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I am home alone at the moment.I have a nice feminine top on,ladies pants in a subtle shade of green,my shoes are black Mary Janes.Went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea with one of the cute purses my wife has bought for me.I feel so soft and ladylike.It's at times like these I tell myself that I although I do not identify as trans I really should be a woman.I would not choose to go down the road of transition but I can dress as Roberta 4 or five days a week.And I have to say that ain't bad at all.
I am completely in a fog; I fully have enjoyed the exploring the world of femininity for the last 10 months. I realize that my GUY World would be completely destroyed should my GIRL World be known. And yet, My Girl continues to build her wardrobe, prance in her panties and gather her skirts. I can only hope this doesn’t hurt anyone
<p style="text-align: left;">Not bad at all.😏</p>
Sounds wonderful Roberta to dress that much.
I am envious for sure gurl.
And Davida enjoy yourself if it doesn't hurt anyone.
Just watch, that wardrobe will grow into a monster.LOL
It all depends on what you want.
We co-exist, my man and me.
I am he and he is she.
At any time, which one are we?
We are the one that you all see.
Now there's no room for secrecy
We are ourselves quite openly!
Love Laura
Oh yes. The quiet times we can relish in when we get them.
A nice cup of hot tea or a nice glass of sangria, favorite music on the stereo, phones all turned off, just sitting and watching the squirrels in the back yard.
We should all do this for at least an hour every day just to relax and be who we are, for ourselves.
Go ahead, it's not selfish at all girls. Enjoy yourself!
Laura that's beautiful.
I have contentment at night, when I sleep. In my nightgown and pantyhose with heels on.
[postquote quote=216708][/postquote]
Thank you Kris.I did have a great time.Hopefully I will have a few more chances to be Roberta this week.