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A Grand Day Out

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Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

Some days give us a lot of pleasure and joy even if there is, ostensibly, nothing particularly special about them. Today was such a day … for me it was a grand day out (though no cheese involved *), mainly because of the dawning realisation it brought.

My wife and I decided to visit Bath, a city in the southwest of England, which we go to occasionally but hadn’t been to for a few months. It promised to be a dry day and the days were getting warmer. The journey takes about an hour and a quarter, going via Pennsylvania and Dunkirk [ I’ll leave you to figure that one out ** ]. Bath has a fine Abbey which began life in 1090 but has subsequently been completely rebuilt a couple of times. It also has the old Roman Baths which had their origins nearly 2000 years ago. Much of the defining architecture of Bath is Georgian (that’s the same George who upset the colonists in America over tax issues, resulting in a ‘minor’ dispute).

However, this time we did not focus on any of the history. Instead we ambled around the shopping areas, dipping in and out of ladies fashion shops. My wife bought a new dress and earrings :); I didn’t (:. Then as we were strolling along beside the river I suddenly realised … I had completely forgotten that I had been fully en-femme all day, had interacted with quite a few people, admired in mirrors the dresses and skirts held up before me in shops as young ladies milled around, sat down to lunch in a very busy restaurant, and it was all without any comment or reaction at all (apart from a few compliments) and all completely natural. And that is what made it such a grand day out for me.

Hugs to you all

Rebecca xxx

* Those familiar with Wallace and Gromit will recognise the relevance of cheese.

** Rebecca smiles mischievously as she imagines puzzled CDH-ers quickly consulting Google Maps.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2191

@fembecky Hi, Rebecca, thanks for sharing your experience, I found it heart warming and encouraging.

My wife is accepting and supportive of my dressing at home but she [currently] wouldn't go outside with me dressed. One day, maybe but to be honest, right now I'm very happy with dressing when I like, much more so than where I might like.

Again, thanks for your post, it sounds great fun.

Allie x

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 602

@alexina A year ago I would never have dreamt that yesterday could have happened, so you never know what the future might bring 😀 . But for you to really enjoy going out together it must be something you are both happy to do, so in my opinion waiting for that right time is the right thing to do.

BTW - looking at your profile picture it seems to be similar to mine, but you clearly look wonderfully younger than me (as of course you are!). Also it makes me think I ought to get some more feminine specs (in my picture mine are my normal male ones) but since I wear varifocals I suspect the cost may be an issue.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2191

@fembecky Hi, Becky, thanks for your comment about my profile pic. It was done using the gender swap function on faceapp. I also aged it, you'll see both versions on my page but the younger one was too young looking. 

I'm pleased though because it does look like me but without facial hair.

They're my own specs, though, it didn't change them.

I hope you have many more such outings!

Allie x

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 602

@alexina Yes I know FaceApp 😀 . I used the gender swap function a couple of years ago. I loved the results, but I reckon they were more "wishful thinking" rather than realistic for me. There is also another (internet web based) site that does a similar job which was probably more realistic.

Posts: 1458
    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

What a fantastic outing Becky - a Grand Day Out indeed 🙂  Bath is such a nice city, the OH and I are looking to visit in the campervan again one weekend this year. 

I love how you didn't mention being en femme until the reveal at the end (although this place being what it is, perhaps I should have guessed!)  Isn't it lovely though when people just treat you like anyone else.  

Fiona xxx

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1458

Posted by: @fembecky

** Rebecca smiles mischievously as she imagines puzzled CDH-ers quickly consulting Google Maps.

Ha, yes I realise I've done the same journey in the other direction, last time we went to Bath we came back via where my son lives in the southern end of the Cotswolds, which is probably not too far from you.

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 602

@finallyfiona Thanks for the reply. Bath is an interesting place with a lot going on as well as some quiet and peaceful parks. We did consider moving there about 30 years ago when my job relocated from Surrey to Swindon, but for various reasons chose a location NE of Swindon instead. Who knows, if you do visit Bath we might even bump into one another! And I wonder whether you will be strolling around Bath en-femme 🤔 ?

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I have been through Pennsylvania too but wondered about Dunkirk - Had your sat nav taken you to Kent? However reading where you are based I got it.

It is so nice to enjoy a day out dressed with no bother or fuss and, as you say, completely natural. You were two ladies having that grand day out.

More cheese Gromit.

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Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 602

@ab123 Hi Angela, thanks for the reply. Satnav is usually reliable, but I did have one a few years ago which, as I travelled along the M27, thought I was in the middle of the Solent and then asked me to turn right across the central barrier. There are some satnav instructions that are worth ignoring!

I guess you enjoy the wonderful freedom of being out en-femme all the time, so if I am ever down in Kent I will keep an eye open for you 😀 .

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Noble Member     los angeles, California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

That was a grand day indeed Rebecca. The high point is forgetting you're even a man dressed but as a natural woman doing all the things girls do without reservation including talking to others

Posts: 2172
 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Any day out en femme is a grand day, but this day sounds especially grand. I am.happy you enjoued yourself.

Posts: 210
Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 1 year ago

What a lovely post Becky. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy such a wonderful day. I lovet that it felt so "normal" and you were just going about your business.

Thanks for sharing!



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