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A heads up and stories about Jcpenney

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Eminent Member     Linwood, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

So just like Sear, Jcpenny's is closing a number of stores around the U.S. and I had no idea about it till I walked around my mall last week.
<p style="text-align: left;">So today I dolled myself up and went to see what I could get, since it wasn't a complete mess like my Sears was when it was closing.  An hour later I walked out with my head up high, some swing in my hips and two bags full of clothes that would have cost $300 at full price.🥰😄🤣  Other then that before closing I always got some nice things from there clearance and sale rack and shelves that I'm still using.  The staff there was always so nice especially the makeup ladies 😭 I'm going to miss the store.</p>

So do any of you ladies have a tail from the halls of Jcpenny the good, the bad, the middle ground, the great deals, etc. tell us here😄

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
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I have bought a couple of things from JCPenney's.  I know the one near me has a clearance section that is always has some serious discounts.  Last year, I purchased a summer dress that had lots of fall colors but is so very light weight that in this heat works really well.  I was in drab when I purchased it.  I was extremely nervous but the sale clerk did not even bat an eye when he charged me out.  I got a boost of confidence that day.

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Eminent Member     Montana, United States of America
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Way back when I was a teen I went in and bought a long line bra like my Mom's.  I was terrified.  The sales lady continued to ask me if this was the right one was it the right size over and over. I wanted to say it was the one I wanted but couldn't.  I did buy it and I wish I still had it. I think now she knew it was for me and wanted to help. I have gotten some nice things from there since .

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Estimable Member     California, United States of America
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<p style="text-align: center;">Uh yeah the one in my town smells like mildew............</p>

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Eminent Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

JCPenney and me go way back. They always had the best panties, the best catalogs, and my first guitar came from JCPenney. My first stereo came from JCPenney. I know Amazon is handy and things change, but I miss the beautiful malls with the big anchor stores. Ya know when Sears first introduced their mail order catalog, it was game changing and disruptive to local stores just like the internet is now. Oh well, maybe they can survive. I still have JCPenney panties from the early 90s in my collection.

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Reputable Member     Tacoma, Washington, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

As far as I know my local store will remain open. While I have not bought much there I've always been happy with there service and felt the value was good for what I bought.


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Estimable Member     Eastern WI, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Maddie -- Thanks so much for the thread! Our JCP looks like it will remain open.  But based on some steep online sales I've seen recently along with some significant discounts on clearance jewelry and dresses at our local store, it would appear they are desperate for sales to keep afloat.

Picked up a Maidenform body briefer I love online from JCP a month ago that was discounted to under half the retail price, along with a few other foundation garments at steep discounts.  They also have had some great sales on shoes and sandals--have not taken advantage of these bargains because I loaded up at PayLess before they closed...

Good for us to support brick-and-morter stores and thank some wonderful trans-friendly staff while we're at it, but we are sadly fighting against strong economic head-winds.



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