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Hi Ladies. So if your SO suddenly gave you the green light, or you found yourself unexpectedly on your own, would you dress full time? This question has been on my mind quite a bit recently. I mean I'm a man. No dysphoria. I'm one of the lucky ones. But I have this quite ridiculous urge to wear women's things and make myself pretty. I would so love some sort of explanation for this as it's a complete mystery to me but there we go. I'm not alone.
Many of you will know I'm actually less than an occasional dresser at the moment 😢. I've been married 37+ years. It's been a good union and we have two wonderful daughters. But it hasn't been plain sailing. We are total opposites and this is causing some challenges, more so as we age. I would never rock the boat by leaving her, but it's not beyond the bounds of possibility that we may one day find ourselves no longer together.
Perhaps in trepidation I find myself consoling myself that if this momentous event were to occur at least I would be able to get far more in touch with my girly side, rather like some of our devastated members who have lost their SOs. I've always thought that if I found myself on my own my dressing would still be an occasional thing. Maybe once every week or two I would slip into a nice dress and heels. Nice hair. Try to figure out the complete mystery of makeup. But the more I think about this the more I wonder whether my feminine side would assert itself more powerfully. I mean there I'd be lazing in bed (I'm very happily retired) and I might spot a discarded bra lying in the corner of the room. So easy to pop that on and a pair of tights and panties. Then I see my favourite dress on a hanger. OK, just slip that on, and a sensible pair of girly shoes. Look in the mirror. Oh, I need some hair. Then from my dressing table pop on some lippy and eye shadow. Some nice earrings and a necklace and suddenly I'm Chrissie, all in the space of a few minutes. Once in a while I'd go full glam. Shorter dress, higher heels, stockings and belt, nails, and give the makeup the full treatment. I've concluded it would definitely happen. I'd be pretty much full time. And that sounds very exciting.
I'd love to hear the views of you lovely ladies. What do you think girls?
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Probably, I more or less dress everyday now unless I'm going to town and then I'm underdressed.
Unlike Lacy, I tend to fully dress ONLY when I'm going to town, although I do wear a skirt in the evenings because it's more comfortable.
Would I dress full-time? No.
I would dress a lot more if I could get out and about in the village (I'm working on that) but the thought of having to go through that whole rigmarole every, single, day—makeup, wig, underwear, etc.—just wouldn't appeal; sometimes it's quicker, easier and more comfortable—especially in the summer—to just chuck on a T shirt and a pair of shorts.
In the springtime, I do a lot of digging and planting in my large garden and the fewer clothes I can wear while doing that, the better.
I like dressing up, but I have to have a reason to do it and a reason doesn't come along every day.
And that's me.
given the opportunity to become Natalie full time meaning clothes, wig , heels, makeup , I would not. I don’t it in me to be a woman or even an imitation of one. I just love to play dress up. I enjoy living as a man and being masculine in public life with no dysphoria. It’s exciting to me as a part time escape and not something I would want to do every single day. That being said I think women’s clothes are superior. I think they compliment my body more than men’s clothes and the fabrics are more comfortable to me. I’d say if there was zero social stigma about it I would most likely be in a skirt or dress most days instead of pants. I think when we cannot dress we begin to fantasize about full time life as a woman. I had some thoughts like this as a kid. But now that I’m on my own and can pretty much dress when I want, those wants have all but gone away. The occasional 1-2 day adventures as Natalie are enough to get these feminine feelings out of my system for a while
If given the go ahead I definitely would. I feel so much better as Alexis. When I go back as my male self I feel something is missing. As Alexis I'm more sensitive and compassionate and in tune with other people's needs. I see everything differently. I also enjoy being a girly girl. Like to cuddle up with my SO and enjoy a good girl movie. It's to bad how society judges us it would be simpler if we all could accept people for who they are,and not who they think we should be. I love my feminine self
Alexis Grace 💋 xoxo
Given the opportunity,if all was right,I would jump at the opportunity to go female full time.YES,YES,YES.
I would dress up more frequently in my home and look for more meetups with girl friends. But I do not think I would do it full time.
@chrisfp99 Hey girl! As I think I've noted previously my GF of 10yrs is 100% on board - I can be Melodee as much as I like. That tends to be 3-5 days/month
I was on a walk some days ago with her and we were talking about the process of getting ready. In thinking about it I said, "If it took me no more time & effort that it takes you (me ~2hrs, her ~40min) I might stayed dolled up for quite long periods of time." After some discussion, I said a month straight easy...possibly more. Of course, this would be in some alternate universe where I didn't have to work, but the discovery for me was that I could easily see being in girl-mode for long stretches.
In reality, it the shaving and the extra layers of makeup and the nails that make doing it for extended period untenable. My longest stretch was 5 days at Keystone last March, and I was more than ready to give it a rest.
In a perfect world I would definitely be full time! I have taken a couple of surveys that were linked to forums on this site that found me somewhat dysphoric. I have told my wife about this side of me, and that I wish I could live as a woman. She has been amazing! She suggested that I get my ears pierced, so of course I did. Although she is not ready to see me in heels, forms or makeup, I do wear skirts, and dresses most evenings. I also wear leggings, and ballet flats when I am home during the day. Makeup is still very much a mystery, but I would love to spend some time working at it.
I would most likely lose most of my friends, and alienate most of my family if I did go full time, so Lara is a homebody, but life at home is pretty good!
If I could I would definitely do this so I could always be me
Hi Chrissie, if i was to end up on my own sometime in the future I would be Roz 24/7, all my drab man clothes would end up in the charity shop and all my fem clothes would be hung up in my wardrobe, at the moment though I'm just a part time CDresser whenever the opportunity presents its self,
Hugs Roz X
The advantage of being a crossdresser rather than trans is that we can pick and choose. As a rule, I prefer dressing as female.
Since losing my job a few months back, I have been living as Cerys, occasionally dipping back into male mode when necessary. The past four days have all been in male mode. Cerys takes a lot of effort in the mornings. After weeks of being Cerys, I decided not to bother. I might put a skirt and top on for around the house, but if going out, I'd go back to jeans and a shirt. I'd not bother with bra and boobs, or hair and make up. Going mainly full time is great, but it's also great to go back to male mode occasionally. Being a woman, or at least presenting as one, is hard work!
Hi Chrissie,
In 2019, I found out if Lisa might like to dress as a femme full-time. Lisa emerged every day for two weeks while my wife toured the United Kingdom. I discovered that I only dressed up from the early evening hours through the following day until after breakfast. For the next eight to ten hours, I reverted to my masculine side. By the end of the second week, I had reached burnout, and I needed a rest from the work it took to be Lisa. However, if I had an SO who FULLY supported my dressing up in any way I wanted, her participation would significantly affect my desire to dress more. In the end, I need to divide my time between my masculinity and my feminity. Both sides are essential to who I am.
Lisa Ann
I'm an occasional dresser - a recreational dresser if you will. For me, the ability to switch back and forth at will is exactly the point. To be able to present and pass fully as my feminine self is my ultimate, altho likely unattainable, goal. On occasion I have allowed Kris to be the dominant psychological presence for a few days straight - like at Keystone - but I always return to my male self when the time comes without too much resistance. I don't see that changing, even if the opportunity arose. I wouldn't mind the chance to make the switch more frequently tho.
An interesting question and replies.
I get to dress pretty mush everyday in the mornings while my wife is still sleeping. I put on lipstick but no other make up due to the time it takes to put it on and take it off, I would love to wear make up if it wasn't for the time factor. My ears are pierced and I wear earrings 24/7, studs and hoops most of the time but fancy dangling ones when I dress at home. I just recently started going out in drab while wearing panties which feels wonderful. In answer to the question - yes. I would wear female clothing exclusively. There are enough things in female attire to be able to go out and blend in. I would wear dresses and skirts when the opportunity arises. While I understand what some have said about the time involved in presenting female, personally, I don't see it as a hinderance. Yes a certain amount of make up would be needed but with time and practice that wouldn't take as long to put on. I am a man and will never be a woman, however, that doesn't mean I can't allow my feminine side to show itself. I would love to be able to do as others do and go out en femme from time to time but in my current situation that isn't possible. If I were on my own I would. I admire those that can and those that dress androgynously.
I think for many of us our dressing has evolved over time so do what you can, have aspirations to reach for and enjoy your journey.