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I just ran across a human-interest topic about Megan Fox - or more specifically, her son. He is 6 years old, has a strong fashion sense (says mom) and often wears dresses to school. Also gets laughed at by some of the boys, even in SoCal. He seems able to shrug it off, however.
How about that?
That's pretty cool!
I guess, aged 6, it's relatively easy to shrug off - it's later that things get interesting.
At my secondary school (age 11-18), if you were slightly different to average, you got picked on.
Vegetarian in the 1970s?
Expect a regular beating, and people trying to force ham sandwiches or sausages into your mouth.
Expect a regular beating from the sporty types.
Not sporty?
See above.
Tall, thin, poorly dressed because you grow out of clothes that your hard up parents can't afford to keep buying?
Several reasons for a beating.
Excel at any academic subject?
Girly swot, get a beating.
A bit shy and retiring?
Creative? Made anything impressive in pottery or even something a bit more manly, like woodwork? Acted in any plays? Performed at a concert?
Ok, I'll stop - you get the picture!
Feel like wearing girls clothes?
You're dead.
Life is so much better for kids now, and that's fantastic!!!
Love Laura
Yes, Laura; Been there, done that (mostly), got the beatings.
That's a bloody shame, but I suppose you are right about
nothing to gain my mentioning it now. On the other hand:
My younger daughter was raped by a "friend of a friend', and
I went looking for him with an M2 carbine in hand. I never
found him, but he was arrested and release on bail, which he
jumped. So far as I know, he is still a fugitive. That was
30 years ago, but if I had him in my sights, I would seriously
consider risking the consequences. I'm very much "old school"
in matters of that sort.
Hi Bettylou..........I guess that you have found that the world and the sexes are changing. More and males around what to be females!!! We are living in interesting times. New World Lines is a site with boys/girls are going go gung ho for being girls and sports and pagent fashions. Sooo check it out. I more only......go have fun girls/boys.
Dame Veronica
Much ado about nothing!
Never heard of Megan Fox but I should guess that she's some kind of minor celebrity?
With people like this any free media exposure gets 'em on a gossip show to flaunt their lack of talent and of course she will be enjoying and encouraging her sons dressing up games. Children are no more than a designer handbag to these attention seekers and we can only hope that her boy can lead a normal life when she has grown tired of him.
She more notorious than famous, but in Hollywood there is no such thing as bad publicity. Parents who really care keep their kids out of the limelight, and the others are surely damaged to some extent.