise are decidedly feminine in nature. I have strived to be the same person en femme or drab.  
Smile Face

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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@prettytoes I was definitely shy. I had a small group of friends other than that I was the shy guy

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Honorable Member     Brindisi- BDS, Apulia / Puglia, Italy
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@prettytoes Same for me

Xoxo from Italy 🇮🇹


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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@prettytoes I was a shy nerd. I didn't know how to approach girls, still didn't in college either. The 4 guys I hung around in high school never went to the class reunions. So I went to only about a third of them. I am SO GLAD I went to my 50th reunion 3 years ago. I went as Cassie and this was the start of my coming out everywhere. 


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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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@prettytoes Agreed, I had 'nerdy' friends and 'sporty' friends, though probably not at nerdy or as sporty as either. Seems a bit pigeon-holey for me to choose.

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 J J
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I do not fit into any category, so went with other, whuch pretty much sums up high school for me, I was an other.

I played water polo and swam, but swimmers didn't fit into the jocks group. I was not shy and knew just a out everybody in my class, but was never in the "in group", though I knew them all and was friendly with them. I took all the science classes, but was not a nerd. It was the 70s, so I "smoked" certain things, but was not a stoner. I definetely was not a bully as I got along with most everybody. I was not a leader, but prefered to lay low and did not appear in the first three yearbooks, but I could not get out of appearing my senior year. I worked in the background, and got the most ill-qualified person elect snior class president by running the most nefarious campaign I could.

High school was an interesting time, and I was glad to be done with it, and nearly everybody in it. I doubt I have talked to a dozen of my classmates in the nearly fifty years since, probably less than a half dozen. My 50th is next year, and I doubt I will go since I haven't been to any others.

I was much happier at uni and grad school.

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Active Member     Victoria, Australia
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Great topic. I was certainly nerdy tending to shy which has born out in the rest of my life. I tried to stay away from the bullies but that wasn’t always possible. Didn’t mind a couple of the jocks though - especially the quieter ones with long hair 😉 Well we all had lovely long hair in the 70’s. ❤️

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Prominent Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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I think there's a bit of a trend here. Nerdy and shy was what I was like seemingly many others here.

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Active Member     Los Angeles, California, United States of America
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    I was a very shy and quiet kid.   Always felt being the ugly stupid one ashamed of my need to cross-dress. Sometimes I would take the bus to the central library to be alone and do my schoolwork.  I liked it there because  it was a very old building and loved the music section.  I would find the sheet music to a piece and then follow along with a record or cassette in the libraries audio section. It was a very lonely time. No friends. Never really fit in.  Got "used" a lot by so called friends. I loved being a girl in my alone time then hated myself for enjoying it so much. 

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@kgirl24 💚

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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What is a jock please. It obviously has a different meaning here across the pond.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@valentina16 a jock is someone who plays sports (American football, soccer (European football), baseball, basketball and others. It is slang referring to the jockstrap that most athletes wear.


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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@cdsue Ah, makes sense, thank you 💚

A jock here (no offence intended) is (or has been, maybe outdated now) someone from north of the border here, ie. Scotland.

But, thinks, you probably already know this…🤓

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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Nerdy, but with a bit of sporty throw in for good measure.

If there was an interesting 'after school' science based club then I'd probably join.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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I was a chameleon. I could fit in with the nerds, jocks, greasers and others. I never had real close friends. I went to school in one school district, Boy Scouts in another and church ion another. As a consequence I was never at any one place long enough to "fit in" with any group. I started dressing while in High School as a means of escape. I am on the shy side and usually linger on the fringes of groups as I don't really fit in with any particular group. Looking back it was an interesting life where I gained some knowledge in a lot of things but never became an expert at anything. I'm glad I found my tribe though - here I can be me and feel comfortable.


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Trusted Member     Iowa, United States of America
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I was a shy jock who didn't want to be a jock. I was trying to find my way in life. Decades later, I am still trying to find my way. 

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Noble Member     Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
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@dee2 Sometimes, your life will find you. 💚

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Estimable Member     Derbyshire, United Kingdom
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I was shy and reclusive, got picked last in sports teams. I was bullied a lot around 12 - 13. I found it a struggle and developed anxiety issues as an adult later. Now I wonder if my dressing up started due to any of this because it first happened when I stayed in at 13. It was my escape. But no, I had these feels I felt I could not talk about at a much younger age and I had already developed a stammer at 8. I think all this is linked. I have grown out of issues of course but that scared boy comes back to me. I now find it hard wanting to go out in public as Sarah. I believe I am on the spectrum or something but not tested. But having the this self loving side is linked to me feminine side I believe.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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I was a misfit and a target for bullies all the way through school, although some years were better than others.  Fairly studious, with good results although not amongst the highest achievers, and not naturally gifted at any sports.  Normally on the edge of social groups with only a few close friends.  I was just .... different.  There wasn't any sign of burgeoning femininity in that era of my life, that I can think of.  My son's Aspergers diagnosis some years later did explain a lot about myself though.  

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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@finallyfiona   The Autism Spectrum is so common in my entire family too. I wish we had more knowledge about it years ago,   Hugs,  Marg

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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I divide my experience in 2 age groups.  Up to age 13 quiet, I did admire and want to dress as a girl and experience their friendship.  Age 13 on looked on girls in Sexual manner.  Become a football player, car racer and buried the desire to be female  well into adulthood.

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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To all my sisters who posted here, I am so sorry for the unpleasant memories of your childhood.  But, it has made you all lovely and articulate representatives for us today. Proud to call you all sister.🥰

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Kind of shy and nerdy. I was one of those that gets picked last because no one believed in my abilities. When I demonstrated what I could do others were always surprised, especially in sports. 

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