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A directory of dreams

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

I've noticed that when I write blog threads and add posts to them every so often, it's great for the first few updates, over maybe a couple of weeks.  I certainly get the impression that what I'm writing is being reasonably well-received.  But then it drops off a cliff and there's barely any reaction or replies to my later posts, even though in my current thread, I've been continuing to grow in confidence and push the envelope of my femme experiences in almost every one. 

I don't mean to presume any interest, but given the level of engagement early on, I'm just puzzled by the sudden change as the thread continues.  In my mind, things are only getting better and more interesting as my 24/7 time living as Fiona progresses.  I'm wondering if somehow, people just aren't seeing the later updates.  

So, I thought that I would post this thread to provide descriptions and direct links to the major updates in my 'Living the Dream' blog thread - hence the title.  Follow them and you won't have to read all the way through the blog to get to that part. 

May 17th - start of my Fiona time.  Includes coming out to the Admin team of my car club, and a lovely sunset.

May 18th - Round the charity shops and the supermarket, including lots of feminine interactions.

May 23rd - A visit to my OH (in drab) and thoughts about our relationship.

May 25th - Actually, not a lot happens in this one but I do order some new glasses for Fiona, en femme 🙂

May 27th - A visit to the gardens of a local stately home in a favourite lightweight dress, and back via the supermarket.

June 3rd - Communication re-established with my OH 🙂

June 3rd - Coming out to my oldest friend and attending a couple of excellent concerts.  

June 3rd - Pride, my new glasses arrive, and an afternoon out in the park in a summer bodycon dress.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1451

I've got a lot of things coming up this month starting quite soon, which I'd love to tell you all about as they happen.  I would love to persevere with the blog format if I can, but I do wonder if this is the problem.  I guess that for a reader, the thread itself can get quite daunting as a prospect beyond a certain length.  Is anyone actually going to read as far as a second page?  I know I also tend write about things in a lot of words - I will try to cut back a bit from now on, I promise 🙂  

Moving forward, I had been thinking, every time I add an update to the blog, I'd add a post in here with a link to that update.  But it might actually be better to start a new thread for each major event, and link to that from the blog thread so that everything is still all available from one place, which was my intention in starting the blog in the first place.  I can always continue to post to the blog thread with musings on my femme life and my feelings regarding the developing situation with my relationship with my OH.

Finally, I sincerely hope that this thread doesn't come across as whinge-y, narcissistic, attention-craving or anything of the sort, I really don't mean it like that at all.  If the issue is actually that I've been blowing my own trumpet too much and everyone's fed up with it, then I'll take that and accept that I'm only writing for my own benefit.  By all means let me know in a reply or a PM, and please do be truthful, but obviously stay within the rules and guidelines of this wonderful site.

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Reputable Member     Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America
Posts: 159

@finallyfiona I luv following your activities, they are inspiring!


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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1451

@jwhite Thank you Jamie 🙂  That's a very good reason to continue writing about them.  I was inspired myself by what other girls have written before me, and it feels appropriate to pay that forwards.

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Famed Member     New York, United States of America
Posts: 1790

@finallyfiona Fiona,

No, you are not blowing your own trumpet too much. I enjoy reading your posts as do many others here. You might be better off starting a new thread for each topic, it's possible others may see the title of your blog and think "I've already read that" even though you add something new to it.

And I agree with you about paying it forward. It was partially through reading many of the posts here on CDH that I got the courage to go out in public for the first time.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1807

@finallyfiona It's good to read your posts. They are inspirational and interesting. Whilst I keep my femme life and drab life quite a way apart for most things, they have given me confidence in a number of ways. Please keep posting!




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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1451

@annaredhead Anna, thank you for the vote of confidence 🙂  I am most happy to keep writing and posting about what I get up to if there's an appetite to read it, and it would seem from yours and the other responses to this thread that there is.

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 803

@finallyfiona To be honest I didn't know the rest of this story was there. As I have just found, the follow up articles are further down in the comments section. I agree that it would be a good idea to start a new topic each time. At least I know they are there now & I will certainly catch up with them. Keep posting as we all love reading your story.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1451

@sashabennett Ah, thank you Sasha for confirming my suspicions, much appreciated 🙂  And thank you for being sweet to me 😊 Enjoy and I'll post threads from now on.

Fiona xxx

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Honorable Member     Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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@sashabennett   Yes!! Best, Marlene.

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Hey Fiona!  What you're seeing is mostly the result of posting in a busy forum.  It happens. 

Topics generate a lot of activity at first and that keeps them near the top of the first page.  But new topics are continually added and they always go on top.  That downward pressure tends to push older topics towards the bottom.  A topic that hasn't gotten any activity in several hours will inevitably get pushed to the second page.  Once that happens, it's even less likely to generate activity. 

If you have a lot to say on a subject, it's better to break it down into multiple topics.

The best way to keep a topic active is by frequent updates.  Reply to every comment.  Obviously, interesting topics and good writing will help.


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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1451

@emilyalt Thanks Liz.  I always read through 'Unread Posts' but it's dawning on me that not everyone else keeps up with the forum like that!

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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Perhaps you should be checking whether or not you are still getting views rather than replies. It seems to move with software updates, but right now it is at the top of the first page of the thread. If you are getting the same number (approximately) of views per update, then you know people are interested even if they are not replying.

If you have a significant update, you can also post it to a new thread.

Posts: 1304
    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Good point by Alison. I have followed your exploits for ages but don't necessarily have anything to say. Fiona too has a good point and perhaps you should start a new thread each time. I've only followed on from a long post a couple of times and it is true, once a thread gets too long people lose track and can't be bothered to try to catch up -- I've done it myself.



Posts: 1451
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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

@d44 @alison-anderson @rebeccabaxter 

Thank you all for your sage advice ladies 🙂  Alison, I hadn't even realised there was a view counter, that's a very good point and I'll remember to keep an eye on that in the future (although the threads are all public-facing so there will doubtless be 'bots and search engine crawlers in the count).  But it would seem that new threads for new topics is the way to go.

Hugs to you all,
Fiona xxx

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Trusted Member     Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 22

@finallyfiona your an inspiration and I just loved reading every story tonight, I felt I was with you along the way. I just started to go out in the world this past week. Prior few weeks was only ever underdressing femme. May 30th first ever pedicure pink ballet colour and manicure clear coat. May 31st, first ever full body waxing(sugaring) at an aesthetic clinic. June 1-2 drab male with family outings. Then my big day June 4th, out of house first time off pink summer shorts with white blouse slight puff shoulder and of course open toe white flat sandals with small shoulder strap hanging purse into my pickup truck and off to therapist third session as KayDee, she was amazed and jealous of my legs and toes. Then off to meet a new friend from TGH Amy who heads up a local CD/TG girl group in my area mostly all with SO’s with varying degrees of acceptance or tolerance. They do a pubnite second Friday each month and next one is June 14th in Toronto so off I am going(what to wear-a whole week to plan)

Fiona, your posts are so inspiring me to venture forth and let KayDee be free for the first time in my life. The Euphoria of venturing out is hard to describe but your stories show how it must feel inside. We are right there with you girl feeling it as we read.

We all love you for it, please keep them coming.


Posts: 1451
Topic starter
    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

KayDee, many congratulations for making your debut out in the world honey * hugs

That's wonderful to read, and very validating that I might have played some part in your journey to  experiencing that glorious freedom to be yourself.  Thank you so much for saying so 🙂  I wish I was in Toronto next week, I hope you have a lovely time!

I'm about to go away in drab for the rest of the weekend with my OH, in the campervan.  A bit of a reset, I think it will do some good for our relationship and also my internal relationship with Fiona.  I will be back during the coming week, maybe early, maybe later on.  I will hopefully have something rather nice to share with everyone 🙂

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
Joined: 2 years ago

Another vote for new forum topics. Fiona, you know I care deeply about your blossoming situation and so hope that things work out as well as you wish. 

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1451

@chrisfp99 New forum topics it will be from now on 🙂  And thank you so much Chrissie, consider yourself hugged right back 🤗

Fiona xxx

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
Posts: 1711

Fiona, I'm feeling a bit of a sense of anti-climax after my recent whirl of girly excitement, and not knowing when another opportunity may present itself, so I could use a hug. Thank you lovely xx.


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