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Ladies in the US seem to have so much choice when it comes to CD clothing, footwear, wigs, make up sessions, etc. as can seen if only from the adverts on this forum, never mind a search engine. I struggle however to find many retailers in the UK, online or otherwise, that cater to us UK ladies in a similar vein. I have ordered stuff from Translife (which is UK based) and I use Temu extensively for cheap stuff that [usually] fits but where are the full-blown man-sized shoe/dress shops accessible to UK users without the huge postage charges to get stuff from the USA? Suggestions/recommendations?
Hi Rebecca, I have struggled with shoes but I generally do well with Amazon. I did look at Transformation but I didn't care for what they had. If you are looking for dresses I particularly like Roman Originals and Grace Karin. The latter only recently started selling in the UK.
My biggest current problem is finding a pair of classy knee high boots.
Virtually all of the outerwear I've ever bought comes from charity shops. You're obviously at the mercy of whatever they happen to have in, but you can usually find something if you search hard enough. Shoes are more of a problem, depending on your size.
For new clothing retailers, Evans caters for size 16 up, and have shoes in larger sizes.
I agree appears to be far wider choice for US. I am UK based, I use charity (thrift) shops (10 in my town) mostly and take a tape measure with me to check pit to pit, extra rib, etc. Also, they often have discounted hose.
Shoes; I go online (mostly Ebay) as a better choice in my size. Am 8½ so I buy a 9. I've not a seen anyone mention www.everything5pounds.com, it appears quite good.
I can second Roman, as well. I ordered a dress from them that looked as if the long sleeves would be wide enough to take my arms and everything was fine.
They shipped to Canada at a reasonable cost and, IIRC, they don't charge for shipping in the UK above a certain purchase price.
You might want to search old messages on CDH, too. I think that there are other threads including more tips.
Yes Roman Origionals all day. Only had one (size 18) dress that was too tight.
I'm a 16 bottom and 18 top. Have you tried their eBay outlet store
Seems there is a choice after all. I agree with the clothes thing wherein if you go to cross-dresser shops you get dresses for men, which is not really the point. I have been buying plus-size clothes from Temu and they have been surprisingly good. I have got shoes from them but as with Shein, they may not last that long, but having said that, I have a pair of ankle boots that seem to be pretty good quality, the wedge sandals not so much.
Good to hear about Next and M&S, I have bought stuff from the latter but will have a look at Next when I go to Exeter next week.
Didn't know about the wig shop in Truro, I'll have to pop down there on the motorbike when the weather gets a bit better (parking for cars is a bit crap).
My hip pads, wig (although I have a cheap pne from Temu which is a lot better than I expected) and breast forms should be coming from Translife soon (I hope), then I can really go to town on the sizing.
At the moment, I am a (UK) size 18, and most things seem to fit me ok, although i'd like to lose a little more weight around the middle. Shoe size is always a (UK) 9 and if I can find them, shoes and boots usually fir quite well. Have to watch the heel height though as the most I can do without cramping is 3 1/2 inches, plus my old knees really can't cope with anything higher. I find I can walk in 3" heels all day.
You haven't stated your sizes so can only base it on my experience which may mirror others. Any trans supplier has clothes that fit but are limited and the prices are a bit ouch as they may have a small turnover.
I started using mail order shops when I started out, god I am old! It hadn't occurred to me that I should be looking at mainline catalogues. Of course now we have the internet.
Any womens online shop stock clothes for crossdressers, as clothes are clothes. If you get it wrong a returns service is available and it's better to buy from U.K suppliers.
Firstly know your clothes size and be sure of your style. Any good online retailer has a size chart so get your bust measurement with forms, waist size and lengths. Check against size charts as they do vary. If in doubt pass it by.
Bras sizing is fairly straightforward as it is your chest measurement plus, cup size. The cup size is what your boob size is and the style has to be able to hold the insert.
Underwear, again know your size and be practical about what to wear. Most good retailers will have a size guide.
Hosiery is sized, some stores do XL but usually L is as big as they go.
Shoes in the mainstream shops are usually up to a UK 9 but some do 10's and larger. otherwise E bay may throw up a few.
Wigs. There are wig stores available in the UK but beware of those offering wigs that look like premium brands at cheap prices. Look online and if you see a wig you think is you go onto you tube and see if they have channel that will show the wig in its entirety. Some online stores do have a video. If you are serious about looking natural in a wig then the advice is to pay as much as you can afford. Obviously if you are starting out and finding your style then the cheaper wigs are a way to find your style.
Some charity shops do have online sales so worth a look.
I do use E bay but look for UK shops that have size charts and returns, private sellers are a bit more of a lottery as they may not have a returns and again good private sellers put in measurements but you can also ask a question to the vendor.
I am lucky to but in person but TU at Sainsburys, George at ASDA and Izabel of London but have shopped online with them and the sales give great bargains. My favourite wig store is Valentines as they have offers, best prices for premium brands and a good service. Josephs wigs is also a good one I have used.
Naturally there are plenty of other UK stores online and there has been some highlighted above. It's down to style.
ASOS have a range of shoes to fit larger feet.
M&S have some via mail order
My last four dresses have all come from Matalan, I have found that there styles and sizes ( I am 12) fit and suit me the best.
I have also found that Newlook shoes (size 9) fit me best and I love the pair of stilettos that I bought from them just before Christmas.
However for my underwear I am definitely a M&S girl
Samantha xx