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A question for UK ladies

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Ladies in the US seem to have so much choice when it comes to CD clothing, footwear, wigs, make up sessions, etc.  as can seen if only from the adverts on this forum, never mind a search engine. I struggle however to find many retailers in the UK, online or otherwise, that cater to us UK ladies in a similar vein. I have ordered stuff from Translife (which is UK based) and I use Temu extensively for cheap stuff that [usually] fits but where are the full-blown man-sized shoe/dress shops accessible to UK users without the huge postage charges to get stuff from the USA? Suggestions/recommendations?


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Eminent Member     Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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@rebeccabaxter Hi Rebecca. Yes, UK based is a problem. I use for large size ladies shoes/boots. Granted there are shipping charges as they are in Spain but their prices are reasonable and they are well made. I tend to buy three or four pairs at a time to help keep costs down. I get their wide fit ballet flats on a regular basis for everyday wear.

Hope this helps.

Steffy X.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@safoulds Might try some from there as shipping to the UK is 15 Euros but I wonder if customs are going to add VAT on arrival in the UK. I caught out once when I bought a digeridoo from Australia (yes, really). The didge was about £150 but by the time I'd actually got it in my sticky mitts, with shipping, import duty and VAT (yes, they add VAT to the import duty!) plus transport from Heathrow (plus VAT), it had cost not far short of £250. I went so far as to phone the VAT people to explain that I'd bought an Aboriginal artifact which had a much lower VAT rate, but they insisted it was a musical instrument. I said it only played one note and by their definition a metal dustbin lid or a set of spoons could be considered a musical instrument. They enjoyed my argument but were relentless in their pursuit of their VAT. I paid, vowing never to get caught out again.

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Eminent Member     Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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@rebeccabaxter Not sure about the VAT or even import duty as I haven't bought from them since Brexit. That could really bump the price. Perhaps an email to Andypola may be able to enlighten?


Steffy. X.

Baroness Annual
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I have only had experience of ordering from one particular overseas company. They advise on their website that UK customs tend to ignore requesting VAT / Import Duty if the declared value of the goods is less than about £135. I have kept the value below this threshold for each of my orders and as a result I have not been charged. There is no guarantee that this will always work though.

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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I'm quite a big girl (6' 00",190 lbs). I wear a size 18 dress, 42B bra and size 8 shoes. I find most mainstream women's shops carry a good selection suitable for me. I particularly like dresses from Roman. Good value too. The items I struggle with a bit are stockings and tights. They almost always seem to be one size, which tends to be a little small for me. I'm not ready for shopping in person so the fun of a charity shop is out for me xx.

Baroness Annual
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Hi Chrissie, I order a lot of hosiery for both myself and my wife from Many of the brands come in a variety of sizes. They have items at all price points so there is always a vast range to choose from. Delivery is very quick (sometimes received them less than 24 hours from ordering).

Rebecca xxx

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thanks Rebecca, I'll check them out xx.

(@Anonymous 94440)
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I am US based but I have had success buying from the UK based retailer Long Tall Sally. I’m 6’3” and size 13.5 shoes. They have a great selection of larger women’s shoe sizes that I’m not able to find in the states. Hope this helps some of you ladies. 

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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In terms of makeover services, the SW of England is particularly ill-served. I think the closest one to you (not actually that close at all) is in Bath 🙁

Wigs ... you have of course got 'South West Wigs' in Truro.

CD clothing bought from CD suppliers tends to look like exactly that ... CD clothing. I've nothing against them, but what they offer can be very limited. I prefer to wear actual women's clothes, rather than 'women's clothes made for men', and I've never had any problem at all getting most of the stuff I need from either Next or Marks and Spencer.

Next is also, perhaps surprisingly, a good place to source shoes in larger sizes ... including 'wide fit' options. That said, I buy most of my shoes from eBay. I filter by 'Women's shoes' and 'Auction only', and then by all the other options such as style, colour, size and so on. I've rarely ended up paying more than £10 including p&p, in fact averaging around £6, everything that's arrived (bar one pair) has been a perfect fit and they're all reputable brands such as Clarks and Saxone 🙂

Don't be tempted to buy shoes from Shein. They offer larger sizes and the prices are very attractive, but they fall apart very quickly!

Ellie x

(@Anonymous 94440)
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@ellyd22 That shoe warning is good to know,thank you.   I'm a 9 so Next and New Look seem to accomodate my size but not always the style I would prefer.  I'm currently looking for a closed toe (I have bad looking toes) with ankle strap and a cone or block type heel.  They seem to be a bit rare to find just now "at the right price".

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@elaines I'm a UK9 too 🙂

For what you're after I'd DEFINITELY start with the Auctions section of eBay.

Filter by UK 9 (and also 9.5 for good measure), colour, heel height/type and price range and go from there.

If you don't see what you're after straight away you can always set this bunch of criteria as a 'Saved Search'.

I usually find that I'm the only bidder on most things. My main vice is ankle boots.

Ellie x

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 618

@elaines I may be shooting myself in the foot (pun intended!) but have you tried Vinted?

I wear a 9 and find New Look's 9/43 to be just about right - especially if it's also a wide fitting one. I know what you mean about styles, but that is obviously a problem with fashion 🙂 I've bought several pairs of shoes and boots from Vinted since I discovered them last autumn. I don't think I've paid more than a tenner for a pair.

(@Anonymous 94440)
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@caroline2k Hi,  I have avoided Vinted as my daughter has used it in the past and don't want to be outed by it.  Not sure if I made a profile if it may get recognised.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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@elaines I set up an account with Vinted. I used a different email app and created a new address then you can choose to have your purchases sent to a pickup point, a shop or, more recently, Inpost have lockers at loads of places now. There are certainly some great bargains to be had and mostly for new stuff. Like everything else, there's pros and cons but it serves me well x

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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@elaines I have a fem profile and it all seems fairly anonymous. One useful feature is that they deliver to collection lockers as well as home address. I tend to use the lockers as the postage is cheaper than home delivery 🙂 Plus it saves having to hang around for the delivery.


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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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@caroline2k Hi, Caroline, one downside I've experienced with Vinted is that some sellers give you the choice of carrier but others don't and I've already lost two packages to yodel 😡. Other than that, I've found amazing deals, I got a pair of black patent Mary Jane shoes size uk11 for a tenner. They look brilliant with a black so-called "skater" dress. 😊

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Noble Member     Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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@alexina Hi Allie 🙂

I must admit there was one item from Vinted that wasn't in the locker when I went to collect it, but I got a refund for that (surprisingly!) without too much difficulty.

Mind you, that was In-Post. I have had dealings with Yodel in the past, and would never use them again (they 'lost' a guitar effects unit I was selling on Ebay in their warehouse and refused to take any further action).

Oh, there are some amazing deals - my latest purchase was a pair of size 9 thigh boots for £5! I thought it must be some mistake or that they'd be an American size 9, but took a punt anyway... and when they arrived, they were a perfect fit! Mind you, they do smell of Febreeze! 😀

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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@caroline2k I just cancelled a sale on Vinted because the seller insisted on yodel, I lost all trust in them ages ago. All in all though, I'll keep using Vinted because most of the stuff I've bought is new at sometimes ridiculous prices (thigh boots for a fiver!). Last week I picked up, from an Inpost locker, a pair of Betsy Johnson heeled sandals. I checked online and they're available from the USA for $99. I paid £3.50!!! Happy me 😊

(@Anonymous 94440)
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@caroline2k I will let you know my experience when my shoes and dress are ready for pick up. But yodel do not inspire confidence. 

Thigh high boots! Nice.

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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@rebeccabaxter I'm in Cardiff. There is nothing that I know of with regards to dressing services near me. Maybe someone knows different. Clothes.... I'm an 18 in dresses and tops, and a 16 in skirts/trousers etc. I buy in normal shops. Primark is good but tend to be a size down, so buy a bigger size. Roman are great, but again they tend to size small. Both are great when asking to try stuff on. 

Charity shops. Brilliant places. 80% of my extensive wardrobe is from charity shops. 

Shoes are a pain. I'm at least a 10.... Primark sometimes do boots in a size 9. These fit me well. Yours sometimes do larger shoes. They are OK for larger size clothes but can be expensive, and not that stylish. 

Asos often do larger sized shoes. 
Heels in anything about a size 8 are very difficult to find. "Specialist" shops are very expensive unless you want "typically tranny" unpractically high heels. Normal 2 or 3 inch heels in larger sizes are hard to come by. Producers seem to think that all crossdressers want 6 inch heels... OK we do, but we also want "normal" shoes 🙂

Specialist crossdresser outlets are over priced. I think they know they can charge what they like as a lot of us want to be discrete.... Don't fall for it. Just go to normal shops.

Get your ears pierced.... Clip ons are hard to come by and can be expensive. No one will care if you get your ears pierced. I got mine done at 54!


Happy hunting!


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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I got my ears pierced a couple of weeks ago, I have had looks from people I know but when I told my son (via a picture over Whatsapp) he said 'cool'; I have yet to tell him just why I got them pierced but since I didn't bat an eyelid when he told me, years ago, that he was gay, I reckon he owes me one Smile .

(@Anonymous 94440)
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@rebeccabaxter I had one ear pierced many years ago, hippy stuff. Thinking of following your lead.

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Eminent Member     Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
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@dazzler not really a dressing service but I used jax makeup in Bristol. She's really nice and used to us lot

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Duchess Annual
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Hi Rebecca, I have struggled with shoes but I generally do well with Amazon. I did look at Transformation but I didn't care for what they had. If you are looking for dresses I particularly like Roman Originals and Grace Karin. The latter only recently started selling in the UK.

My biggest current problem is finding a pair of classy knee high boots.



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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Thanks for those suggestions. Roman have their own UK site and Grace Karin have a substantial presence on Amazon, I especially like the GK stuff.

Duchess Annual
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Reputable Member     Caterham, Surrey, United Kingdom
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@rebeccabaxter You are welcome. I know what you mean about Grace Karin, I have twice bought dresses from them in two different colours!

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Virtually all of the outerwear I've ever bought comes from charity shops. You're obviously at the mercy of whatever they happen to have in, but you can usually find something if you search hard enough. Shoes are more of a problem, depending on your size.

For new clothing retailers, Evans caters for size 16 up, and have shoes in larger sizes.

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(@Anonymous 94440)
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@jacquelinelarkspur I love those shops! I have been going to them since the 80s and have found them to be less intimidating than a large retail format. Even back then the owners were always understanding and kind when I shopped en femme. I always ensure I buy at least one item to support them and ensure I am warmly received next time. Many times I encountered interesting women running them who were exotic and fun.

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Eminent Member     Hastings, East Sussex, United Kingdom
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I agree appears to be far wider choice for US.  I am UK based, I use charity (thrift) shops (10 in my town) mostly and take a tape measure with me to check pit to pit, extra rib, etc.  Also, they often have discounted hose.  

Shoes; I go online (mostly Ebay) as a better choice in my size.  Am 8½ so I buy a 9.   I've not a seen anyone mention, it appears quite good.     

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(@Anonymous 94440)
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@alwayshave Charity shops are good to look around and thats the only on most High Streets now. Vinted and others are useful as well.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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I can second Roman, as well. I ordered a dress from them that looked as if the long sleeves would be wide enough to take my arms and everything was fine.

They shipped to Canada at a reasonable cost and, IIRC, they don't charge for shipping in the UK above a certain purchase price.

You might want to search old messages on CDH, too. I think that there are other threads including more tips.

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(@Anonymous 94440)
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Yes Roman Origionals all day.  Only had one (size 18) dress that was too tight. 

I'm a 16 bottom and 18 top.  Have you tried their eBay outlet store

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Seems there is a choice after all. I agree with the clothes thing wherein if you go to cross-dresser shops you get dresses for men, which is not really the point. I have been buying plus-size clothes from Temu and they have been surprisingly good. I have got shoes from them but as with Shein, they may not last that long, but having said that, I have a pair of ankle boots that seem to be pretty good quality, the wedge sandals not so much.


Good to hear about Next and M&S, I have bought stuff from the latter but will have a look at Next when I go to Exeter next week.


Didn't know about the wig shop in Truro, I'll have to pop down there on the motorbike when the weather gets a bit better (parking for cars is a bit crap).


My hip pads, wig (although I have a cheap pne from Temu which is a lot better than I expected) and breast forms should be coming from Translife soon (I hope), then I can really go to town on the sizing.


At the moment, I am a (UK) size 18, and most things seem to fit me ok, although i'd like to lose a little more weight around the middle. Shoe size is always a (UK) 9 and if I can find them, shoes and boots usually fir quite well. Have to watch the heel height though as the most I can do without cramping is 3 1/2 inches, plus my old knees really can't cope with anything higher. I find I can walk in 3" heels all day.



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You haven't stated your sizes so can only base it on my experience which may mirror others. Any trans supplier has clothes that fit but are limited and the prices are a bit ouch as they may have a small turnover.

I started using mail order shops when I started out, god I am old! It hadn't occurred to me that I should be looking at mainline catalogues. Of course now we have the internet.

Any womens online shop stock clothes for crossdressers, as clothes are clothes. If you get it wrong a returns service is available and it's better to buy from U.K suppliers.

Firstly know your clothes size and be sure of your style. Any good online retailer has a size chart so get your bust measurement with forms, waist size and lengths. Check against size charts as they do vary. If in doubt pass it by.

Bras sizing is fairly straightforward as it is your chest measurement plus, cup size. The cup size is what your boob size is and the style has to be able to hold the insert.

Underwear, again know your size and be practical about what to wear. Most good retailers will have a size guide.

Hosiery is sized, some stores do XL but usually L is as big as they go.

Shoes in the mainstream shops are usually up to a UK 9 but some do 10's and larger. otherwise E bay may throw up a few.

Wigs. There are wig stores available in the UK but beware of those offering wigs that look like premium brands at cheap prices. Look online and if you see a wig you think is you go onto you tube and see if they have channel that will show the wig in its entirety. Some online stores do have a video. If you are serious about looking natural in a wig then the advice is to pay as much as you can afford. Obviously if you are starting out and finding your style then the cheaper wigs are a way to find your style.

Some charity shops do have online sales so worth a look.

I do use E bay but look for UK shops that have size charts and returns, private sellers are a bit more of a lottery as they may not have a returns and again good private sellers put in measurements but you can also ask a question to the vendor.

I am lucky to but in person but TU at Sainsburys, George at ASDA and Izabel of London but have shopped online with them and the sales give great bargains. My favourite wig store is Valentines as they have offers, best prices for premium brands and a good service. Josephs wigs is also a good one I have used.

Naturally there are plenty of other UK stores online and there has been some highlighted above. It's down to style.



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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Very comprehensive and helpful Angela, thanks! I'll have to check out some of your suggestions xx.

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Eminent Member     Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
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ASOS have a range of shoes to fit larger feet.

M&S have some via mail order


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Estimable Member     Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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My last four dresses have all come from Matalan, I have found that there styles and sizes ( I am 12) fit and suit me the best.

 I have also found that Newlook shoes (size 9) fit me best and I love the pair of stilettos that I bought from them just before Christmas.

However for my underwear I am definitely a M&S girl 

Samantha xx

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Same here for M&S underwear.

May I ask what's your drab shoe size? 

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Estimable Member     Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 135

@jacquelinelarkspur Hi Jacqueline

my normal shoe size is an 8, the size 9 stilettos from New look are a perfect fit for me when you take into account the heel size.

Samantha xx

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Thank you, Samantha. My drab size is 10. I generally find a 9 will fit, if a bit on the close side for my toes!

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur Hi, Jacqueline, my drab size is 10/11 depending on the make and quality. My Mary Jane shoes are uk 11's and I feel my toes at the front a bit. I find open toe shoes and sandals at size 9 fit fine though,especially if they have a strap heel like my latest buy, gold block heels in my pics x

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Thank you, Alexina. I've always preferred shoes with a fully enclosed toe, but I may give sandals a try sometime!

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur I'm with you. Going to try some sandals in May. I'm thinking strappy, maybe silver with a mid heel. Any suggestions girls? xx

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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@chrisfp99 Well, each to their own but I like strappy with the long ties that go up to mid calf, I strongly suspect they'll be among my next bout of OMG They're gorgeous, I must have them! Purchases ha ha x


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