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A Daunting Experience

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    Other, Alberta, Canada
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Good Day, Ladies.

Today, while out and about in town, I had what I can only describe as a daunting experience.

The day started off well enough, I was up just before dawn had my breakfast and put on my make-up. I have recently bought a new wig which is a dark blonde with black roots at the parting. I have been out wearing it a few times now and I am surprised at how well it suits me. In fact, I have had a lot of compliments on my new look.

Today then, having got ready, I put on my new wig and coat and set off to the city. I arrived at my usual restaurant just  after eleven o’ clock. This is my normal time of arrival as the restaurant opens at eleven and I like to be there early. My favourite waitress was back from Mexico so she made some small talk about her holiday. She brought me coffee and I ordered my meal. While I waited I read my book and sipped the coffee, which to me is the best in town.

While I was eating and not paying all that much attention to my surroundings, one of the women in the restaurant stopped by my table. She said hello and that we had met before and do I remember her? I said that yes, I remember meeting her. She than said that she likes the blond, indicating my hair. After that, she didn’t say too much but, as she started to move away in the direction of the ladies’ washroom, I asked her name.

“Maureen,” she said, then asked me mine.

Well, I have been feeling that Lynnette is more suited to me so I just replied, “Lynne.”

With that, she smiled and went on her way.

The incident when we met before was several months ago when, on her way back from the ladies’ washroom, she plonked herself down opposite to me and then got all flustered saying that she was sorry and that she had  sat at the wrong table.  She then moved on to the table one down from where I was sitting.

Later on, I had finished my coffee and paid my bill. I was just packing things back into my shoulder bag when Maureen (she looks to be in her sixties, by the way) came over again. She had been sitting in a booth across the aisle to me and with the back of the booth towards me.

“Lynne,” says she, looking at me as if seeking permission to sit down.

My expression must have made her feel free to do just that, so she then sat down opposite to me.

“You are a cross dresser?” says she, without preamble. She said it in that way as well, two separate words.

Well, what was I going to do? I couldn’t say, “No, I’m a woman.” and telling her that I am trans, I’m sure, would have required too much explanation. So I just nodded, kind of noncommittally.

She then asked quite a few  questions.

“You come in here a lot. Why do you always come in here?”

“I like the coffee,” I said, indicating my coffee cup.

“How long have you been cross dressing?”

“Quite a few years.”

“You must have lots of wigs. I remember the long one (meaning the ombre) and the brown one.

“I have three.”

Her eyes then flickered to my left hand, as mine had flickered to hers out of old habit.

“Have you ever been married?”


“Do you have family and what do they think of you cross dressing?”

“They are alright with it.”

“It is what it is, right?”

“Do you celebrate Christmas?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Is your tree up? I have been putting up my decorations.”

“Yes, my tree is up but I haven’t done much by way of decorating.”

Her friend, having put her coat on, then came over to the table.

Maureen then said, as she was getting up from the table, “I’ve just been asking him about his cross dressing. He has been telling me about it.”

Then she gets to her feet and asks me if I play a guitar.

I said that no, I don’t play a guitar.

“I’m taking lessons,” says she.

“Maybe you’d like to meet for coffee sometime,” says I.

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m always here and there. We’ll see.”

With that, they both moved on.

It is to be noted that I always speak in a quiet voice, where she was speaking in a loud one. I would think that she always speaks at that volume, you know, loud enough that the customers at the far side of the restaurant can hear.

After that experience I sat where I was for a while pretending to examine my phone. However, when I did get up and leave the restaurant I did not get any strange looks.

I would be interested in your comments on that incident, girls as I can’t decide whether it was a positive experience or otherwise. I didn’t feel all that comfortable going through it, I can tell you that.

Of course, driving home I thought of a lot of things I could have said and a lot of different ways I could have reacted. That is always how it seems to be though.

Thank You Girls for Listening.




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Noble Member     Minnesota, United States of America
Posts: 929

@denimwear Thank you, Aurora for sharing your experience. I can understand why it made you feel uncomfortable. The part that would have made me feel most uncomfortable is when Maureen said to her friend: “I’ve just been asking him about his cross dressing. He has been telling me about it.” If I knew that a man was transformed as a woman, I myself would address the CD or TG as she or her, not he or him. I hope that your next experience will be more comfortable for you, my friend. 🙂


(@Anonymous 90796)
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hi Lynne. It sounds to me like you stirred up feelings in her that she wants answers to. May have known someone years ago that was a Crossdresser that didn’t have the opportunity to be themselves. Could have a crossdressing family member and be to embarrassed to ask them questions. Could be it’s something it’s something that she’s always interested in and wants to now more and spark up a friendship. Sounds like she has been friendly about, maybe a little excited being loud, but not nasty just curious. I think she will greet you by name next time. Maybe invite her to sit and chat so she has a better understanding of the hurt that can be caused. You might end up with a new friend and/or ally. 
Hopefully it all works out well. 


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    Other, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 697


Hi Cassie, 

You could be correct on all counts. Now I think of it, her opening remark of, "You are a cross dresser?" did indicate that that she wanted to be sure of her assumption. Also, the use of two separate words denotes unfamiliarity with the concept. 

I am also sure that next time she will greet me as Lynne, as she did when she came over to my table the second time. 

Or course, it would have helped tremendously if she had said something in the nature of just being curious. 

She also asked if I celebrated Christmas and if I had my Christmas tree up yet and spoke briefly about her guitar lessons. 



(@Anonymous 90796)
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Posts: 129

@denimwear maybe Mrs Clause is going to get you some guitar lessons 👍

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@ It sounds like she has some hearing loss and is genuinely curious about you and CD. The way you describe it there was no hostile intent, like I said genuine curious. 



(@Anonymous 90796)
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Posts: 129

@denimwear dear Maureen doesn't seem to have too many social skills . The fact she was drawn to you would suggest one of two things .Either she's malicious and sees you as distateful . That's almost certainly not it from the conversation content  which suggests it's more likely shes nervous curious . As far as anyone else noticing , even if they did they probably weren't bothered and if bothered more likely to spot Maureen as the jittery noise potentially bothering you 

Simce coming out , I've had some great conversations with nice but nervous people . One that springs to mind is a female friend who out of the blue asked if I liked tights . I said yes (of course ) and she then spent a few minutes rambling on about she hated them lol . More wine was required 😃

Keep on enjoying your coffee 👍

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Honorable Member     St Thomas, Ontario, Canada
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I feel for your.  Your many stories of being out and about have provided me with the inspiration to be out and about as well.

I don't think there is a right way to handle being confronted like that.

It seems to me that no one else cared.  

I hope you keep going out.


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    Other, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 697


Hi Paula, 

Yes, I am going to keep on going out as I am so used to it now. I don't actually feel like I am crossdressing anymore. 

When I left the restaurant, I went over to the gas station to fuel up. I was paying with cash so I had to go into the kiosk. The people who run the gas station always refer to me as 'Ma'am' and when I walked in there this time it was no different. 

I am happy to hear that my adventures have given you the inspiration to pursue your own dreams, Paula. 


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    Other, Alberta, Canada
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Hi Revel, 

Yes, I agree that I would have felt much more comfortable if she had referred to me as her and she. The next time we meet, as I'm sure there will be a next time, I will ask her if she could refer to me as she and her as I feel more comfortable that way. 

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(@Anonymous 90796)
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@denimwear after reading your profile page as well as your responses to Rev & Paula, respectably it sounds like maybe telling her you are indeed a woman or at least trans would've better conveyed your desire for feminine pronouns.

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    Other, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 697


Hi Amelia, 

That thought did flash through my mind, although I quickly dismissed the idea. 

My thoughts were that that would probably involve a lot of explanation which, if I do meet Maureen again I will be well prepared to go into the matter at that time. 

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Noble Member     Minnesota, United States of America
Posts: 929

@denimwear I'm glad you agree with me. This is exactly what I would do in your case, Lynne. You will be more prepared next time. You can do it! 😉

Rev 🌹

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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For someone who is seemingly not familiar with crossdressers or transgender people, I wouldn't take offence over getting pronouns mixed up. You can deal with this on another occasion.

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    Other, Alberta, Canada
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Hi Harriette, 

What bothered me mostly was all the attention that I perceived was being drawn to me. 

Whether anyone else in the restaurant actually took any notice, I don't know. It is just that I perceived it that way. 

It does seem like me and Maureen will be getting to know each other better though.  

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Tact doesn't seem to be one of her high points. If she is loud next time, you should try to get her to turn it down from 11.

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    Other, Alberta, Canada
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Thanks Harriette, however, I don't know how successful I will be on that score?

Something I will do is, if I see her in the restaurant I will see if I can observe how loudly she is talking to her friend. 

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(@Anonymous 90796)
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A very interesting interaction, and one that I am sure you will cautiously navigate, as it leads to a possible relationship. 

Over the years, I have found there are certain types of women who are attracted to crossdressers.  So much so that they are not in the least shy about approaching us and initiating a conversation, as you found out. 

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    Other, Alberta, Canada
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Hi Peggy Sue, 

The thought had crossed my mind and, as you say, I shall be performing some cautious navigation. 


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Reputable Member     Walla Walla, Washington, United States of America
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You did answer yes to being a cross dresser. A woman in her 60's probably thinks of a crossdresser as a man, so used what was to her the proper pronouns. If or when the opportunity presents itself, you can educate her. As far as speaking loudly, she may be hard of hearing, or just doesn't possess a filter.

If she makes you feel uncomfortable, you can just not talk to her anymore.

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Lynne -

Interesting experience. From the way you describe what happened and the fact that she "mistakenly" sat at your table previously makes me think that she is curious and interested in getting to know you better. Her asking about whether you put up your Christmas tree ot play guitar could just be conversation openers and trying to find a similar interest. As to her being loud as others have said it could be her normal speaking volume, she may be hard of hearing or she may have been nervous and that was a way of her expressing it. Her addressing you with the wrong pronouns may have also been due to her being nervous.  It sounds like you are probably going to meet her again and if so address your concerns with her and explain about the use of pronouns. If and when you have another encounter with her I hope it is a positive one.


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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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It is the feeling of discomfort as she was talking loudly, had she have been talking quieter would the incident have been easier. We can draw many inferences as to her hearing capabilities which is a likely reason. However it would seem she was curious and considering the times we live in and her age I feel she wasn't as bad as standing up pointing and bawling across a restaurant.  

It was an interesting situation and one we may have to deal with but you were in familiar surroundings with staff that know you so would be sure if it got out of hand they would have your back.


Thank you for sharing.

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    Other, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 697


Hi Angela, 

The feeling of discomfort was brought on by her launching such an unexpected confrontation and, by virtue of her loud voice, telling everyone in the restaurant the nature of her business. 

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Reputable Member     In the middle of nowhere. On the corner of Podunk and Bumble., Vermont, United States of America
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Hi Lynne,   congrats on making it through such a daunting situation.  It sounds like you handled it well and perhaps made a friend/allies in the process.  Hopefully, the next time you see her the conversation won't be so awkward. 




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