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Hey Gals-
I hope y'all are in a fine place and having a wonderful day/night. Well, as the title says I went for my second laser hair treatment and it went fine. I can already feel a difference. I'm starting with my arms and shoulders. This time I went dressed and with makeup. Well in part dressed. Where I live it's super hot, humid, and icky so I wasn't wearing a bra I have to take my top off anyway. I did have makeup on my cute 'ass pants', and a fun hat. She calls me by my choose name and we have a great time.
The hair which is there still grows slower now and I've been moisturizing so my arms are way softer. It's super exciting. A few people asked me to keep them informed on how it's going so that's what I'm doing.
If you're wondering about pain I have to say lets think about that in two separate spaces. On one hand theres the pain gauge and on the other theres the type of pain. On the gauge it's the same as a tattoo, but on the type it's nothing like a tattoo. A tattoo is a needle or several needles, but this is a short burning type. It's not like putting your hand on a hot burner it's more like a quick hotness which goes away pretty fast too. Of course I have a pretty high tolerance for pain so theres that too.
Keep up with it...I'm in the 7-8 times on the face! Results are slow!
I am delighted that you have already started to notice a difference Jessica. I know that it is expensive and it takes time but you will end up with lovely smooth skin. Keep it up!
I have body hair I would like removed, but not for the dressing benefit. Hair in some places is annoying no matter what gender you are.
That's great, I have done my full legs with 6 treatment and no more hair, its so worth it
I want to do my legs as well, but that one is way more expensive and to have it done 6 times makes it even more hard to swallow. Still I think it would be worth it to not have to shave.
I wish I could do my face, but we've decided not to do it because I have so much gray and I guess if it's gray it doesn't work as well if at all. Are you noticing any difference that way? I have always wondered what it would be like to have a baby smooth face.
Hi Jessie
In Australia there are great deals to be found, look for salons that do winter packages, this way you can safe heaps $$$