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A first for me

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Estimable Member     Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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Yesterday was a double first for me, not only because it was my first dressing up day as Samantha in 2024 but I also experienced the delight of putting on my tights over newly shaved legs. Yes it took me a while to shave my legs until they were nice and smooth but boy was it worth it.

 I have been on my journey for many years now and yet the small things manage to enhance my dressing experience.

 I know that leg shaving is all part of some ladies transformation to their feminine side and now I can see it becoming part of my routine as well.

As I said just a small thing for me but I just wanted to share with you all.


Samantha xx


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(@Anonymous 94505)
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@samanthaj It is a wonderful feeling and one I know well.  x

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2196

@samanthaj Oh yes, there is nothing like it! Next time try wax strips, last much longer 😊👍

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4016

@samanthaj Congratulations, Samantha Jo!

I felt my wife's hairless legs, tonight, and decided to touch mine up after she went to sleep. Mine will never be as baby-bottom smooth as hers, but I love the look and feel all the same.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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A local drug store has a name brand epilator on sale for a reasonable price, so I bought one. The idea of mixing shaving, IPL, cream, and epilating interests me.

The pain is bearable and I bled in a few spots because I am on a blood thinner. I like the recommendation of taking a pain pill before starting, next time. The skin feels good, but I will test the lasting effects over the next few days.

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 618

@samanthaj You do realise that there is absolutely no going back now, don't you? 

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Smooth! You can now enjoy the look and feel the sheerest of tights 🙂


(@Anonymous 94505)
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@caroline2k your words alone bring happiness at the thought.

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Ever so slightly jealous as this isn’t something I’m able to do.

I did do it once, many years ago and still remember how lovely the tights felt .

You never know, one day maybe

Lucy x

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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I bet you felt wonderful while actually shaving. It is such a feminine thing to do. The results sound delightful. It is on my bucket list for sure. Possibly #1. I'm looking forward to the opportunity - whenever that may be.

I'm glad you were able to enjoy this.


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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2196
  • @samanthaj I forgot to say, I waxed mine on Friday and my legs really feel the cold now! What a feeling though, even under drab trousers the sensation is wonderful 😄
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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@samanthaj I've been wearing stockings and pantyhose since I was 4. At 17, I shaved my legs and put on brand new pantyhose. The look and feel was just incredible.

Haven't had hair on my legs since and I still love that feelings and experience when putting pantyhose on.

(@Anonymous 94505)
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@samanthaj talking of small things. This morning I was out shopping and went in many charity/thrift shops. Only underdressed. Without a worry a looked at loads of clothes and shoes and was definitely noticed doing so. Anyhow I purchased a pair of size 8 shoes, youngish girl didn't seem to bat an eyelid.

Proud of myself. Though you could never do it fully dressed around here.


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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 618

@melaniejames That's the way to do it - just go for it! 

Younger people tend to have less of a hang-up about the whole crossdressing thing these days. It's nice though when we can do this. 

Size 8? I'm rather jealous! 

(@Anonymous 94505)
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@caroline2k it did give me a buzz. No quick glance at things either, picked up and studied. To be honest I made a bit of a point at being seen. Pulled out a black lacy dress, held it up it was gorgeous but at size 14 it was to big. Only 10.5 stone so more of a 12.

Nobody cared...I think.


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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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@melaniejames Haha, yes - not much point trying to pretend it's not for you so why not make sure it's going to fit. 🙂


(@Anonymous 94505)
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@caroline2k I wanted them to know it was for, a coming out of sorts. If there had been a black skirt size 12 above knee it was mine. Alas the search proved unsuccessful.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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@caroline2k @melaniejames 

I'm jealous, too!

(@Anonymous 94505)
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@jacquelinelarkspur You look fabulous in your profile pic. Lovely figure.

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Thank you so much!

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Reputable Member     MPLS, Minnesota, United States of America
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@samanthaj Not a small thing at all for years I only shaved during the winter months but the joy of smooth girly legs was too strong now I keep them hairless year round. Don’t forget to moisturize moisturize moisturize and soon they will be silky smooth!

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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@samanthaj absolutely one of the great feelings of becoming our girl selves.  I have to shave mine every few days, so when I bought a new home, I made sure the master bath a a large shower with a seat.  For me , much easier sitting down.   Sadly, as I am not out to family, to wear shorts, I have to let the calves grow out in the summer.  P.S. don’t forget to moisturize, the older your are the more you need to.

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Noble Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
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@missylinda  How long does it take to grow back ? like if you quit shaving April 1st will you be in shorts by may? never shaved but want to. but im not very hairy in general so Im afraid it will take too long to regrow.  Cheers RC

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4016

@river Test run it.

Find a safe spot and just shave a small area of it. Underarms, inner thighs, somewhere on the shins or above your knees. The last two, in particular, have robust hair. Just do the same on both sides. 🫣

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Noble Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
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@harriette seriosly thats Genius.!! darn why the heck have I never thought of that now i feel like an idiot  such a simple solution.  uggh. thank you very much excellent advise!! RC

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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@river for me, it takes at least a moth to have passable hair back on the calves.  I only wear shorts out to exercise in the winter, and I have knee brace, ankle brace, and tall  socks to cover up.   I wear mostly short sleeve shirts in  drab so I’ve thinned my arm hair, but not totally shaved.  My worst area is my stomach and chest.  I have to shave every other day,  the hair is black , and gross.

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@samanthaj Congratulations on this step you’ve taken Samantha . I'm sure it won't be your last time as it is great slipping on some pantyhose/ tights after a fresh shave and don't forget to apply some nice lotion on them as well. Don't consider it a small thing hun as we all go at our own pace and any step in the feminine direction is a great one. Ashley ❤️

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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I love putting on a pair of tights fresh out of their packet.

Someone very recently gave me an interesting tip. After shaving your legs, rub castor oil on them. Apparently it feels amazing when the tights go on.

Apologies if this tip is already well known. I'd never heard of it!

(@Anonymous 94505)
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@samanthaj What a fantastic feeling being able to shave your legs.

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Trusted Member     North Carolina, United States of America
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@samanthaj I absolutely love the feeling of fresh shaved legs! While I enjoy the sensation and the experience of shaving my legs, I have been trying out a few brands of hair removal cream. It is more for the ease and when I don’t have time for the full experience. I have been looking at getting an epilator to try so any advice would be helpful.


(@Anonymous 94505)
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@charlenecd62 girl I totally agree!! Smooth legs are so amazing!! I don’t shave often enough

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@charlenecd62 Both epilators and IPLs do their job in different ways.

For the first run through, an epilator involves quite a bit of pain. I will learn soon about that second run through. I am not sure how long it takes yet, to keep the weeds down (kill the roots). The brand name epilator didn't cost much and will be quick to use and useful.

IPLs work well but slowly. It has taken a year to cut most of the weeds down on my legs, but a few areas are very resistant to the light. The no-name IPL was cheaper, but you have to take care of them and not run them full blast. It's just taking a while.

I really want to know how effective using both at the same time is at killing the follicles quickly.

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Trusted Member     North Carolina, United States of America
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@harriette thank you for the information! It’s great to get first hand experience.

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@samanthaj When you first shave your legs and put on new nylons, whether stockings or pantyhose, it's the most amazing look, feel and experience. And the great news is that never goes away. It's like that every time.

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Prominent Member     Florida, United States of America
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@samanthaj Sounds great Samantha!!

(@Anonymous 94505)
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Like many, I'm on a two day, sometimes three day interval, depending on what I want to do that day and how much am in in a hurry to get out of the shower.  Yes, it is grand to feel one's smooth, silky legs rub against each other beneath a nightie.  Or, as I've done a few time, worn a skirt around the house while wearing no hose.  I started going without nylons under my skirt on those occasions when I wanted to identify with the vast majority of women who never wear nylons.  And I'm a woman.  So....


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Samantha -

It is a wonderful feeling having shaved legs. I shave mine in the winter and love it. Enjoy the experience.


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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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It's these small things that make us feel so good about ourselves. In reality it is a big thing for us. I hope you are able to keep them smooth from now on. It maybe a bit of a chore but so worth it.

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Reputable Member     Santa Clarita and Oakhurst (I have a vacation home), California, United States of America
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My wife lets me shave mine in the winter. I usually have a physical in mid October and as soon as I get home, out comes the razor. I love the feeling and hate when it's time to start growing it back for summer. 

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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There are few things in life better then the feel of sheer sticking over freshly shaven legs, especially the very first time you do it. For all those who haven't, try and figure out a way to do it. You won't regret it. 

I agree, the younger generation is used to such things, at least individually. As groups, they still seem to like to twitter and comment among themselves. 

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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It is great for you, Samanta. I am glad for you.

Freshly shaven legs. The very first time is a really great feeling as I remember. I was a teen then. In fact, I haven't shaved my legs after the pandemic years, but my hairs are actually fine and sparse. And since I don't go out dressed, the need has not pressed me. I just put the pantyhose on top the few time I use them.

I'm going to try a hair removal cream for sensitive skin that a girl recommended. She said the effect lasts a week. It comes with lot of instructions. I have to read them well before I use it.


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(@Anonymous 94505)
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I enjoyed my smooth bare thighs all day yesterday beneath my knee-length skirt. I so often wear tights, but yesterday just wore some knee-highs.  Luxurious.

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Duchess Annual
Honorable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
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I've have shaved for so many years, I don't remember the first time but I do remember the feeling. I don't wear shorts mostly because of my work, so summer is not a problem. It's been so long that my wife doesn't even notice, don't see how I could ever go back.


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Estimable Member     South of Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
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Nothing like the feeling of freshly shaved legs!

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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I shave "nose to toes" weekly, and when I have the time, put on my wig, bra, forms and panties.

"A lady attending to her toilet"

Yes, stockings on shaved legs is wonderful, but the "next step up", is the feeling of a silk nightie "wafting" over my legs at night.

I have posted about this on CDH in the past, "A Silken Summer", as in right now in Oz.


PS Three years ago I just straight told my DADT SO, that in my "advancing years", I cant hack body hair anymore. I wear shorts all summer and no one has ever said a word, (including my Osteopath who sees my bare legs and razor rash once a week)





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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Hey girls, as a very occasional crossdresser I'm going to go against the grain here. Despite reading all your positive posts I think I can say with certainty that I would never shave my body. Just not important to me. I can cover up the hair. And it just sounds like such a chore, and probably painful.

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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Chrissie, I cannot believe your response. A forward-thinking girl as you. How would you think it is a chore?  After the first time, it is only maintenance. Some of the people above, are making it way to hard. 


Try it you will like it.

My wife asked if I regreted shaving legs. Said no way.  Doing this for a while even during summer nobody asked. Life is good.



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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Lynne, my wife would have questions. But as I say, it's really not a priority xx.

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Active Member     Ohio, United States of America
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Just shaved my legs for the first time 3 days ago.  It feels great with anything you wear.  

Nothing boosts femininity like being able to wear sheer panty hose.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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There is nothing wrong with body hair, after we have had it throughout our evolutionary history. Also, there is nothing wrong removing body hair which has been done on and off for the last 4 to 5,000 years.

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Honorable Member     CAMBRIDGE, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Samantha Jo Shaving legs can be difficult to start with, but once you have managed to get all that nasty hair off the next shave is much easier, especially if you don't leave it too long before the next shave. New tights over shaved legs is an awesome feeling. You will of course be shaving your arms and almost the whole of your body soon, it won't stop at just your legs! 

You look fabulous in your photos, it is so nice to see other girls on here from the UK especially one that lives in the same county! PM me if you want to have a chat.......

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