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Hey all,
In our therapy session, I brought up the subject of posting my pictures on CDH to my wife. Since I came out to her, she hasn’t given me the green signal (not that in need her permission, but wishes need to respected).
I told her that I need to be part of a community and wanted to share my pictures will like minded people. She told me that she was afraid that I would be posting on sleazy website. I reassured her that CDH is safe place.
Today, she saw my position and agreed that she was fine with me posting my pictures. even though I have posted a few, I have always felt guilty, but not anymore.
This is a huge step for both of us. Will be sharing my pictures with all you on a regular basis from now on!
Saleena, I think if your wife is at least partially on board, she needs to understand how safe and non-judgemental CDH is. Is she prepared to have a look around? Maybe even join the forum for SOs?
The pictures question is a difficult one. Private photos are safest. As with everything online, public photos are out there for everyone to see. I'm probably the most closetted girl here but I'd held my secret inside far too long and just thought sod it, I need the affirmation of fellow CDs. Of course you have the advantage that your pics are gorgeous 😉.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
You did it the right way Saleena as keeping your wife happy will keep you happy I am sure.
Saleena, Great that your wife is on board and being supportive...and hopefully continues with this. We try to not put so much dependence on our So . GF or wife in regards to our dressing...but I know for me...it is HUGE to help me reduce my guilt and shame and for me to work on acceptance of my feminine side.