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I'm sure this has been covered before but what other interests do all you girls have?
I love my sci fi and fantasy books (I own hundreds) I also love my comics (also own hundreds). Music is another passion of mine but I tend to go for more obscure stuff and am currently thoroughly enjoying synth-wave. Also love my hard rock, post hardcore and post punk revival.
I know this might not feel the most feminine subject but I'm of the view that almost anything can be feminine.
Love Charlotte xXx
Music, fiddling with computers and drama.
I have a degree in all 3, so all real passions, and I'm lucky enough to have been in various bands and theatrical groups, and to work in the computing industry. I'm a consultant for Virtual Infrastructure and the Modern Workspace, and it's a hobby as much as a job - can't believe I get paid to do this!
I'll add bringing up children and gardening to the mix.
No, I am not talking about console games, social media, or whatever people do that keeps their eyes glued to their smart phones all the time. I'm talking wiring, taking things apart, soldering, risk of severe electrical burns, and building or modifying circuit boards. I'm a certified IT technician and I do have the ability to fix a lot of computer issues without Google searching everything.
Yes, I know how to survive without my electronics and/or WiFi. Spending hours at the lake with a fishing pole is quite relaxing even if I don't catch anything. And sometimes those long hours end up in the darkness of night where I will put on a one piece swimsuit and dive into the water for a little while before I go home.
Charlotte, i also enjoy y books sci-fi and fantasy as well as history. As for music I have an eclectic palate ranging from classical to Celtic to reggae and rock. i also enjoy hiking ad backpacking. i like to get away from people sometimes. i am trying to write my own fantasy now.
I too have children. I also enjoy time with my computer though not as much as I used to (too many books).
Do you have any favourite authors? I love Robert Jordan and Mark Lawrence.
In sci-fi my favorites are classic Asimov, Heinlein, David Weber more currently and Anne McCaffery. In Fantasy Tolkien and Salvatore. I am just trying to get ito Jourdan.
Hi, Charlotte
My SO and I love hiking, but I actually enjoy the company of the trees. My current profession revolves around trees, so I've made it a habit on walks and hikes to check out the trees, and notice all the little details between different ones of the same species. It's meditative, and gives me some time to enjoy the woods off the clock. I enjoy birdwatching for the same reasons from time to time.
Otherwise, I'm a casual gamer on mobile phone, if that counts as being a gamer. Haha!
im finding I like shopping a lot, thats new...
Hi Charlotte....become to our CDH, where dreams and worlds are positives. The feminine of our brain has opened to our conscious. Enjoyable exploring new enjoying "The Other World" !
Dame Veronica
I love the film Predestination which is based on All You Zombies by Heinlein. Authors I love in sci fi are Philip K Dick, Dan Simmons and Frank Herbert. I also love pretty much anything released by the Black Library. There is also a new author Dennis E Taylor who I think is amazing. You may well like his Bobiverse series.
Yeah shopping can become somewhat addictive.
its also fun trying different make up styles too, me and my SO just love dressing up for the sake of it.
Well Me and my SO hunt fish and trap. I love Fly tying for fishing and metal detecting. I just started to learn the bag pipes.... I do wear feminine while doing any of these hobbies. y other passion is wood carving and wood working. Keeps me busy and yes Shopping once again!!!
Yes,i know the feeling of being addicted to shopping .Only 2 items to day .
6 on Wednesday .
Rhonda .