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This poll is straight and to the point. You are offered free total transition. Would do it? There are some other options too
Yes to no Adam's Apple and boobs.
When it comes to anything medical, typically the cost equals the quality..........unless it was funded by some other means, then I would want to know up front how much would be placed into it.
A nice pair up top would be awesome though.
High quality for no charge to you
Shave that AA and bring on the boobs. I’ll be a happy girl!!
Danielle. Well, this is the profound question, isn’t it? All things being equal and you could wave some Star Trek device over you? I describe it as I would like to look down and go from “nothing-something “ to “something-nothing”. Until very very recently I would do whatever to keep the baseball team at bay. But still...
If your list were the only choices, I'd have to choose None. I don't have much of an Adam's apple, I don't want to get rid of my boy equipment, and since I don't want to transition, I'm OK with fake breasts when I want to pass as a woman. Now if you offered hair removal, particularly on the face, I wouldn't have a moment's hesitation.
Sorry I didn't think of that
Total, oh yes. There is no reason for me to remain a man. (There, I've said it.)
It would help if it also came with a massive confidence boost, a guarantee that my job would continue, and free counselling for my rather elderly parents.
I voted for no AA and boobs; but "can't decide" is a more accurate answer. At my age, the boys are irrelevant, but the convenience of the bat is undeniable.
It would be my own breasts. I am simply a man who is often prefers to wear a dress or skirt most days. Regardless of my choice of wardrobe, I do not hide the man that I am. That being said, I do have deep feelings of having my own breasts. The depth of these feelings is to the point that I have shared them with my wife. However, other than this, I have no wish to be a woman.
MacKenzie Alexandra
It a bit like finding the holly grail, m,any have tried but no one has ever found it thus is way I voted total gender change
[postquote quote=209381][/postquote]
It would be possibly the easiest decision I could ever make. xxx
except the damage it would do to my wife and children i would transition even if it cost me all the money i have
This is something I constantly wrestle with. I have had the desire to dress en femme as long as I can remember and have always related better with women than men. After years of therapy, I have come to realize my desire to be feminine was not just a fetish that deep down I wanted to become a woman. My struggle is that during my years of conflict I have a wife and family I love and a career that would not be accepting. At 62, I wonder if my time to fully transition has passed but at least I know deep down who I am