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I was with my ex-partner at her house yesterday, she had invited my parents and me over for a lunch of roast lamb and all the trimmings. I presented as my male self of course, these being all three of the people in my life for whom I will do so. That said, my parents hadn't previously seen me as I am now with my hair clippered short and my keeper ear studs in, and my fingernails are in gel colour at the moment.
Like old times, my ex and I still make a good team. Just as we do with the Community Fridge food collections that we still do every fortnight, we worked together very well with the cooking and other preparations, and sorting everything out afterwards. The meal was very good and my parents certainly enjoyed themselves.
Although the conversation included some of the things I'd been up to like the visits to my aunt, I didn't say anything about being en femme at the time, and the wider topic of Fiona was not mentioned. Except that at one point while clearing the plates away, I managed to drop the cutlery that I'd piled on the top plate down the front of my smart shirt, and had to change back into the less smart polo shirt that I'd arrived in. "Oh well," I said, "there's an upside - at least this one co-ordinates with my nails". It raised a laugh from my ex and quite a smile from Mum, but the look on Dad's face was priceless! It's not difficult to work out where the 'no Fiona' decision came from with them.
After my parents had gone home, my ex and I settled down for a talk, that she'd told me she wanted to have. Now, I've never been one for picking up the subtleties, the 'between the lines' meanings etc., and I had always been given to understand most clearly that she and Fiona should be considered mutually exclusive. So it took me quite some time to realise that she was hoping to try and restart our relationship, but with Fiona instead of male me. When the penny finally dropped, I absolutely couldn't believe it 🙂 There's nothing I would like more! Straight away I responded that I will do whatever I can to make it work with that goal in mind.
It's not a fait accompli, indeed, far from it. We did talk a lot about various possible future situations though, and it seems we're in broad agreement as to how they could work. But first, we basically have to start again from scratch, and she has to be introduced to Fiona, very slowly and gently. Trust has to be rebuilt. To be comfortable, she has to be able to get past any distaste at my presentation, to feel the familiar person underneath. So the presentation mustn't be too much for her to handle at any stage, or the 'OMG NO!'-switch will be tripped.
We have agreed to go out for a first date later this week, meeting away from her house, for a drink in the place we first met nearly 18 years ago now. I will basically be in male mode as I was yesterday, but wearing Fiona's jeans, top and trainers - nothing more femme than that.
Going back to the title I gave this thread, I am filled with hope that this might be the start, yet also the continuation, of a long story. It would actually fit very well as an Episode IV in the story of Fiona. I'm just not sure which one of us is Princess Leia 😉
Oh Fiona, this is such exciting news! A long way to go, and baby steps and all that, but she must realise what she's letting herself in for. I'm thrilled for you honey. I'm sure you'll keep us updated. Heck, we'll all be on the edge of our seats!
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Good for you Fiona! Best wishes for you and your ex and I hope you get everything you want and more. It's wonderful that she sees the real person you are and is willing to try to build a relationship with Fiona.
I home this story has as many episodes as the Star Wars saga!
Great news. Keep us posted on your progress. Hope things go better this time around.
Good news, hope all goes well and the turn around continues. sounds like she has been thinking and not in the negative.
Who would have seen that one coming! Amazing we can only surmise her reasons but clearly there was much in the relationship she enjoyed so I wish you well in this new twist and hope it works out.
No doubt material for the chronicles of Fiona.
I am so happy to hear this news Fiona dear. Your go slow, one step at a time approach to this situation should hopefully garner positive results but don't be surprised if it's occasionally two steps forward, one step back. But even if it is, that's still progress.
I have both my fingers and my toes crossed that everything works out for you.
Big hug coming your way,
Fiona xoxo
@lucyb112 @cdashley @annaredhead @alexina @sashabennett @melissa70 @chrisfp99 @lauren114 @leah63 @lillie @ab123 @d44
Thank you ladies all so much for your heartfelt responses and kind wishes. I know we're a very supportive sisterhood, I try to respond that way in my replies on other girls' threads, but I'm still surprised and touched by the warmth and caring that comes back when I post here.
Rebuilding our relationship around Fiona is going to be a long process and to be honest I think I've got the lighter end of the load that we've got to lift. I know just how much effort my partner is putting (and will continue to have to put) into this to get to where we want to be, and it's humbling. I just want to treat her like a queen and do my best to be the most understanding, empathetic and considerate person that I can be. I do struggle at times to show much of those qualities, but I need to be a better person as Fiona, who she can appreciate more than I feel I gave her cause to as my male self. Just because that may have been enough for her to want me to come back to her, doesn't mean it would continue to be enough for her to want Fiona to stay.
The date is Thursday evening. It comes just before a very full period in Fiona's diary, but I will try to post a timely update.
Fiona xxx
Any step forward is a good one. I think she realizes to some extent that you the person hasn't really changed.
Just one question: A New Hope - Is this Part 4? 😛
Fiona -
Very happy for you. Take your time and let her lead the way, I have found that worked for me and my wife. Enjoy this part of your journey.
Hello Fiona,
I really appreciate your message. I am very hopeful that you both can restart your relationship, it would be so wonderful to have Fiona and your partner in your life, the best to you both.
Hugs and kisses,
A brief update to the situation from the first post on this thread.
We met last night for our second 'first date' in the same place as the original one all those years ago. We sat with our drinks and talked, and I came to understand a lot about where she was coming from. I'm sure she already knew what I was struggling to string the words together to say to her about my feelings and hopes, she always did know me better than I do 🙂 Not an eyelid was batted at my (very basic, as described above) presentation - 'they're just normal clothes' was the only comment.
So, it's all positive thus far. Progress has been made, emotionally and practically - a little, but none the less significant for it. It might be a few weeks before we've both got the same time free to get together for another date, but we've agreed the next stage of my femme presentation to test her reaction to. Meanwhile we've still got some times together doing our regular Community Fridge collection runs, when I can now present the same way as I did last night.
I loved the title... I was secretly hoping this was a Star Wars reference, and it was!! I could digress for hours about the parallels of Star Wars characters and the struggles we face.
That's wonderful and curious that your ex wants to start over with Fiona. Best wishes!
So happy for you, Fiona,
We seldom get second chances in life on important issues. Congrats!
I didn’t have the greatest day yesterday and I won’t bother going into details. But this was something quite uplifting to wake up to and read.
I am so happy for you, Fiona! I really hope that she gives it a chance to work out. That would be so wonderful for both of you!
What spectacular news. It’s a start.😊