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Hi Grace ,
I try not to pay any attention to superstitions as I try to rely on my faith however I still cringe when A black cat walks across the road and I do the double x thing my wife told me to do .or I cringe if I break a mirror.
But I don't put too much thought into it .
I always thought the rabitt foot wasn't very lucky especially for the owner.lol
Fun topic though .
Oh Patty...
Watch out for falling paint pots when you walk under ladders!!!
No I'm not a superstitious person Grace, I do like rabbits feet but only on a rotisserie over hot coals. I've got my Elmer Fudd gear on going hunting in a little bit, a nice spring wabbit for dinner tonight. UH HU HU HU HU, wish me luck.
I'm not superstitious...knock on wood
Noted Grace, watch out for falling pots when I walk under a ladder.🤔
And I thought it was bad luck just walking under a ladder now I gotta watch for falling flower pots.
I need a hard hat.😁
Hi Grace if you break a mirror its only bad luck if you have to buy a new one. If a black cat runs in front of you it could be bad luck for the cat. I avoid walking past the funeral directors in case there's a picture of me in the window with the headline coming soon.
Uh oh
Hi Sarah....hope you're well!!!
That's very funny about the funeral directors 🤣🤣....I have one in the next street...maybe I need to keep an eye on the window too....haha xx
I am good dear thank you avoid the funeral directors at all cost.
I have just one: Never walk under a black cat; we've had one (not the same one) for over 57 years, and I have never broken that rule.
Good girl Bettylou..... that's very funny!!!
57 years and you have resisted the obviously strong temptation to limbo under a cat....I'm very impressed....haha xxx
No superstitions here. It was used alot by my parents and sometimes my grandparents. There are a few karma things i believe in. I am more tuned into thing sprituality if you want to call it that. Like i get a feeling in advance to not go somewhere or do somethingor even be in a situation i will get a notice of something and even see the outcome.
Oh Laura...you are pushing the power of your Rabbits foot to the limit by standing on the cracks in the pavement....the bears will get you in the end.....
In Englands country lanes, there are a heck of a lot of rabbit fatalities.....and they have four feet!!!!
Hi Steph: two things... First is that for no reason anyone could ever come up with, some years things work well and some they don't. Last year, my allotment was poor for onions and potatoes, non-existent for peas and overflowing with runner beans, leeks and garlic. While the garlic looks like it will be good this year, I'm planning for a glut of spuds, no runner beans , a medium amount of broad beans and a total flop on all brassicas. Don't worry about it - and don't fall back on superstition as an explanation. The second thing is that he probably should have used Nordic Runes instead - apparently, Rungnir's Heart works well (strange, considering that the giant was supposedly made out of my mortal enemy - clay.) Agricultural Inga.
I'm not speechless... Rungnir (or Hrungnir - I believe that Saxo and Snorri did not use the same spelling?) was accompanied to his last battle by a giant - named Mokkurkalfi - created with the heart of a mare... and made out of clay. After Thialfi demolished him, the body of the giant created all the veins of clay throughout the world... most of which have seemingly migrated to my allotment plot. That's what Rungnir has to do with it - surprised you missed the reference. Yes, I read your reply. Did you not read mine? THINGS HAAPPEN! You get good years and bad years - and there is never a proper explanation; two years ago we had a long period of drought - and yet my spuds (which like a lot of water) were great. Last year was a bit better for rain - yet my spuds were poor. Whether your friend used any form of runes, materials or anything else (bar good amounts of compost) makes no difference - Mother Nature (the ultimate enemy of superstition) pretty much determines all! Still love you: Inga.