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My wife supports my crossdressing. She buys me clothes and makeup. My son not so much - he does not like to see me dressed.
It's a problem as he works from home.
My lovely wife has sorted things out.
There is a window on one day a week that lasts 4 hours where my son is away from home.
My wife has rearranged her schedule so i can have the whole 4 hours dressed - she will be there for 3 hours.
I love my wife.
I underdress as much as my job allows.
.Ayla -
That is very cinsiderate of her, you're very lucky to have an understanding wife. Enjoy your time when you have it.
Ayla, as you already know, you do have a wonderful wife and the fact that she will change her schedule for you is above and beyond. As far as your son not accepting I myself feel is more his problem than yours. Since it's your home that he's working from perhaps he should find somewhere else to work from. I know that is very simple for me to say because I don't know all the ins and outs but it's only fair to you to, that he lets you enjoy Ayla when you can and without his scrutiny.
Either way enjoy those 4 hours!
That is awesome and very supportive of your wife. Too bad more ladies could not be like her!
You are a very lucky lady indeed!
That's lovely Ayla. What a wonderful wife.