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Friday 3rd January 2025.
Visit to the hairdresser. After trying for over a year to get my hair to grow thicker, it's very fine, I threw in the towel and had it cut shorter. I no longer have the option to tie my hair back for male mode. I now have a female only hairstyle (not that female, I stopped short of a pixie cut, though I was tempted). I'm happy with it. My wife is very happy with it.
Saturday 4th January. My wife and I dropped some stuff off to a local charity shop where my friend is a manager. Whilst we were there, we both signed up as volunteers. My friend and his partner (who also works there) are gay, and my friend is a budding drag queen. They see me more as Cerys than they do the male me. I will be free to volunteer in the shop as Cerys or the male me. It's in a rough area, but it's the area I live in, so I'll be able to handle the drug addicts and thieves 🙂 I've had a couple of false starts with this, but we're booked in for our induction on Friday 10th. Cerys will be a working (volunteering) girl 🙂
Sunday 5th January.
Called into my local Boots (Pharmacy and general make up, accessories, hair care, etc), to look at changing my foundation. I'm starting to look like a certain president elect, so I need to change from orange to something more natural.... I don't know why I've started looking orange. I'm using the same stuff. Chatting to the young lady in the make up area, she offered loads of advice, we sampled a few options, and then I booked myself in for a make over to see what suits me best. This will be my second make over. This will happen on Wednesday morning (8th)
It's been an interesting start to the year. My wife was more supportive with my hair than I thought she'd be. She was happy for me to go even further than I went. It was her idea to sign up for the charity shop. It was her idea for me to book in for the make over. There is a hope that one day she will suggest that I book in to have my nails done, but I think this will be a long way off as it very much on her "NO!" list.... but then a couple of years ago pierced ears was on her "NO!" list and I've had pierced ears for two yeas, and this was after SHE suggested it 🙂 There is also a hope that I might be allowed a name. The charity shop requires name badge lanyards to be worn. It would be nice to have two 🙂
At this rate, 2025 might be a good one. I just need to stay healthy!
What a wonderful way to start the year, you go gurl!!
Being able to help as a volunteer and get to enjoy some girly time sounds like a great win/win. Sounds like you and your wife are at a great place and I am happy for you.
I am never out as Michelle so fingernail polish is just a dream for me. However, I am sitting here in the middle of the night polishing my toe nails while my wife sleeps.
Now there’s some good news! Looking forward to seeing some photos of Cerys’s new hairstyle. Joanna 💕
Cerys -
Congratulations on such a wonderful start to the New Year.
That is nice that your wife suggested a haircut and that you can go further with it. Getting a makeover is fantastic, hope you can get the right tone for your skin type. It sounds like she is slowly coming around. I have the same experience with my wife, she surprises me sometimes with her suggestions or acceptance. For my birthday 2 years ago she asked if I thought of getting my ears pierced and she took me to get them done. She also suggested mani-pedi's for both of us and we go every couple months to get them (I get color on my toes and clear on my fingers).
Hope the rest of your year goes as well as it has started for you.
What a lovely way to start the new year Cerys. It has to be said, and something I have noticed is that if a woman changes her hair style it is for a reason, usually a change in life, so yours is moving forward, new job and outlook.
Have a great new year and we look forward to the next installment of 'It's a wonderful life'....
I bought what I thought was a nice colour foundation a little while ago and it went straight in the bin as, when applied to my face, I went orange. Strange, as it really looked ok in the bottle and not much different to the one I already had.
Good job on the hair and everything, I don't think the name will take long as your wife seems to be getting used to a lot of ideas recently.
Do you get a choice of stuff that's handed in to the charity shop? Presumably, you'd have to make a small donation yourself, I mean, most shop people get some sort of staff discount and considering you are doing it for nothing, there should be some small compensation somewhere.