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Hi Girls, i really do get myself in some pickles!!! ok.... the scenario. My wife gets Two tickets from her workplace for a boxing match event, for me and her to go to. On Saturday we both go, we had seated tickets, so we both walk in, show our tickets and go to the seated area, we sit down and there were guys stood up behind us. Now these guys were ultra macho, all brawn. Whilst the boxing was going on, i decided it would be a great idea to video it, but..... i couldnt get the video camera on my phone to work right (blonde moment). Whilst i was fiddling around trying to get the camera to work, one of my photos came up of me dressed in a very short black skirt and mustard top on my phone, in full view of the guys behind me. Sammi (my wife) spun around to look at the guys and according to her, their eyes nearly popped out of their heads!! now i dont know if they recognised me from the photo or just saw the skirt and top, but either way, that was a seriously close call, in fact too close for comfort!!! just shows how easy things can go wrong!!! 🙂
Fiona-Ann xxx
OOOPS she said........
Dame Veronica
Hi Fiona,
Isn't it amazing how quick things can go wrong and really bad when you out yourself.
Maybe they were just into the girl on your phone.
No doubt they saw a very pretty and sexy girl and behaved like guys do when they see a very pretty and sexy girl.
Fiona, my bet is they saw a beautiful woman and we oogling, a favorite male sport. Good job on looking so stunning and giving them a thrill.
I agree with Michelle and Patty. They saw a photo of a very pretty lady.
Likely they thought you were a very lucky guy to have a picture of such a sexy lady on your phone. I they noticed any similarity, it could of been a sister, or another relative.
By the by, the same thing nearly happened to me, only it was daughter who very nearly saw her Dad in a short skirt, tight top, sporting some breasts!