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A Comedian's Line About Bustiers

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Reputable Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

A while ago, maybe ten years, maybe even longer, I was watching the Tonight Show (Jay Leno at that time) and a guest comedian was on doing stand up. One of the things he said went something like this: "You leave a guy alone in a room with a bustier, and he is  going to try it on" I don't remember anything else he said, I don't even remember if that line had any other context or not, but I remember that line so well to this day because at that time, it was the first real indication I'd had that other guys might be having the same feelings I was having. I don't remember if I'd actually started dressing yet, but it was around that time.

I was just thinking how such tiny, seemingly insignificant moments like that can have such an impact. I do remember not feeling so weird about wanting to wear women's things after that. It was definitely a step in my journey, and it came totally out of the blue. I have also observed then and at other times how much meaningful stuff can be found in comedy, even if it's unintentional. Is it easier to say something that needs to be said if you frame it as a joke?

Anyway. I'm not sure this has any specific point to it. I just want to hear your thoughts. And maybe see if anyone else happens to remember that episode or who that comedian was.

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Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Ashley you have just reminded me about a scene I once saw in a U.S.sitcom about rookie cops.It was all a long time ago but one of the young cops let the cat out of the bag that he wore pantyhose.It stuck in my mind as any reference to crossdressing does.I recall seeing the movie Down And Out In Beverly Hills and was pleased to see a scene where a teenage boy was dressed as a girl.

If one looks at Monty Python's sketch about the lumberjack who wears womens clothes we can see that it is very much of it's time.When the character played by Michael Palin sings his song confessing his x-dressing tendencies   his girlfriend and the mounties singing in the background express disgust.The mountie chorus disband and call him all kinds of derogatory names.That was in 1969,these days crossdressing is not such a big deal  and people are slowly becoming more accepting of it.

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Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

When I was a kid of about six I saw a teenage boy dress as a woman for some reason or other in a kids tv show I saw over with me in the U.K..It was either in the Canadian children's series 'The Forest Rangers' or the Australian show 'The Magic Boomerang'. Both of them have stayed with me fifty plus years later.I was only six at the time but my crossdressing seeds were being sown and I must have experienced some frission from seeing this lad in female guise.I also will not forget reading a Jimmy Olsen comic and seeing a story where Jimmy went undercover as a chorus girl with cute legs to die for.I was about nine and very envious.


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Honorable Member     South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Ashley,

I do recall a similar event to what Roberta describes when as a child watching an episode of the TV version of Mission Impossible where they disguised as young man as a girl, he was very attractive and I know it brought out feelings in me.

A comedy moment that sticks in my mind is watching the British comedian/folk singer Mike Harding do a bit about not understanding how women put on their bras.  Describing how some women fasten their bras at the front and twist the bra round before putting their arms in and if he did that with his underpants he would be wearing Z fronts.  Must have had an impact on me as that is how I put my bra on to this day.

Jessica x.

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Jessica,

After seeing your comment, I did a little research and found out what I believe is the Mission Impossible episode. It was called "Gitano"  from Season 4.  The young king is played but Barry Williams, aka "Greg Brady."




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